Goose Green , Wigan , WN3 6SB
01942 243068

Year 1

13th September

This week in English we have been continuing our work on ‘Old Bear’ and learning about using adjectives to describe objects. In Maths, we have been comparing and ordering numbers to ten. In Music, we have been learning to find and clap along with a steady pulse and in P.E. we have been travelling in different ways including galloping and side steps. In History, we have been sequencing historic flights. We also had a visitor in class to talk to us about healthy friendships.

New School Year

6th September

We have had a fabulous first week in Year 1!
This week we have been learning our new classroom rules and routines and sharing our news from the Summer holidays. In English, we shared our new class text 'Old Bear' by Jane Hissey and we have been writing sentences about the events of the story using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. In Maths, we have been focusing on place value of numbers 1 - 10. We have started our new topic on the 1969 moon landing in History and our new topic on the seasons and weather in Science. We have discussed our class Christian value of Thankfulness and talked about all the things we are thankful for.

7th June

This week in Maths, we have been learning to identify and add equal groups to multiply. In English, we have started to share our new story 'The Last Wolf' by Mini Grey and we have been trying to use higher level vocabulary in our writing. In Science, we have been talking about litter and how it is dangerous for wildlife and the environment. On Thursday, we had a lovely time at sports day. The children were fantastic! They showed great determination and resilience during each activity.

17th May

This week in English, we have been creating posters to save Black Rock and identifying vocabulary choices in our example text. In Maths, we have been learning how to solve word problems. In P.E. we have been learning to balance when walking on a line, on a bench and on a beam. In R.E. we have been talking about Baptism and how families welcome new babies

10th May

This week in English, we have been working hard to write the end of our return narratives while including words with suffixes -er -est -ing and -ed. In Maths, we have been learning about place value of numbers to 40 and have been learning how to identify number patterns using number lines. In R.E. we have been learning about how different faiths celebrate the birth of a baby. In History, we have been learning more about the Wright Brothers and have been sequencing their journey to building the Wright Flyer.  

8th March

This week, we have had lots of fun making out moving story book of Humpty Dumpty as part of our whole school Design and Technology week. We have creating, making and evaluating our project day by day while learning about mechanisms.

We have had a lovely time celebrating World Book Day. Everyone looked fantastic! The children wrote their own book review and talked to their friends about their favourite stories. We shared many of the books that were brought in and even joined a live zoom with an author.

9th February

This week in English, we have been continuing to discuss our class story - Hermelin by Mini Grey. We have been learning to use word with the prefix 'un' and suffixes 'er' and 'est'. In Maths, we have been learning to subtract from tens and ones using the part part whole model. In Science, we have been learning how to describe different materials and in History, we have been learning about school life in the past.

19th January

This week in Maths, we have been learning to compare and order numbers to 20. In English, we have been writing a character description of Hemelin the detective mouse and in our reading lesson, we have been sharing and discussing the story of Mr Wolf’s Pancakes.  In History, we have been learning about the difference between the past, present and future and in R.E., we have been exploring the story of Jesus calming the storm.

12th January 2024

We have had a lovely first week back. In English, we have been exploring our new class text - Hermelin by Mini Grey. In Maths, we have been learning about numbers to 20 and how to use efficient counting methods.  In History, we have started our topic exploring the history of St Paul's and in R.E., we have been learning the names of the disciples.

15th December

This week we have been very busy preparing for the school nativity performances. In English, we have been writing our instructions to catch magical creatures. In Maths, we have been finishing our work on positions. In Science, we have been learning about the life experiences of people who are audio or visually impaired. In R.E. we have reviewed the nativity story and completed our end of unit assessments

8th December

This week in English,  we have been planning and writing our first draft of our instructions. In Maths, we have been continuing our work on positions and ordinal numbers. In Geography, we have been learning about Wigan and exploring where Wigan is located on a map. In R.E., we have been learning about St Nicholas. We have been very busy practising our songs for the nativity.

1st December

This week we have been working really hard to improve our handwriting and presentation. In English, we have been learning about instructions in preparation to write our own next week. In Maths, we have been learning about ordinal numbers and in Science, we have been identifying things that you can hear. In Geography, we have been matching famous landmarks to capital cities of the UK and in R.E., we have been sequencing the story of the wise men’s journey to meet Jesus.

24th November

This week in Maths, we have been revising our work on place value, addition and subtraction using a range of strategies. In English, we have been learning about instructions and have been exploring imperative (bossy) verbs. In Science, we have been learning about the different parts of the eye and in Geography we have been looking at the landscapes of the UK. In R.E. we have been learning about Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem.

17th November

This week in English,  we have been working very hard writing our own version of Rapunzel. In Maths, we have been solving subtraction problems using pictures and in Science, we have been matching our senses to our body parts. In Geography, we have been learning about the four countries and four capital cities of the UK.

10th November

This week we have learning about Remembrance Day and learning about why we wear poppies. In English, we have been continuing our work on fairytale narratives and preparing to write our own version of Rapunzel. In Maths, we have been learning to subtract by crossing out and using the part part whole model. In Geography, we have been locating the UK on a world map and exploring the globe using google earth. In R.E., we have been talking about gifts that money cannot buy and remembering that Jesus is the greatest gift.

3rd November

This week, we have been exploring our new topics in Science, Geography and R.E.. We are starting to learn about the Senses in Science, The UK in Geography and Christmas in R.E.. In Maths, we have been using pictures to write number sentences. In English, we have been sharing our new class text 'Rapunzel' by Bethan Woollvin and we have been working hard to write sentences with full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.

20th October

This week in English, we have been writing messages to the toys in the story of Old Bear. In Maths, we have been using the part part whole model to add single digit numbers. We have been completing our end of unit assessments in History, R.E. and Science. We hope you have a lovely half-term break. See you on Monday 30th October.


13th October

This week we have been continuing our work on Old Bear in English. In Maths, we have been using the whole part part model in addition and in Science, we have been learning to identify the three different types of clouds - cirrus, cumulus and stratus. In History, we have been sorting information about the moon and space into fact and fiction and in R.E. we have been learning about Christian Aid and the charitable works they do around the world. 

6th October

We have had another great week in Year 1. On Wednesday, we celebrated harvest festival in the school hall and sang our harvest song ‘The famer plants the seed’. In English, we have been retelling the story of Old Bear and learning about the structure of a finding narrative. In Maths, we have been working on number bonds within 10. In Science, we have been plotting the amount of rainfall on a bar chart. In History, we have been finding information about the moon landing from historical sources. In R.E. we have been learning about the Jewish celebration of Sukkot.  

22nd September

We have had a great week in Year 1 this week. In History, we have been learning about the 1969 Moon Landing and we have been writing questions to Neil Armstrong. In English, we have been looking at grammar and language choice in our class text Old Bear in preparation to write our own finding story. In Maths, we have been learning to compare and order numbers to 10. On Thursday, we marked the International Day of Peace with a special assembly and wrote prayers.


15th September

We have had a very busy week in Year 1. In English, we have been sharing our class story – Old Bear by Jane Hissey and exploring how the characters were feeling when their friend was missing. In Maths, we are continuing to count forwards and backward from 0-10 and we are learning how write numbers in words. In History, we have discussed our new topic of the 1969 moon landing and sequenced pictures of flying inventions in chronological order, from hot air balloons to commercial aeroplanes of today. In R.E., we have learned about harvest festivals around the world and in Science, we have been talking about the seasons and the changing weather.

New School Year

8th September

Welcome to Year 1! We have had a lovely time seeing our friends again and meeting our new teachers. We have talked about the rules and routines in Year 1 and the children are settling in well. This week the children have started place value in Maths and have been finding missing numbers in number sequences. We have explored our new class Christian value – Thankfulness and we have said what we are thankful for. This year P.E. is on Monday and homework, spellings and reading books are given and collected in every Friday.

14th July

In English this week we have been busy completing our comics! I am amazed at the creativity of the children’s illustrations and the amazing stories they have written about the antics the villains and superheroes get up to at ‘St Paul’s Perfect Pupilsville’! In Maths we have been learning about time and telling the time to the hour and to half past the hour. In R.E. we have been writing a letter about forgiveness and describing a time when we forgave someone. In Geography we have been labelling a compass and used this to give directions on a map. This week we have also been to visit Year 2 which was very exciting! We also watched the Year 6 production and thoroughly enjoyed that! The best time was had during our end of term disco too where we had a lot of fun, danced and played games!

