Goose Green , Wigan , WN3 6SB
01942 243068

2016-2017 Gallery


Year 6 Disco

Summer Concert

Sports and attendance assembly

Mind Your Grammar

KS1 and KS2 Celebration of Learning

Reception's Celebration of Learning

Wigan Jazz Festival

RNLI Visiting Reception

St Paul's Choir sing at St Stephen's Church

Year 5 Visit to Robin Wood

Year 1 trip to Blackpool Zoo

Science Roadshow

Wellspring Launch

International Week

The Pop Project

The Pop Project came to teach the children about British Values through music.

Sports Day

Year 3

Victorian Inventions

Percussion Ensemble

R.N.L.I Water Safety Assembly

Easter Service

Year 5 enjoying their fruit kebabs

Year 3 forecasting the weather during their Topic lesson

Barney and Echo Internet Safety Roadshow

The Choir singing at the WOWS concert

Cake Sale

Potential Plus trip to the Sealife Centre