I am proud to be the CEO of the Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust. Our Trust was established in September 2017 and has grown rapidly in that time. All of our 18 schools have taken an active role in shaping our Trust, ensuring it is focused on making a real difference to all learners.  


As the Diocesan MAT for the Diocese of Liverpool, we have a very clear purpose, and an uncompromising vision. The right of all to have an excellent education is at the heart of everything we do. We aim to provide an innovative, high-quality education, so that all children and learners, regardless of background, ethnicity or need, make excellent progress, and fulfil their academic potential.


We do this through being a family of schools that support and connect, share practice, and provide an excellent education built on distinctly Christian values so that all children, learners and staff across our Trust, flourish.  Central to this are our core values of collaboration, difference, local and inclusion, and our commitment to ensuring that all learners thrive through an education that teaches wisdom, instils hope, nurtures community, and embeds dignity and respect. 


Our established networks provide exciting opportunities for schools to work together to create a fluid school improvement system. Our aim is to enable sustainable collaboration, with schools actively sharing best practice and supporting and challenging one another.


We are committed to supporting all schools both within and outside the Diocese, including community schools, and as we grow and develop further, we are very much looking forward to welcoming new schools into our Trust.


Laurie Kwissa
Chief Executive Officer

Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust (LDST)

The LDST CEO, Laurie Kwissa, our staff members and our children tell you all about our Trust, our schools, and what it's like to 'Learn, Love and Achieve, Together with Jesus', in an LDST school.




Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust

St James’ House
20 St James Road
Liverpool, L1 7BY

Telephone: 0151 705 2175

Email: contactus@ldst.org.uk

Website: www.ldst.org.uk





Company No: 09235635

The Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust is a Charitable Limited Company.

The following information can be found on the Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust website


GOVERNANCE AND STRUCTURE:  https://www.ldst.org.uk/governance-and-structure/

  • The names of the Charity Trustees/Directors
  • The names of the members of the Academy Trust


POLICIES: https://www.ldst.org.uk/legal-documents-and-policies/

  • Trust policies
  • Annual Reports relating to the Academy Trust
  • Annual Accounts
  • Memorandum and articles of association
  • Funding Agreement (including supplemental funding agreement where applicable)


ABOUT THE TRUST: https://www.ldst.org.uk/topic/about-us 

  • Welcome
  • Vision and Values
  • Who’s Who
  • Contact