Please talk to your children about moving up into Year 2 as they may be feeling anxious or frightened about moving on, and as always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulker

7th July

In English the children have been getting creative with their comic strip stories and they have started to construct them by writing the beginning, middle and end as well the illustrations.  In Maths the children have begun learning about time, o’clock and half past the hour and have been working hard on remember the different parts of an analogue clock, such as hour hand and minute hand. Geography this week was linked with our Science topic on keeping God’s world safe and the children had the opportunity to create a Countryside Code poster, with Shaun the Sheep as the mascot, and enter into a competition! This week we also had our trip to St Paul’s Church and the children had a wonderful time learning all about the church and even had a scavenger hunt! We also took a walk outside the church and learnt so many interesting facts about the Cenotaph, the grave yard and the first St Paul’s Reverend’s tomb, thankfully the weather held up for us to enjoy this day!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulker

30th June

In English the children have been very busy planning the information needed to write their own comic strips. They have been creating the plot, the main characters, the villains, and the superheroes!  In Maths the children have been looking at fractions of halves and quarters and in Science the children have been sorting out rubbish into what can be recycled and what cannot and then reading a report on pollution and answering questions about the report. In RE the children have been busy designing a new coat for Joseph, thinking about the climate he lived in, how to keep him safe and what would have looked special at the time! In music we have been identifying and categorising musical instruments into the 4 areas of an orchestra; percussion, strings, woodwind and brass.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulker

23rd June 

In English we have been writing information texts during Drowning Awareness Week, to show awareness of water safety and to explain to others how to stay safe. We used capital letters, punctuation, expanded noun phrases and a lot of connectives! In Maths we have continued learning about multiplication and division by grouping and halving. In Science we have continued our topic on the environment and created posters about how to save the environment. In RE we wrote about how Joseph would have felt during different stages of his life, and how the children would have felt. In Geography we have been using a compass and drawing maps to show the directions from school to church.

We have had a very busy week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulker

16th June

In English this week we have been leaning about expanded noun phrases and how using these in our sentences makes our writing so much more interesting. In Maths we have been learning about doubles, how to calculate doubles and the language of doubles, for example double 5 equals 10. In Geography we have been learning about direction by using a compass and following maps to locate different landmarks. In RE we have continued our learning on Joseph and what it was like for him as a prisoner! We have been writing letters as if we were Joseph.

This week Year 1 have all been ‘Fabulous Phonics Superheroes’ as they completed their Phonics Screening Checks – I am so proud of everyone’s efforts and the confidence each child displayed going into, and during, the checks. Well done everyone!!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

9th June

In English this week we have been learning all about the prefix – un and how this changes the root word to make it the opposite, for example, happy goes to unhappy. In Maths we have begun our unit on multiplication, and we have been learning how to make equal groups to calculate the total, for example 4 groups of 5 equals 20. In Science this week we have started to look at the impact litter has on the environment and looking at ways in which we can make changes to this impact, such as recycling our rubbish. In RE, Year 1 have been learning all about Joseph, and focused on Joseph, the dreamer; we have been sequencing the story and talking about right from wrong. What a wonderful start to the term!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

19th May

In English this week we have been creating our own questions and looking at adding suffixes to root words. In Science this week we have been categorising animals by their diet and seeing if they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. In Maths this week we have been continuing our work on writing equations to show word problems. In RE we have looked at the scene of a Baptism and enjoyed having Revd Mark visiting! He baptised Alan, our class puppet. In Art this week we have been designing repetitive patterns and creating environmental sculptures. In Computing we have been looking at programmable robots and investigating the buttons on the beebots and beginning to learn about  


Have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

12th May

In Science this week we have been observing animals and describing their features, linking to English by using a lot of adjectives and then we were categorising animals into mammals, birds, amphibians, fish and reptile. In English this week we have been working on punctuation such as full stops, exclamation marks and question marks and we have been seeing how sentences are changed when different punctuation is used and creating our own questions. In Maths this week we have been working on how to add and subtract when working with word problems and we have been looking at ways to understand the relevant information. In RE we have continued to learn about Baptisms in preparation for our visitor, Revd Mark, next week who will demonstrate a baptism in our classroom! In History we have been looking at why The Wright Brothers are so famous and how they impacted on history. We discussed what made them so special and what it means to us today to be able to fly. In PSHCEE we have been working on being a good friend, using kind words and how to work together as a team.


Have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

5th May

In English this week we have been working hard on writing a non-chronological report all about lions! We have really worked hard on our research about lions so that we can write interesting facts about them, using adjectives to describe what they look like and what they do. In Maths this week we have been revising number bonds and we have been making number stories from pictures we looked at. In RE we have been looking at how different religions celebrate the birth of a child, and how those traditions are the same or different to how Christians celebrate the birth of a child through baptising them. In History we have been learning about the timeline of aviation and been creating our own timelines, looking at the first flight of a hot air balloon in 1783 to the first flight to space in 1961. In PE we have carried on with our ordinance skills and working as a team.

We have also been talking a lot about the King’s Coronation this weekend and how excited we all are to be a part of this historical event! We hope you all enjoy watching the King’s Coronation and I look forward to hearing what the children thought about it next week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

28th April

In English this week we have been changing verbs in a sentence to make them past tense and then writing our own sentences using the past tense, for example, ‘Today I am cleaning, yesterday I washed the dishes’. In Maths this week we have explored number patterns and identified what the next number is by counting up in 1s, 2s, 3s or more. In History, we learnt more about the Wright Brothers and looked at a timeline for aviation. We then had a go at drawing our own plane! In RE began to learn about what a baptism is and what they are for, this is a theme we will be continuing with this term! In PE this week we learn some ordinance skills outside and had a lot of fun working as a team to find things in the school grounds!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

21st April

In Year 1, we have been learning more about the Great Fire of London.  We have been developing our understanding of what happened and when as we prepare to write fact files about the events of the disaster.  In Maths, we have explore money and have found the differences between different amounts.  In Science, we are now learning more about materials and their everyday uses. 



31st March

This week we have had a lot of fun finishing off our Easter baskets ready for the gallery on Thursday! We have also enjoyed trying to win an Easter Egg in the tombola! In English this week we have finished our poetry topic and have been learning about imperative verbs! They are so bossy! In Maths this week we have continued with our numbers to 40 and have been learning how to write the numbers, for example 21 is twenty-one, 22 is twenty-two and recapping on how many tens and ones are in each number.

In Science this week we finished our topic on plants and we have really enjoyed learning all about different flowers that are in our gardens, school and in the wild as well as the different types of trees and how we can identify them! In Geography we have finished our topic on our local area, Wigan. We have really enjoyed learning about Geographical features and how to read a map using a key. In RE this week, we have finished our Easter story topic and we thoroughly enjoyed the school’s Easter Service at St Pauls Church!

We hope you have a love Spring Break and look forward to seeing you all next term!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

24th March

This week in English we have begun reading Iggy Peck Architect and identifying rhyming words, which has linked to our previous learning in maths with measuring. We have been working hard on identifying rhyming words and been making lists of rhyming words such as dog, frog, log, fog. In maths we have begun to look at numbers to 40 using our tens and ones to add numbers. We have used a range of resources, such as tens frames and number lines to help us add and looked at patterns in numbers, such as counting in 5s and 10s.

In Science this week we have been learning about trees and how to identify different trees by their leaves using our tree identifier sheets! Then we had a walk outside to see what trees we could find in school. In RE we have been continuing our learning on the Easter Story and retold The Ascension.  We have had a lot of fun making our Easter Baskets in school and we are excited about displaying them for all the parents to see.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

17th March

In Science this week, we have been observing and drawing different types of flowers, for example wild flowers and garden flowers, and labelling the different parts that we can see, and that we can’t see, such as the roots under the soil. I was very impressed with the drawings that were produced, the knowledge the children have about flowers and how much they remembered about the parts of a flower! In English we have been retelling the story of Farmer Duck through drama and then annotating the story to create our own story about Farmer Dog! We have also been continuing with our poetry and learning about rhyming words in preparation of creating our own rhyming poems. In Maths we have been recapping on number bonds to 20, addition, subtraction and measuring.

In RE this week we have reflecting on feelings and considering the way that Jesus’ disciples and followers felt when he died on the cross and how they felt when he was resurrected! In Geography we have been learning all about geographical features and sorting out features into physical features or human features. In PE the children have been learning all about team building and engaging in fun games that encourage and support team building skills.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulkner

10th March

This week in English we have continued our learning on poetry, and we have been writing acrostic poems about spring and about ourselves. I have been amazed at how wonderful the poems, that the children have written, are! In Maths we continued our learning on measurements and begun to measure in centimetres, using rulers. The children have really enjoyed measuring objects around the classroom and seeing which are longer and which are shorter! In Science we have continued to learn about plants and this week we have been learning all about trees!

In RE this week we have been learning all about the Story of Easter. As well as sequencing the story, we have re-enacted the story through the medium of drama, which the children thoroughly enjoyed!  We have also been preparing for our phonics screening and engaging in fun activities to support our phonics knowledge!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulkner

3rd March

This week in English we have started our topic on poetry and we have been learning all about alliteration. We went on an alliteration walk to see the black bin, green gates, gorgeous grass and the clumsy clouds!

