Goose Green , Wigan , WN3 6SB
01942 243068

Activities in the EYFS


21st June 2019

We have had a very healthy week in Reception this week. The Active Living Team came into school and we ran 'The Daily Mile.' We really enjoyed making smoothies on the smoothie bike and then made more smoothies in class. We held our own 'Mini Olympics' after Matt Leigh an Olympic Athlete came into school.


14th June 2019

On Monday the Science Roadshow came to school to demonstrate scientific experiments. We worked together to make scientific predictions. It was great fun. We have been reading traditional stories and acting them out in the Role Play area. Our favourite story was Red Riding Hood. We created collages of the forest and the characters from the story and we wrote our own story based on Red Riding Hood. In the Maths area we explored repeated patterns and made our own using beads and threads. In Construction we created Grandmas cottage and set the scene from the story. 


7th June 2019

This week we have been setting up our Garden Centre and enjoyed a flower number hunt. We have been writing lots of signs, labels and price tags for the shop. We have also written warning signs to help the 'Tiny Seed' to survive in the story and enjoyed our mini beast hunt.

24th May 2019

This week we have been learning the 'ear'sound in Phonics and have been on a listening walk to record what our ears can hear.

We are doing a super job at looking after our plants! The children will be taking them home over the holidays. Great teamwork from the children, working together to make a car wash for our scooters and working together to make cress sandwiches using the cress we had grown. 

17th May 2019

This week we have been discovering what our seeds need to grow. We have been creating repeating patterns in Maths and learning about halving and sharing into equal groups. We worked brilliantly as part of a team to transport the soil for our seeds, exploring ramps and working together, listening to each others ideas.

10th May 2019

This week we have been very busy planting a variety of different seeds. The children wrote lists of what they would need to plant a seed and put the instructions of how to plant it in order of sequence. We made beautiful and magical gardens in Construction, writing labels for our designs. In Maths we have been learning about halving and sharing into equal groups.

3rd May 2019

We have been continuing to learn about St George. We built castles in Construction and made shields which we had to design and pay for and did lots of measuring the height and width of St George's cross. We celebrated with a traditional English tea party. The children learned about halves and quarters by making cakes and sandwiches. We loved paying for our food when we had a buffet at the end of the week.


5th April 2019

This week the children estimated how many pine cones they could fit on the Easter egg. Then they counted the actual amount. We made Easter bouquets by arranging 10 flowers and leaves and adding them together. We measured the Easter cross using cubes and adding the height and width. The children really enjoyed going on an Easter egg hunt, ordering the eggs to 30 and counting out the correct number of natural objects to match.

Happy Easter Reception!


29th March 2019

This week we have been learning about 'The Easter Story,' retelling the story, acting it out and we have been busy making our 'Easter Bonnets.' 

We have enjoyed drawing the beautiful spring time flowers and describing them.

22nd March 2019

This week the children made an obstacle course from 'The Bear Hunt' story and travelled over, under, through and in between many obstacles. Some of the children also went on a Bear Hunt! 

We did lots of measuring and weighing in Maths and the children were amazing at counting in twos as we counted how many feet, wings, eyes the chicks had. Our chicks have now gone back to the farm an we have been writing 'Thank You' letters to the farmer.

15th March 2019

This week has been very exciting watching our chicks hatch. We have been writing about the chicks and listening to the story of 'Chicken Licken.' We have been building homes for the chicks and acting out the story with animal masks.



8th March 2019

This week we have been learning about Lent and went to church on Ash Wednesday. We explored how the church is a special place for Christians and made models of St Paul's Church. We all looked fabulous on World Book Day. Thank you for your support! Nanny McPhee worked her magic too!


1st March 2019

This week we have been 'Going on a Bear Hunt!' We made our own scenes from the story and also measured the bears. We talked about how the bear might be feeling at the end of the story and discussed what makes us feel sad/scared. We made our own caves in Construction and wrote warning signs! 

Our garden is looking beautiful as out springtime flowers are blooming! We also worked as a team and followed instructions to clean out the fish tank.

25th January 2019

Our listener this week is Jack and our estimator of the week is Isabella. We have been learning about where we live in Wigan and Wigan's famous landmarks. We enjoyed making these landmarks in Construction and listening to the music of George Formby.


18th January 2019

This week we have been learning the 'l' sound and had fun exploring lots of 'l' words and making models beginning with the 'l' sound. We have been adding amounts together using the toys from 'The Toys Party' story and writing lists of ingredients to make a cake for the party. We made a cake just like Kipper with some very unusual ingredients!

11th January 2019

Happy New Year Reception. This week we have been learning the letter 'f.' The weather helped us to learn this sound as we explored the frost and the fog! We also played the 'Jack Frost' game.  We started to learn about old and new toys as part of our topic and made a toy teddy bear in Construction.