In Maths we have been learning about length, height and width and we began measuring using a range of tools, including measuring objects with paperclips! In Science we are learning about plants, flowers and trees and we labelled the parts of a strawberry plant! This linked to our RE topic on Easter, where we looked at new life. During RE we went on a ‘new life’ hunt around the school and found new flowers blooming, new grass growing and new leaves starting to come on the trees. We also took some seeds and planted them so they can grow in the garden.

In PSHEE we looked at routines and went through our bedtime routine and sequenced our own routines; some people liked to put their pyjamas on before they had a wash, some afterwards! The children also had fun playing games in PE this week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulker

17th February

This week in English we have been completing our fact files on the life cycle of the egg and practising our sentences by using capital letters, finger spaces and punctuation as well as handwriting practise. In Maths we have continued to learn about shape and pattern by looking at the properties of 2D shapes and recognising and continuing repeated patterns. In Science we had a lot of fun predicting what would happen to the houses we built out of everyday materials, then observing what happened and explaining why.

In History we compared clothing from the past to the clothes we wear in the present day, we all agreed we liked the clothes from the 1800s and they remind us of the dressing up clothes we can wear today! In RE we continued to learn about the miracles Jesus did, such as turning water into wine (John 2:1-11), and why we think Jesus is special. We wrote our thoughts and feelings down about how we know Jesus is the Son of God.

This week was our Interim Open Day, and it was lovely to see you all and discuss how fabulous your children are. We hope you enjoyed looking at all their hard work!

We hope you all have a lovely half term, and we look forward to seeing you all again in a week!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulkner

10th February

This week in English we have been predicting what happens at the end of the story for The Odd Egg where the children created their own versions, we have also begun to write our fact file on the life cycle of an egg. In Maths we have begun our learning on 3D shapes, and we have been looking around our environment to see what 3D shapes we can find. In Science we have been planning our experiments, which we will carry out next week, on which material would be the best to build a house, based on the story The Three Little Pigs.

This week we have had Internet Safety Day and we looked through our ‘virtual’ windows and talked about ways we can keep safe on the internet, for example do not give out our names, addresses and which school we go to on the internet. It has also been Mental Health and Wellbeing Week and we have enjoyed planting bulbs and engaging in wellbeing activities such as yoga.

In RE we looked at all the miracles Jesus has created in the stories we have studied from the Bible, such as Jesus chooses the twelve disciples, Jesus calms the storm and Jesus feeds the 5000. We thought about all the miracles Jesus has done for us and the children shared their own miracles, for example God creating their brothers and sisters is a miracle.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

3rd February

This week in English we have consolidating our learning on capital letters, punctuation, and conjunctions by reading a text a and highlighting the features, when we find them! In maths we have been learning how to use number lines and part-whole models to subtract numbers to 20. In Science we have continued to learn about materials and been categorising a range of everyday objects.

In History, we have continued to learn about the past and looked at what schools in the past had that we do not have in the present, what schools in the present have that schools in the past did not and what both the past and present schools both have. In PE we have been continuing with dance skills and the children have been engaging in the moon landing by putting on their helmets, oxygen tanks and shooting off in their rockets!

We look forward to seeing you all again next week, have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

27th January 

This week in English we have started a new and exciting book called ‘The Odd Egg’. We have been predicting what happens next in the story and created our own endings and we have been learning about conjunctions, such as ‘and’, to make extend our sentences and connect ideas. In maths we have been learning how to use part-whole models and tens frames to help us add numbers to 20, by grouping and counting on. In Science we have been learning about different everyday materials and describing how they feel, we all drew our own favourite toys then discussed what material they are made from and described how they felt.

In RE we have been learning about how Jesus fed the five thousand and we did some drama to re-tell the story from a different perspective, by pretending we were one of the disciples. We definitely have some budding actors in our class! In PE we have been learning about different games from the past, such as corners and continuing to learn dancing skills. In History, we have been comparing the past with the present and using different sources, such as old photographs, to determine what has changed with our school.

I look forward to seeing you all again next week, have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

20th January

Hello everyone, what a wonderful first week we have had together in Year 1! Parents, staff and children have made me feel very welcome, thank you! This week in English we have been continuing to work on our sentence structure, looking at capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and questions marks. We have also been writing our letters to Tom the Yeti; the children have shared some wonderful ideas, such as ‘where do you go on holiday?’. In maths we have been learning how to add on from a specific number to 20, from 2 groups. We have also been recapping on more and fewer, greatest and smallest and one more than, one less than using a range of methods, such as a number line.

In RE we have been learning about how Jesus calmed the sea and we have been sequencing the story and reflecting on times we also felt calm and times we also felt scared! In PE we have been continuing with learning our dancing skills, which has been a lot of fun. In History, we have been learning about the history of St Paul’s school and looking at timelines.

I look forward to seeing you all again next week, have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

13th January 2023

This week in English, we have been sharing our class text - Yeti and the Bird and practising how to write letter using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We have been learning to use capital letters for names of people and places and question marks when asking a question. In Maths, we have been continuing our work on place value and using the language of more, fewer, greatest and smallest. In R.E., we have been continuing to learn about Jesus' disciples. In P.E., we have started our new topic - dance.

16th December

We have had a very exciting week this week. On Monday we all saw the puppet show, on Tuesday we enjoyed the pantomime and on Thursday, we had our class party. In class we have been finishing our end of unit assessments, writing our sequel to the story - Lost and Found, making Christmas cards and doing lots of fun Christmas activities.

Thank you to all the children for their hard work this year and thank you for all your kind wishes and gifts, they are very much appreciated.

Ms Stones will join us in the New Year and will be teaching Year 1 from mid-January.

See you next year!

Mrs Pullar, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

2nd December

This week in English, we have been sharing our new class text 'Lost and Found' and learning to use story openers and endings. In Maths, we have been describing position using ordinal numbers and directional language. In Science, we have been learning about the sense of touch and describing materials. In R.E. we have been learning about St Nicholas and practising our nativity songs in preparation for the advent service. 

25th November

This week in English we have been planning and writing our own version of our class story - I Want My Hat Back. In Maths, we have been using number lines, part, part, whole models and counting back to subtract. In R.E. we have been learning about the journey of the  wise men and have been practising our nativity songs. In Science, we have been learning about how we hear.

11th November

This week in Maths, we have been learning how to subtract within 10 using methods of crossing out, part, part, whole and using a number line. In English, we have been learning how to write questions using a question mark, finger spaces and a capital letter. In Geography, we have been learning how to locate the UK on a world map. In R.E., we have been discussing the gifts that we can give that money cannot buy and how being a good friend is so important. On Tuesday, we really enjoyed watching the Science show.

4th November

We have had a lovely week back after the half-term holidays. In English, we have been learning about features of a narrative and sharing our new class text 'I want my hat back'. In Maths, we have been using pictures to help us to solve addition problems. In Science, we have be learning about the five senses. In Geography, we have been learning about the UK and in R.E. we have been talking about gifts we have received and why they are special to us. 

21st October

We have had a busy week in Year 1. In English, we have been writing our own wanted posters in hope to find the naughty bus. In Maths, we have been continuing use number bonds in addition. In Science, we have been learning about extreme weather conditions. I History, we have been learning the difference between fact and fiction. In R.E, we have been sharing ideas of how we can look after God's wonderful world. In Music, we have been looking at Gustav Holst's The Planet Suite and identifying instruments within the orchestra.

On Wednesday, we really enjoyed our visit to church and performing our harvest song.

14th October

We have had a busy week in Year 1, In the morning, we have been learning our harvest song - A Farmer Plants a Seed ready for the Harvest service. In English, we have been learning about wanted posters and identifying past and present tense verbs. In Maths, we have been learning about the addition of number bonds using the part, part, whole model. In Science, we have been recording our own weather forecast. In History, we have been using sources to find information about the 1969 moon landing and In R.E., we have been learning about the creation story.

9th September

We have had a fantastic first week back after the Summer holidays. This week we have been sharing the text 'You choose' by Pippa Goodhart and talking about what we would choose and why. We have been writing all about ourselves in English and ordering numbers to 10 and 20 in Maths. In R.E., we have been sharing ideas about our class Christian value - Thankfulness, and discussed all the people and things that we are thankful for.  This week, we have started our new History topic on the 1969 moon landing and started our new Science topic all about the seasons and weather patterns.


15th July

We have had an exciting week as we have spent our mornings in Y2 with our new class teacher – Miss Fletcher. In Year 2, we have been talking about classroom routines and how we feel about moving up. In the afternoons, we have been completing our end of unit assessments for Science, R.E. and Geography. We have been learning our class song ready to perform at our Celebration of Learning which will take place in church next week.


8th July

This week we have been busy completing our summer assessments. We have been on our school trip to church and had a lovely time. On the trip, we decided which route we should take using language of left, right and straight ahead. When we arrived at church, Miss Wilkinson told us all about the different parts of the church and told us about the history of St Paul's. We completed a checklist activity and an orienteering activity to find the different features of the church using a map. In Science, we have been learning about how we can reuse, reduce and recycle and in class we have been practising our class song.


1st July

This week we have been retelling the story of ‘Dinosaurs and all that rubbish’ in English and learning how to recycle responsibly in Science. In Maths, we have been learning how to describe position and directions. In Geography we have been learning about the points on a compass and using these to navigate around a map. In R.E., we have been continuing to learn about the story of Joseph and reflect upon how Jacob and Joseph’s brothers felt when they were reunited.


24th June 

This week we have been continuing to share our class text ‘Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish’. We have been exploring how the character might have been feeling and making predictions of what the characters might say to each other. In Maths, we have been continuing our work on measures as we have been learning about mass. We have been using balance scales and cubes to help us to find the total mass of items. In Science, we have been sorting items into recyclable and non-recyclable and learning about what happens to our plastic, metal, glass, and paper when we recycle. In Geography, we have been learning to use positional language of left and right. In R.E. we have been learning about the story of Joseph and his ability to interpret dreams.


17th June

This week In English, we have been sharing our story ‘Dinosaurs and all that rubbish’ and have been continuing to learn how to add prefixes and suffixes. In Maths, we have been learning about and comparing capacities of different containers. In Geography, we have been learning about the seasons and weather patterns and in Science, we have been learning about the dangers or littering.


10th June

Our first week has been very exciting. On Monday, we participated in the egg and spoon race and had a picnic with our friends. On Tuesday in Science, we started our new topic on littering and the environment. On Wednesday in Geography, we started our new topic as we discussed directions and points on a compass. On Thursday, we took part in Sports Day and had a fantastic time. All week in Maths, we have been learning about money and counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s. In English, we have been learning how to add the suffixes of er and est to root words.


27th May

This week in Maths we have been continuing to learn about time and we have started our new topic on money. We have been learning about different coins and grouping coins by size, shape, and colour. In English, we have been continuing to learn about letter writing and have written a letter in the role of a character in the story. We have been learning about statements, questions, and exclamation sentences and when to use full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. In Science, we have continued to learn about different animals and what they eat. In History, we looked at photographs of the Wright Brothers and their aircraft and talked about similarities and differences compared to life today. We have been working hard in phonics in preparation for the Phonics Screening Check which will take place when we return to school after the holidays.


20th May

This week in Year 1. We have been practising our phonics in preparation for the phonic screening test in June. In English, we have been writing different types of sentences. In Maths, we have been learning about time and comparing time using language of later and earlier. In Science, we have been identifying carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and in R.E. we have been continuing to learn about Baptism.


13th May

This week in English, we have been sharing our new class text ‘Yeti and the Bird’ by Nadia Shireen. We have been learning about letters, reading letters from the Yeti, and writing a reply. In Maths, we have started our new unit on time. We are beginning to read o’clock times. In Science, we have been continuing to learn about animals and how to identity and sort animals into groups. In History, we are continuing to learn about the success of the Wright Brothers and why they became successful.

We are continuing to learn all our phonic sounds in preparation for the Year 1 phonics screening check. Please continue to practise the phonic sounds at home by watching the Read Write Inc videos on class dojo.


29th April

This week we have been continuing to share our story – Lost and Found by Oliver Jefferies and learning how to use regular and irregular past tense verbs. In Maths, we have been learning about and comparing numbers to 100 using tens and ones. In Science, we have been learning about pets and how to look after a pet. In History, we have been learning about the Wright Brothers and their invention of the Wright flyer. In RE, we have been learning about baptism and the story of Jesus’ baptism performed by John the Baptist.


22nd April

We have had a great week back after the Easter holidays. It has been lovely to share of all the things we have been doing in the holidays. This week we have been learning about sequel stories in English as we share our new class text – Lost and Found by Oliver Jefferies. In Maths, we have been learning how to count in tens and ones to 100. In Science, we have been talking about animals as we start our brand-new animal world topic. In History, we have been discussing aeroplanes as we introduce our new topic about the flight of the Wright Brothers.

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1st April

This week we have been busy getting ready for Easter. We have been decorating our Easter baskets, learning and performing our song at the Easter church service, and learning that Easter isn't all about chocolate.In English, we have been writing our own number rhyme poems. In science, we have been continuing our work on plants. In Geography, we have been learning the difference between human and physical geography and sorting local places into categories. In R.E. we have been learning about the Easter story and the ascension.Thank you for all your support. We hope you have a lovely Easter break.Happy Easter !

18th March

This week we have been writing setting descriptions of places the magic bed will take Georgie on another adventure. In Maths, we have been learning how to share totals into equal groups and in Science, we have been learning the names of different trees and identifying them from their leaves. In Geography, we have been finding out how we know that Wigan is a town not a city, village, or hamlet. In R.E., we have been reflecting upon how the disciples might have felt on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. 


11th March

This week in English we have been continuing to read our new class text 'The Magic Bed' by Jon Burningham and have been learning how to write expanded noun phrases. In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication and finding equal groups. In Science, we went on a spring walk and learned the names of different plants. In Geography, we have been learning about different settlements -  hamlet, village, town, city.  In R.E., we have shared the story of Easter and sequenced the events of Holy Week.


4th March

This week in English we have been sharing our new class text 'The Magic Bed' by Jon Burningham and learning about descriptions and adjectives. In Maths, we have been continuing to learn how to solve word problems. In Science, we have been learning about the parts of a plant and in Geography, we have been learning about local landmarks. In R.E., we have been learning about Easter and the symbols of new life. We enjoyed going to church on Wednesday for the Ash Wednesday service. We enjoyed dressing up on World Book Day.


11th February

This week we have been planning and writing our explanation text in English. In Maths, we have been counting in tens and ones and making number patterns using numbers up to 40. In Science, we have been talking about which materials are best for different purposes. In R.E. we have been comparing life at the time of Jesus to life today.


4th February

This week in Year 1, we have been discussing our class text of The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett as we prepare to write our own explanation of how eggs hatch. In Maths, we have been learning to read and write numbers to 40 and how to count in tens and ones. In History, we have been comparing the clothes children wore in the past to the school uniforms we wear today. In R.E. we have been learning and comparing life at the time of Jesus to life today. In Science, we performed a Three Little Pigs experiment to find out which material is the best to use to build a house. We had great fun as we built model houses in teams out of paper straws, matchsticks and wooden blocks and used a hairdryer to test their strength against the Big Bad Wolf.


28th January

This week we have been learning how to measure using a ruler in Maths. In English, we have been sharing our new class text The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett as we have been exploring explanation texts and their features. In Science, we have been learning about everyday materials and grouping them by their properties. In R.E. we have been learning about Jesus' miracles and talking about how we know that Jesus truly is the son of God


14th January 2022

This week we have been learning to add and subtract number up to 20 in Maths. We have been sharing our new class book of Beegu by Alexis Deacon and learning all about diary entries. We have been learning how to write in role and how to write in the past tense. In Science, we have been naming everyday materials around the classroom. In History, we have been learning about the history of St Paul's school. In R.E. we have been retelling the story of Jesus calming the storm.


10th December

We started the week with our fantastic pupils making us very proud at the Advent Service with their beautiful singing. In English, we have been writing about how the naughty bus has been making a mess in the Year 1 classroom. In Maths, we have been learning about place value of numbers to 20. In science, we have been learning about Helen Keller and how people use braille to read. In Geography, we have been learning about the human and physical features in Wigan. We have loved wearing our Christmas jumpers as we countdown to Christmas day!


3rd December

This week we have been busy learning the songs for the Advent Service next Monday. In R.E. we have been looking at paintings and artworks of the wise men. We talked about how they would have travelled to see Jesus and how they knew to follow the star. In Maths, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes, how to group and sort shapes and how to find and continue patterns. In English, we have been learning how to write captions and headlines as we continue to learn about Newspaper reports. In Science, we have been making observations as we learn about our sense of smell. On Friday, we had our very first trip to church. We were very sensible on the walk there and back and we were very excited to see Reception in their nativity costumes.


26th November

This week, we have been sharing our new class text ‘Naughty Bus’ by Jan and Jerry Oke and learning about newspaper reports in English lessons. In Maths, we have been learning how to describe a position of an object using ordinal numbers and vocabulary of left, right, front, back, etc. In R.E., we have been learning about the journey of the wise men and their visit to King Herod. In Science, we are continuing to learn about the five senses and in Geography, we have been learning about landmarks in the UK.


19th November

We have been working super hard in Year 1 this week. We have been busy writing our own version of ‘I Want My Hat Back’ by Jon Klassen using full stops, capital letters, finger spaces and question marks. In R.E. we have been learning about the birth of Jesus, the greatest gift of all. In Geography, we have been learning about the four countries in the UK and identifying physical features of each country. In Maths, we have been learning about ordinal numbers and positions. We are learning new vocabulary of first, second, third, fourth, etc. and how to write these term using numbers and letters.  