21st December 2018

 We have enjoyed a very busy week in Reception.  We loved our pantomime and we were absolutely amazing in our christmas nativity.  We are very proud of all of the children who performed!  The children celebrated their achievements with a fun filled christmas party and Breakfast with Santa.  We wish you all a very happy christmas and a wonderful New Year.

14th December 2018

This week we have been busy creating our own Christmas decorations. We explored colour mixing while painting our decorations. The children were surprised that when mixing two colours together it made another colour! In Construction we have been busy designing and building a new stable for baby Jesus and a manger for him to sleep in. 

7th December 2018

This week we have been learning the names of 3D shapes and describing them. We explored which shapes rolled and which shapes did not roll. We enjoyed reading the story 'Can't you sleep Little Bear' and created our own reading cave for the bears. We have been learning about 'The Christmas Story' and in Construction built a special place for Baby Jesus to be born.


30th November 2018

This week we have been continuing our theme of celebrations. The children brought photographs in from home of their special celebrations and talked about them. We explored whether some celebrations were more important than others and why. We explored colour mixing to paint an orange flame for our Diva lights and made Diwali sweets.

23rd November 2018

This week we have been continuing with our 'Celebrations' topic  and we planted our bulbs ready for next Spring. We had a very special visitor, Rev. Mark who talked to the children about Baptism. Our class puppet Shirley was baptised. We learned about 'Diwali' the Hindu festival of light and designed our own Rangoli patterns.

16th November 2018

This week we have been choosing Respect as part of 'Anti-Bullying' week. The children came to school wearing odd socks and throughout the week learned how to show Respect to others. We wore yellow for 'Children in Need' and enjoyed estimating and counting how many bears we could fit on Pudsey Bear.

9th November 2018

This week the children have been weeding our garden area and recycling the waste in the compost bin. We explored colour, light and dark as we created pictures of fireworks. We learned about Remembrance Day, made poppies and a huge poppy using our bodies.

2nd November 2018

A 'Spooky Week' in Reception this week, reading 'Room on the Broom.' The children acted out the story after the 'invisible' witch visited our classroom. We estimated in Maths how many objects could fit on the broomstick and added one more each time. In Construction the children made a model of a new mode of transport for the witch! Using our Autumn collection of objects we made patterns in the style of Andy Goldworthy. We used the iPads to take photographs of our designs.

19th October 2018

As part of our Science topic this week we explored our taste buds. We tasted foods which were sweet, sour, bitter and salty and compiled a simple pictogram graph to show which taste we liked the best. We voted to name the fish as our class value is Democracy. 

12th October 2018

This week we enjoyed 'The Stick Man' story. We collected sticks whilst outside on our Autumn welly walk, counted them then ordered them by size. We continued our theme of 'Friendship' and learned about Jesus' 12 Disciples. We enjoyed pretending to be Jesus' friends at 'The Last Supper.'

5th October 2018

This week we started to learn our letter sounds. We had fun forming these letters in a variety of different ways. We slithered down the snake after making a huge letter 's' in the hall. In Maths we have been recognising numerals, ordering them and counting out the correct amounts to match. We have been exploring our number bonds to 6. We have been learning about our class value of friendship and listened to the story of Jesus as a friend and the 'Calming of the Storm.' The children made their own boats out of material.

28th September 2018

This week we have been learning our 'Golden Rules' in class. We have been learning to share and take turns with our friends just like 'Shirley' and 'The Little Red Hen.' We listened to the story of 'The Rainbow Fish.' In Maths we have been recognising numerals and ordering them. We enjoyed playing musical 'number' corners outside!

21st September 2018

This week we have been learning about our class value of 'Friendship.' We enjoyed listening to the story of 'The Little Red Hen' and talked about sharing with our friends and helping each other in class. The Little Red Hen was so impressed that she baked us some bread for us to share!

14th September 2018

We have had a fantastic first week in Reception, settling in and learning the routines. A huge well done to all of the children! We have been looking at ourselves and drawing self portraits. We have been talking about how we are special and special people in our families. We have also been learning about special people in school and Mrs Pennington our lollipop lady came into class to talk to the children about road safety. The children have enjoyed singing nursery rhymes and measuring each other using non - standard measures and comparing heights.

22nd June 2018

This week we all enjoyed our Sports Day and had lots of fun! We have been reading 'The Three Little Pigs' and exploring different materials and their properties. In construction we worked together to design and build our own houses for the three pigs. We made Gingerbread Men and worked out how much they cost. We had 2 special visitors this week. Doctor Quinn talked to the children about his work and demonstrated how to put bandages on. Jenny talked to the children about her Guide Dog and the children then took turns to guide each other around obstacles in the hall.

15th June 2018

This week we have loved making kites on a windy day! We are continuing to develop our petrol station and have been 'paying' for our petrol. In the reading corner we have been acting out the story of 'The Gingerbread Man' and designing and building something to help him across the river.