12th November

We have had a good week in Year 1. We have been continuing to share our class text 'I want my hat back' by Jon Klassen and we have been learning how to write statements and questions. In Maths, we have been learning about addition and subtraction families using the part-part whole model. In R.E., we have been talking about precious gifts that money can't buy. In Geography, we have been learning name of the four countries that make up the UK. 


5th November

We have had a great week in Year 1. We have been learning all about the UK in Geography and even found it on a map of the world. In English, we have been learning about the features of a narrative as we continue to share our class text ‘I Want My Hat Back’ by Jon Klassen. In Maths, we have been learning how to subtract numbers within 10 by crossing out, counting back, and using pictorial representations. In R.E., we have been talking about special gifts we have received and how receiving and giving gifts makes us feel.


21st October

This week we have been very busy. In English, we have been writing our wanted posters to find the evil villain – Vacuum and have bee learning how to use conjunctions to join our ideas. In R.E. we have been learning about the creation story and our class Christian Value of Thankfulness. In Maths, we have been adding numbers together using a range of methods. In Science, we have been learning about extreme weathers which happen around the world.


15th October

This week we have been sharing our class text 'Send for a Superhero' by Michael Rosen. We have been learning how to use adjectives in preparation for writing our own wanted poster. Have you seen the evil villains Filth and Vacuum? In Maths, we have been learning how to add two numbers together by counting on and using the par part whole model. In Science, we have been recording the weather in a weekly weather forecast and in History, we have been sorting fact and fiction statements about the moon.


1st October

We have had a busy week in Year 1. We have been learning about Harvest and the Jewish festival of sukkot in R.E.. We have been writing our own fact files about the moon in English and we have been learning about number bonds in Maths. In History, we have been sequencing the events of the moon landing. In Music, we have been practising our harvest song with Mr Carty and learning how to use different dynamics.

24th September

We have had a fantastic week in Year 1. In English, we have been learning how to write in full sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. In Maths, we have been ordering and comparing numbers using blocks and numicon to help us. In Music, we have been learning how to keep a steady pulse and how to sing to different tempos. In Science, we have been learning about the seasons and the weather forecasts.


17th September

We have had a wonderful week in Year 2. In English, we have been learning about fact files and non-chronological reports and have written our own fact file all about ourselves. We have been sharing the story of Sidney, Stella and the moon by Emma Yarlett and have been making predictions of what might happen next and sequencing events of the story so far. In phonics, we have been practising the ‘air’ and ‘qu’ sounds and using these sounds to practise writing sentences with capital letters and full stops. In Maths, we have been learning about numbers up to 10 and following sequences by counting on and back. In History, we have been learning about flying machines through history and about the 1969 moon landing. Well done Year 1!


10th September

We have had a brilliant first week in Year 1. We have been getting to know each other, sharing news, sharing stories, and learning lots of new rhymes and songs to sing together. This week we read Jake’s First Day and talked about pirates. On Thursday, we found lots of coins around our classroom and a letter from a pirate called Sam asking us to help him find his parrot. We wrote letters back, counted the coins and ordered the numerals on the coins and even drew some treasure maps. After dinner we found some feathers and decide to make lost posters to help find Sam’s parrot. On Friday, we found another letter from Sam. We read the letter together. It told us what Pat looks like. We made pictures of Pat the parrot and wrote letters asking him to come home. We found Pat and have told him that he needs to fly home to Sam.


16th July

It has been quite a year for Year 1!  They have shown great resilience and have developed a growth mindset which has helped them to overcome a number of obstacles as they get through this year.  They should be very proud of themselves, the grown ups certainly are.  We have been using our imaginations to build our own stories this week so that we can stretch our skills as we move on to Year 2.  Thank you all for your support this year, we hope you all have a lovely summer break.

9th July

In Year 1, we have been deepening our understanding of the story of Joseph.  We have been able to share and discuss our thoughts and feelings as well as sharing our own dreams.  This helped us in our English work too as we read The Magic Bed by John Burningham.  We are using these thoughts to help us to build our imaginative ideas.


2nd July

In Year 1, we have worked very hard to show off our skills in Maths and Reading.  We have also been working hard on our skills in phonics and aim to show what we know next week.  We have all grown so much since the start of the year and that’s an amazing achievement seeing as it has been quite an unusual year.  Keep it up Year 1!


25th June

Year 1 enjoyed their trip to church this week. They created maps of the route that we took, completed traffic surveys and had the opportunity to be shown around the church building. They used their geography skills further back at school and guided each other around the playground using compass points to give directions.


18th June

In Year 1 we have been dividing groups of numbers by sharing them between groups.  We have been learning more about the architect Giles Gilbert Scott as we prepare to write a biography.  We have been exploring the story of Joseph and sequencing the story so that we can share our feelings on it.  In Geography we have been developing our skills with maps and compasses to help us with our trip to church next week..

11th June

In Year 1, we had our super Sport’s Day this week.  We loved to get outside and show off our skills.  We hope you get to see for yourself next year.  We are learning about plurals and the way in which we can build words, this is helping us to be aware of how words come together and how we can apply those rules for newer words.  We have been working incredibly hard on multiples and using arrays to help us.


28th May

In Year 1 we have been deepening our skills in phonics and making sure that we are using our skills to impact on our writing.  We have written a review of our class book and edited it so that we have created a super final piece of writing.  In Maths we have used our skills in addition and subtraction to solve word problems.  We have been very lucky to have Classroom Kitchen this week.  We used our bridge and claw method of cutting to create a yummy salad.


21st May

In Year 1, we have been building our understanding on suffixes.  We have been exploring the way in which adding suffixes can change a word and what it means.  In Maths, we have continued to have a go at some word problems.  We are using part-whole, number bonds and number families to help us.  We have been building our ideas for our cooking competition with Classroom Kitchen.  In class we have been supporting each other and working on our snack creations when making fruit and vegetable snacks.


14th May

In Year 1, we have been exploring the story of Yeti and the Bird.  This is helping us to explore the styles that the author uses so that we can see which skills will help us in our own writing.  In Maths, we have been bringing all of our understanding together to solve word problems.  This includes having a go at addition, subtraction, multiplication and division sums to try and answer the questions.

7th May

In Year 1, we have been bringing together our stories about the boy and the penguin.  We have created an interesting opening, a middle with a problem and solution and an ending that warms our hearts.  In Maths, we have been finding the missing numbers by following clues and using number lines and grids.  We have explored animal groups further and have been placing the animals that we know into categories.


30th April

In Year 1 we have been building towards writing our own story for the boy and the penguin.  We have been planning our ideas using a story mountain and a story map – this will help us to bring our ideas together as we edit and write our own adventure.  In Maths we have been continuing to build our counting skills by grouping in tens and counting on.  We have been learning more about different groups of animals and have some super facts to share.


23rd April 

Year 1 have settled back into the school routine very quickly.  We have been immersing ourselves in our new story Lost and Found.  We have been exploring the characters in the story and deciding how they might think or feel using adjectives to help us.  In Maths we have been counting by grouping into 2s, 5s and 10s.  This is helping us to count on using numbers up to 100.  We are beginning our work on The Wright Brothers and have been hearing about some of the inventions that they worked on, this will be a good starting point to help us to learn more in History.


26th March

It has been a difficult week in Y4, with our termly test papers due for completion. We have coped admirably however, despite the challenges set in front of us and have maybe even surprised ourselves with how well we have managed. May I just take this opportunity to thank all the children for their efforts this week and congratulate them on their hard work, resilience and growth mindsets, they have been a pleasure to teach. Elsewhere, we have continued to learn about human anatomy in our Science lessons, mountainous regions across the globe in Geography and all about Easter in RE.


26th March

In Year 1 we have been exploring the themes of our literacy book and learning more about the different ways that we can help to look after the environment. We have been creating our own fact files to encourage others to recycle. We have been developing our understanding of the Easter story and learning more about the events of Holy Week.


19th March

Year 1 are settling back into the school routine well although they have been missing everyone at home.  We have been discussing our feelings and have reminded ourselves of our skills in resilience.  This is helping the class to work as a team to support each other.  We have introduced our new story 'Dinosaurs - and all that rubbish'.  This is helping us to appreciate the world around us and is creating lots of discussion about the choices that we make.  We continue to learn more about the season of Lent and have been thinking deeply about the events of Holy Week.

Year 1 are settling back into the school routine well although they have been missing everyone at home.  We have been discussing our feelings and have reminded ourselves of our skills in resilience.  This is helping the class to work as a team to support each other.  We have introduced our new story 'Dinosaurs - and all that rubbish'.  This is helping us to appreciate the world around us and is creating lots of discussion about the choices that we make.  We continue to learn more about the season of Lent and have been thinking deeply about the events of Holy Week.


12th March 2021

Welcome back Year 1!  The class have settled back into school really well, I am so proud of how they have overcome these changes to their routine.  They are facing challenges and changes with a growth mindset and they should be very pleased.  We have been focusing on social skills and our class value this week.  This has helped us to learn big new vocabulary and concepts such as ‘respect’ and ‘gratitude’.


18th December

In Year 1, we have had a fantastic week celebrating the birth of Jesus.  We have had a special presentation from the Coverdale Puppets, we have had a virtual Nativity from the Open the Book team and very special assemblies from Vicar Mark, Vicar Dawn and Mr Heyes.  We were lucky enough to be able to end it all with a party in our class bubble.  Thank you so much for your support during these times.  Thank you so much for the kind thoughts, cards and gifts.  I hope that you and your families have a blessed Christmas.  See you all in 2021.

11th December

In Year 1 we have been working hard at learning our lines for the Nativity.  It will look at little different this year but please keep an eye on the school website to be able to see what we have put together for you.  We have built our understanding of question marks so that we can use them in our story writing.  We have used our senses to explore what our bodies can do and have investigated how these work by conducting an experiment.  We made fruit salads in D&T this week with Classroom Kitchen and discussed how the fruits that we were using are good for us.

4th December

In Year 1, we have started to focus on our new book ‘I Want My Hat Back’.  We are exploring how to write like the author by looking at the style that is used.  In Maths, we continue to look at positions and are now learning which way is left and right to help us to explain the position of a person or object. We have been learning more about the Nativity and the reason that we celebrate Christmas.  We will be learning lines to put together our own Nativity story and to share the Christmas spirit as much as we possibly can this year.

27th November

In Year 1, we have worked very hard on our writing.  We are developing our handwriting by including capital letters and full stops to our sentences.  This has helped us to bring our newspaper report writing to a close.  Next, we will move on to our new story ‘I Want My Hat Back’.  In Maths, we have thought about our work on number stories and positions and have been able to show off what we know.  We have been learning more about Christmas and the true meaning of the gifts that we have to offer to those around us.  We are going to build on this as we reflect on the Christmas Story.

20th November

In Year 1 we have been learning how to proofread and edit.  We have used purple pens to make our writing even better than it was before.  This has helped us to develop our newspaper reports.  We have finished our class story and were very surprised who managed to save the day.  In Maths, we have worked on fact families using addition and subtraction.  We are learning more about the world around us and focusing on the UK.  We have looked at Wigan and where it sits in our wonderful world.

13th November

In Year 1 we have developed our newspaper report writing.  We are now proof-reading and editing our ideas to make them even better.  We have been exploring addition and subtraction families in Maths.  On Wednesday, we explored Remembrance Day.  We learnt more on why we have this day and discussed how we were feeling.  We wrote some beautiful, considerate prayers to God.

6th November

In Year 1 we have been exploring our new book ‘Send for a Superhero’.  We have been hearing more about Filth and Vacuum and are building our ideas to help us to create our own newspaper reports.  In Maths, we have been subtracting by crossing out, by using number bonds and by using number lines.  We have explored the fives senses as part of Science and have been tasting fruit to see which words we can use to describe the taste.  We had a fantastic time learning about repeating rhythms and clapping out a beat in music and challenged ourselves by creating our own music.

23rd October

It has been a busy week in Year 1.  We have worked on the way in which sounds can support our writing and have been continuing to build our experience with addition.  We planned and hosted our own weather forecasts to show what we know about the seasons and the weather.  We were very lucky to have some Classroom Kitchen time this week.  We chopped up fruits and vegetables to make snacks and even got to try them.  We have also learnt about Barack Obama as part of our celebrations of Black History Month which has also helped us with our class British Value of Democracy.  The class have been brilliant.  It has been such a busy half term full of changes and new routines and they have shown a great deal of resilience and perseverance.  They should all be very proud of themselves, thank you for your support and have a lovely break.


16th October

In Year 1 we have had a very busy week.  We have been helping Mojo to develop a growth mindset by challenging ourselves using Dojo in class.  Maths has been challenging this week as we use our counting skills to create number sentences.  Naughty Bus has been very challenging too, he is making some terrible choices!  It has helped us to build brilliant new stories for him though and to make our writing even better.

9th October

In Year 1 we have been very disappointed by Naughty Bus.  He has been making some terrible choices.  This has helped us with our adjectives though and we are now preparing to write a new adventure for him.  In maths we have completed our work on number bonds so that we can now use our ideas to support us with addition.  In Science, we are exploring the seasons and the changes in the weather.  As you will have seen, we have experienced many different types of weather this week and are using adjectives to describe what this looks and feels like.


Thank you for your response to Class Dojo, the children are really enjoying using it at school.

2nd October

In Year 1 we have been reading a story called Naughty Bus.  We have been looking for adjectives in the story to see if we can write like the author.  In Maths we have been moving on to working with number bonds and securing our skills with numbers up to 10.  We continue to learn more about the moon landing and are also bringing in some super facts that we have found out at home.  There have been some excellent efforts in reading this week as we look forward to finding out who will win the raffle this week.

25th September

In Year 1 we have completed our story Sidney, Stella and the Moon.  We were really keen to hear how the characters solved the problem.  We are using the new facts that we learnt to help us to write a fact file about the moon landing.  We have continued to build our skills in counting and comparing numbers and know how important it is to build on our number facts when working with numbers up to 10.  We have learnt more about the moon landing this week and would love to share this with everyone at home.

18th September

In Year 1 we have been settling in to our new rules and routines.  The class are doing so well adjusting to these changes and the children should all be very proud of themselves.  We have been focusing on our phonics and using sounds to support us with our reading and writing.  We have been working on numbers up to ten by counting and comparing them.  We are really enjoying our new History subject – The Moon Landing.  We have been learning lots of knew facts at home and at school.  The class are settling in very well, thank you for all of your support during such an unusual time.

13th March 2020

In Year 1 we have completed our work on Stanley's Stick.  The class enjoyed the story and used their new skills to write their own.  In Maths we have been finding the difference by applying our knowledge of addition, subtraction and number lines.


We used more natural materials to inspire our artwork by creating William Morris inspired prints using vegetables!  In computing, we used a program to follow instructions and create our own pictures as we learn more about algorithms.

6th March 2020

It's been a busy week in Year 1.  We have been using our knowledge of adjectives to understand how to use adverbs.  We then used them in our writing.


We have been exploring our skills in addition and subtraction by applying our understanding in various ways.  We are very proud of our hard work.


We have completed our work on the Victorians and have considered the question - 'would we like to have gone to a Victorian school?'


We had a fantastic time on World Book Day! Our costumes were fantastic and we enjoyed the focus book - We're All Wonders.  It made us think deeply and ask questions.


Thank you for all of your efforts at home.  Keep up the hard with with reading and phonics.  Your support is greatly appreciated.


28th February 2020

In Year 1 we have been reading our new book – Stanley’s Stick.  This has inspired us to use our imaginations more often.  We went outside to collect natural materials, just as Stanley would.  We took inspiration from our work on William Morris in art and used our natural materials to create prints.


14th February 2020

In Year 1 we have strengthened our understating of our school in the past.  We had a fantastic opportunity to explore maps and plans as the school turned into the school that we know now.  We even got to see and listen to the old school bell.

In English, we completed our diaries for the duck and his odd egg.  We listened to the surprising end to the story and used these ideas to help us with our own.

In Maths, we have been using a variety of ways to explore how we can group by ten and add on as a more efficient way to count large groups of items.

Miss Stuck is going home with Savannah. When she was feeling stuck at the start of the week, she pushed herself further and kept trying.


7th February 2020

In Year 1 we have been exploring the ways in which children lived in the Victorian era.  This week, we went on a walking tour of school to find out more about how the building has changed.  This also led us into discussions about what the children believed in then and what we believe in now. We learnt how the school building had a significant impact on worship in the area and how things have changed now.  In Science, we have been focusing on animal body parts and using this to compare them.  We linked this to our work on adjectives in English and built sentences about the animals to describe them.


31st January 2020

In year 1 we have been exploring our new book 'The Odd Egg'.  We have been following the ducks journey through the story and using our super skills to find out more about the birds that we come across. This helps us with Science too as we learn more about the different types of animals that we know. We were also very lucky this week to receive a visit from Classroom Kitchen. We thought about the previous work on the senses and used them all to create a Greek Salad. We had a try and learnt that we all have very mixed views on olives!

Miss Stuck is going home with Henry. He is working very hard on his writing and trying his best in all that he does - including being an excellent helper around the classroom! 

24th January 2020

In Year 1, we have been bringing our work on Beegu to a close.  To send our goodbyes, we have written a letter to wish him well on his journey.  We have furthered our work on shape and are deeply exploring the properties of shape. 

In History, we have been comparing our school now to how our school would have been in the Victorian era.  The children are keen to learn more about these differences so please take any opportunities to explore this at home.