8th June 2018

This week we had a Tennis session and really enjoyed learning new skills. We also had a visit from the farm and loved meeting all of the animals. Outside we have started to make a petrol station which is still 'under construction.' We will be using money to pay for the petrol and will soon be introducing a 'car wash.'

25th May 2018

We have welcomed a very special visitor into school this week. The children enjoyed listening to a story read by Mark, a local author, about his dog and all of the children stroked her. We have continued counting in twos using 2 pences and a variety of objects including the animals from the story of Noah's Ark. Outside we enjoyed gardening and tidied up our garden area after our springtime flowers had bloomed.

18th May 2018

The 'mystery egg' arrived in Reception this week. We all wondered where the egg had come from and what was inside it? We are waiting patiently for it to hatch. We have been growing cress and made cress sandwiches. All of the children cut the bread in half and shared the cress equally between the two halves as in Maths we have been continuing to learn about doubles and halves. We observed our growing sunflowers and compared ours with the seeds which have no sunlight or water.

11th May 2018

We have been learning about doubling and halving amounts. The children shared a variety of objects equally between 2. We also shared our fruit when we made smoothies. Harry brought his caterpillars into class to show the children how they are changing into butterflies. Our seeds are changing and growing too! We have enjoyed reading Jack and the Beanstalk and working together to make models linked to the story.

4th May 2018

This week has been a busy week planting sunflower seeds. We have also been observing and comparing lots of different seeds and conducting simple experiments in class to find out what plants need in order to survive. We had a special visitor Gina who is a Paramedic. The children listened carefully as she described her job and we also explored how a Paramedic uses lots of 'measures' to link with our Maths topic. 

27th April 2018

In Reception this week we have been celebrating St George. The children mixed paints to make a green dragon and used small tools to represent the scales. In Construction the children made models linked to the story and they acted out the story of 'St George and the Dragon.' In Maths we have been learning about money and made a shield which we had to 'pay' for by adding two amounts together. We also measured the Dragon's tail using a variety of objects. We also learned about British Values and voted for Golden Time activities as our British Class Value is Democracy.

20th April 2018

This week we have been learning about looking after our bodies. We have a special visitor in Reception from the 'Active Living Team.' We learned about exercise, healthy eating and teeth brushing. We tried lots of different fruits and vegetables. We have really enjoyed outdoor play in the water especially exploring which tools were the best transporters of water from the bucket to the water tray.

29th March 2018

This week the children went on a Spring walk and looked for signs of Springtime. We collected sticks and ordered them by length and height. We enjoyed balancing and climbing outdoors. We constructed scenes from the Easter story in Construction and explored 3D shapes. Our bulbs which we planted in Autumn are all blooming! Peppa Pig also came to visit our class and brought us Easter eggs.

23rd March 2018

This week we have been learning the 'Easter Story.' We made and Easter Garden outdoors using the blocks and in construction. In Maths we have been learning how to record our subtraction number sentences and exploring the whole/part/part model. Our ducklings have also grown so much over the week and have now gone back to the farm. The children have thoroughly enjoyed being 'Duck Detectives.' Rev. Mark also enjoyed holding one of our ducklings. Our Easter bonnets are looking fabulous and are now ready for the Easter competition. 

16th March 2018

This week we have been continuing with our topic of Journeys and read 'Whatever Next.' The children acted out the story and went on a 'moon walk' outside. The children have been so excited due to our new arrivals! We have enjoyed watching our ducklings hatch and looking after our baby ducks. 

9th March 2018

This week the children made the dragon for Chinese New Year and performed the dragon dance. We collected sticks outdoors and ordered them by length and height. We compared the height/length of each other and measured using cotton reels. We have been creating repeating patterns using a variety of resources. In Maths we have also been learning how to add 2 amounts together using playdough balls.

2nd March 2018

This week we explored what happened when we brought the snow inside and we compared two bowls of snow. One of them had salt mixed in with the snow and the children compared which bowl of snow melted the fastest. Lucy was amazed when the bowl of snow which had salt in it was the fastest bowl to melt and it turned into water! We have been learning about Chinese New Year and making 'The Chinese Dragon.' The children have been folding and threading parts for the dragon. We have also been creating patterns and learning about healthy eating in our Chinese themed home corner.

16th February 2018

This week we have been decorating biscuits. We worked out how to make the icing sticky by adding water and we made our own icing. We measured and cut strawberry laces and split our biscuit in half. We then counted out 6 jellytots and shared them equally onto each half of the biscuit. We made characters in the craft area from the story 'Old Bear.' Parents were invited into our classroom to share our learning journals. They also took part in our challenges! We also went on a very cold 'Bear Hunt' winter walk and explored our local environment.