17th January 2020

In Year 1 we have been following Beegu on his journey.  We have been building up our letter writing skills so that we can write an informal letter to him next week.  In Maths, we have been exploring shape and learning more about their properties.  In History, we are learning more about the history of our school and where it sits within Wigan.


10th January 2020

Welcome back to Year 1!  I hope that you and your families had a lovely Christmas break and are looking forward to the year ahead.  The children have settled in quickly and have clearly been trying their hardest in their work.

We are focusing on our new story of Beegu in English.  We have explored the mess that he left and have linked our ideas to our new topic in Science - Animals and Plants.


Congratulations Amelia, this week Mr Stuck will be going home with you. This week Amelia has persevered when things seemed a little hard. Well done Amelia. Keep up the hard work!


13th December 2019

In Year 1 we have had an exciting week preparing for Christmas.  The elf has been a little stuck for somewhere to sleep in the bad weather.  We became designers, builders and investigators and used different materials to create a dry and sheltered place to stay.  We tested our ideas to see which materials were waterproof and wind-proof.

We have performed our Nativity alongside Reception and Year 2.  There were a lot of new songs to learn and actions to perform but we did an amazing job.  Thank you to everyone who was able to come along and join us.


6th December 2019

In English we have continued to learn about our class story, 'I Want My Hat Back' and we have been writing summaries about it.

In Maths, we have explored subtraction. We used a number line to help us to count backwards and answer subtraction questions. We enjoyed exploring subtraction through a game of Snakes and Ladders!

In Geography, we used maps to locate Wigan and various different places in the United Kingdom.


29th November 2019

In English we have been learning about question marks and were they go in a sentence. We have been practising them in our workbooks when applying it to the book ‘I want my hat back’ by Jon Klassen.  We then sequenced the story and acted out each part.  In Maths, we have explored number patterns and have been comparing numbers.  In Geography we have used our knowledge of compass points to follow direction to find the Bear’s hat.


Congratulations Oliver. This week Mr Stuck will be going home with you. This week Oliver has tried his best in all of his lessons and stayed focused, even when things got tricky. Well done Oliver!


22nd November 2019

In Year 1 this week we have been busy with different topics and themes. In English we have been looking at the book ‘I want my hat back’ by Jon Klassen. It is very exciting as we go through it page by page to investigate where the bear has misplaced his hat. In Maths this week we have been learning about positions and enjoyed practical activities when ordering ourselves after races.  We explored materials by making rafts that were able to float then tested them.



Congratulations Dominic, this week Mr Stuck will be going home with you. This week Dominic has worked hard and has impressed all of his teachers. Well done Dominic, keep up the hard work!


15th November 2019

In Year 1 this week, we have been supporting remembrance Sunday, odd socks day and children in need. We were respectful during the 11:00 assembly and thought of those who fought in the war as well as those who were affected by it.  We explored the ways in which we are all unique and we all deserve respect during anti-bullying week.  We supported children in need in class and were able to cheer on our favourite ducks in the charity duck race.

We have finished our work on Send for a Superhero and created super newspaper articles.  We have been ordering positions in Maths and using number names and words to show our understanding.


Congratulations Isaac, this week Mr Stuck will be going home with you. This week Isaac has impressed all of his teachers with his perseverance when he found things a little bit tricky. Well done Isaac!


8th November 2019

In Year 1  we have been continuing to build our ideas about Send for a Superhero.  We have been using plurals and suffixes to add to our newspaper reports and we have been super impressed with Extremely Boring Man's surprise power.  In Maths we have been exploring families of sums and using this to help us to spot patterns and find relationships between numbers.  In Art we have been inspired by Kandinsky and have been linking our ideas together and using superhero music to inspire our paintings.


Congratulations Harrison, this week Mr Stuck will be going home with you. Even when he found writing tricky he kept going and listened to feedback. Well done Harrison, keep up the hard work!


1st November 2019

In Year 1 we have been enjoying our new book 'Send For a Superhero.' We have explored newspaper articles, looked at front pages and have used these ideas to have a go at our own. We have been looking at 'families' of sums and using pictures to illustrate our ideas. We have created our own maps using a key and swapped with each other to follow them.


Congratulation Kaia, this week Mr Stuck will be going home with you. This week Kaia has tried her best to complete all of her work and has really impressed her teachers. Well done Kaia!


18th October 2019

In Year 1 we have been celebrating the Harvest Festival.  In class we have been performing a play in RE to showcase our understanding.  We want to take this opportunity to send a big thank you for all of the donations from Year 1 for Harvest - it makes a big difference. 

In English we ended our journey with Naughty Bus and have written a final story for him.  In Maths we are are now focusing on subtraction and the varied ways in which this can be done.  In Science we have continued our work on materials so that children can explore their thinking when having a go at their homework. 

Have a lovely half term.


Congratulations Phoebe, this week Mr Stuck will be going home with you. This week Phoebe has tried hard in her writing and really impressed her teachers. Well done Phoebe! Keep up the hard work.


4th October 2019

In Year 1 we have been exploring part, part, whole using our resources.  We have found different ways represent numbers and are using our findings to create number sentences. 

Our new book is called The Naughty Bus and we have been following his adventures.  We are using his adventures to inspire our own writing and are building up to writing our own chapter to the story. 

We have continued to explore properties of materials and have used our knowledge to find the best material to build a bridge for The Naughty Bus to travel across.


27th September 2019

In Year 1 we have been learning more about grouping objects and breaking a whole set of objects into parts.  We have also finished our work on the story Sidney, Stella and the Moon.  We created our own fact files about the moon and Neil Armstrong.


20th September 2019

Welcome to Year 1!  The children settled in very quickly and are enjoying being part of their new class.  They have been learning about the moon and the moon landing then using their ideas to develop their own fact files.  We have also been exploring numbers and the ways in which we can show them such as using counters, cubes and fingers.  

We have a special puppy in class called Mr Stuck who will be sent home on a Friday with a child who is resilient and trying their best in lessons.  Additionally, we have the golden bag full of treats.  If a child applies the golden rule they may be selected to choose a gift from the bag as a thank you for treating others as they would like to be treated.



Congratulations Sophina, this week Mr Stuck will be going home with you. This week Sophina really pushed herself to add more detail to her writing after she had completed what was asked. Well done Sophina!


21st June 2019

We have had a very healthy week in Reception this week. The Active Living Team came into school and we ran 'The Daily Mile.' We really enjoyed making smoothies on the smoothie bike and then made more smoothies in class. We held our own 'Mini Olympics' after Matt Leigh an Olympic Athlete came into school.


14th June 2019

On Monday the Science Roadshow came to school to demonstrate scientific experiments. We worked together to make scientific predictions. It was great fun! We have been reading traditional stories and acting them out in the Role Play area. Our favourite story was Red Riding Hood. We created collages of the forest and the characters from the story and we wrote our own story based on Red Riding Hood. In the Maths area we explored repeated patterns and made our own using beads and threads. In Construction we created Grandmas cottage and set the scene from the story. 


7th June 2019

This week we have been setting up our Garden Centre and enjoyed a flower number hunt. We have been writing lots of signs, labels and price tags for the shop. We have also written warning signs to help the 'Tiny Seed' to survive in the story and enjoyed our mini beast hunt.



24th May 2019

This week we have been learning the 'ear'sound in Phonics and have been on a listening walk to record what our ears can hear.

We are doing a super job at looking after our plants! The children will be taking them home over the holidays. Great teamwork from the children, working together to make a car wash for our scooters and working together to make cress sandwiches using the cress we had grown. 


17th May 2019

This week we have been discovering what our seeds need to grow. We have been creating repeating patterns in Maths and learning about halving and sharing into equal groups. We worked brilliantly as part of a team to transport the soil for our seeds, exploring ramps and working together, listening to each others ideas.


10th May 2019

This week we have been very busy planting a variety of different seeds. The children wrote lists of what they would need to plant a seed and put the instructions of how to plant it in order of sequence. We made beautiful and magical gardens in Construction, writing labels for our designs. In Maths we have been learning about halving and sharing into equal groups.


3rd May 2019

We have been continuing to learn about St George. We built castles in Construction and made shields which we had to design and pay for and did lots of measuring the height and width of St George's cross. We celebrated with a traditional English tea party. The children learned about halves and quarters by making cakes and sandwiches. We loved paying for our food when we had a buffet at the end of the week.


5th April 2019

This week the children estimated how many pine cones they could fit on the Easter egg. Then they counted the actual amount. We made Easter bouquets by arranging 10 flowers and leaves and adding them together. We measured the Easter cross using cubes and adding the height and width. The children really enjoyed going on an Easter egg hunt, ordering the eggs to 30 and counting out the correct number of natural objects to match.

Happy Easter Reception!


29th March 2019

This week we have been learning about 'The Easter Story,' retelling the story, acting it out and we have been busy making our 'Easter Bonnets.' 

We have enjoyed drawing the beautiful spring time flowers and describing them.


22nd March 2019

This week the children made an obstacle course from 'The Bear Hunt' story and travelled over, under, through and in between many obstacles. Some of the children also went on a Bear Hunt! 

We did lots of measuring and weighing in Maths and the children were amazing at counting in twos as we counted how many feet, wings, eyes the chicks had. Our chicks have now gone back to the farm an we have been writing 'Thank You' letters to the farmer.


15th March 2019

This week has been very exciting watching our chicks hatch. We have been writing about the chicks and listening to the story of 'Chicken Licken.' We have been building homes for the chicks and acting out the story with animal masks.


8th March 2019

This week we have been learning about Lent and went to church on Ash Wednesday. We explored how the church is a special place for Christians and made models of St Paul's Church. We all looked fabulous on World Book Day. Thank you for your support! Nanny McPhee worked her magic too!


1st March 2019

This week we have been 'Going on a Bear Hunt!' We made our own scenes from the story and also measured the bears. We talked about how the bear might be feeling at the end of the story and discussed what makes us feel sad/scared. We made our own caves in Construction and wrote warning signs! 

Our garden is looking beautiful as out springtime flowers are blooming! We also worked as a team and followed instructions to clean out the fish tank.


15th February 2019

We have enjoyed acting out the story of Chinese New Year this week. We also noticed that our plants are starting to grow in our Reception garden. We made models to help the animals cross the river and demonstrated great teamwork, working together to build bridges.


8th February 2019

This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year. We measured and compared the lengths of the dragons tails using non standard measures. We also estimated then measured the length of the kimono. In Construction we built models to help the animals cross the river. We started to make the Chinese Dragon and practised our Dragon dance.


1st February 2019

This week we have continued with our topic of Journeys. We made maps and pictogram graphs. We learned about Islam and talked about/acted out the Journey to Mecca during Pilgrimage. We enjoyed 'The Naughty Bus' and engaged in imaginative play after listening to the story. We also made our own buses and paid 10 pence for them, adding amounts to buy parts for the bus. Of course we enjoyed 'writing' in the snow!


25th January 2019

Our listener this week is Jack and our estimator of the week is Isabella. We have been learning about where we live in Wigan and Wigan's famous landmarks. We enjoyed making these landmarks in Construction and listening to the music of George Formby.


18th January 2019

This week we have been learning the 'l' sound and had fun exploring lots of 'l' words and making models beginning with the 'l' sound. We have been adding amounts together using the toys from 'The Toys Party' story and writing lists of ingredients to make a cake for the party. We made a cake just like Kipper with some very unusual ingredients!


11th January 2019

Happy New Year Reception. This week we have been learning the letter 'f.' The weather helped us to learn this sound as we explored the frost and the fog! We also played the 'Jack Frost' game.  We started to learn about old and new toys as part of our topic and made a toy teddy bear in Construction.


21st December 2018

 We have enjoyed a very busy week in Reception.  We loved our pantomime and we were absolutely amazing in our christmas nativity.  We are very proud of all of the children who performed!  The children celebrated their achievements with a fun filled christmas party and Breakfast with Santa.  We wish you all a very happy christmas and a wonderful New Year.

14th December 2018

This week we have been busy creating our own Christmas decorations. We explored colour mixing while painting our decorations. The children were surprised that when mixing two colours together it made another colour! In Construction we have been busy designing and building a new stable for baby Jesus and a manger for him to sleep in. 

7th December 2018

This week we have been learning the names of 3D shapes and describing them. We explored which shapes rolled and which shapes did not roll. We enjoyed reading the story 'Can't you sleep Little Bear' and created our own reading cave for the bears. We have been learning about 'The Christmas Story' and in Construction built a special place for Baby Jesus to be born.


30th November 2018

This week we have been continuing our theme of celebrations. The children brought photographs in from home of their special celebrations and talked about them. We explored whether some celebrations were more important than others and why. We explored colour mixing to paint an orange flame for our Diva lights and made Diwali sweets.


23rd November 2018

This week we have been continuing with our 'Celebrations' topic  and we planted our bulbs ready for next Spring. We had a very special visitor, Rev. Mark who talked to the children about Baptism. Our class puppet Shirley was baptised. We learned about 'Diwali' the Hindu festival of light and designed our own Rangoli patterns.

16th November 2018

This week we have been choosing Respect as part of 'Anti-Bullying' week. The children came to school wearing odd socks and throughout the week learned how to show Respect to others. We wore yellow for 'Children in Need' and enjoyed estimating and counting how many bears we could fit on Pudsey Bear.

9th November 2018

This week the children have been weeding our garden area and recycling the waste in the compost bin. We explored colour, light and dark as we created pictures of fireworks. We learned about Remembrance Day, made poppies and a huge poppy using our bodies.


2nd November 2018

A 'Spooky Week' in Reception this week, reading 'Room on the Broom.' The children acted out the story after the 'invisible' witch visited our classroom. We estimated in Maths how many objects could fit on the broomstick and added one more each time. In Construction the children made a model of a new mode of transport for the witch! Using our Autumn collection of objects we made patterns in the style of Andy Goldworthy. We used the iPads to take photographs of our designs.

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Year 1

13th September

This week in English we have been continuing our work on ‘Old Bear’ and learning about using adjectives to describe objects. In Maths, we have been comparing and ordering numbers to ten. In Music, we have been learning to find and clap along with a steady pulse and in P.E. we have been travelling in different ways including galloping and side steps. In History, we have been sequencing historic flights. We also had a visitor in class to talk to us about healthy friendships.

New School Year

6th September

We have had a fabulous first week in Year 1!
This week we have been learning our new classroom rules and routines and sharing our news from the Summer holidays. In English, we shared our new class text 'Old Bear' by Jane Hissey and we have been writing sentences about the events of the story using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. In Maths, we have been focusing on place value of numbers 1 - 10. We have started our new topic on the 1969 moon landing in History and our new topic on the seasons and weather in Science. We have discussed our class Christian value of Thankfulness and talked about all the things we are thankful for.

7th June

This week in Maths, we have been learning to identify and add equal groups to multiply. In English, we have started to share our new story 'The Last Wolf' by Mini Grey and we have been trying to use higher level vocabulary in our writing. In Science, we have been talking about litter and how it is dangerous for wildlife and the environment. On Thursday, we had a lovely time at sports day. The children were fantastic! They showed great determination and resilience during each activity.

17th May

This week in English, we have been creating posters to save Black Rock and identifying vocabulary choices in our example text. In Maths, we have been learning how to solve word problems. In P.E. we have been learning to balance when walking on a line, on a bench and on a beam. In R.E. we have been talking about Baptism and how families welcome new babies

10th May

This week in English, we have been working hard to write the end of our return narratives while including words with suffixes -er -est -ing and -ed. In Maths, we have been learning about place value of numbers to 40 and have been learning how to identify number patterns using number lines. In R.E. we have been learning about how different faiths celebrate the birth of a baby. In History, we have been learning more about the Wright Brothers and have been sequencing their journey to building the Wright Flyer.  

8th March

This week, we have had lots of fun making out moving story book of Humpty Dumpty as part of our whole school Design and Technology week. We have creating, making and evaluating our project day by day while learning about mechanisms.

We have had a lovely time celebrating World Book Day. Everyone looked fantastic! The children wrote their own book review and talked to their friends about their favourite stories. We shared many of the books that were brought in and even joined a live zoom with an author.

9th February

This week in English, we have been continuing to discuss our class story - Hermelin by Mini Grey. We have been learning to use word with the prefix 'un' and suffixes 'er' and 'est'. In Maths, we have been learning to subtract from tens and ones using the part part whole model. In Science, we have been learning how to describe different materials and in History, we have been learning about school life in the past.

19th January

This week in Maths, we have been learning to compare and order numbers to 20. In English, we have been writing a character description of Hemelin the detective mouse and in our reading lesson, we have been sharing and discussing the story of Mr Wolf’s Pancakes.  In History, we have been learning about the difference between the past, present and future and in R.E., we have been exploring the story of Jesus calming the storm.

12th January 2024

We have had a lovely first week back. In English, we have been exploring our new class text - Hermelin by Mini Grey. In Maths, we have been learning about numbers to 20 and how to use efficient counting methods.  In History, we have started our topic exploring the history of St Paul's and in R.E., we have been learning the names of the disciples.

15th December

This week we have been very busy preparing for the school nativity performances. In English, we have been writing our instructions to catch magical creatures. In Maths, we have been finishing our work on positions. In Science, we have been learning about the life experiences of people who are audio or visually impaired. In R.E. we have reviewed the nativity story and completed our end of unit assessments

8th December

This week in English,  we have been planning and writing our first draft of our instructions. In Maths, we have been continuing our work on positions and ordinal numbers. In Geography, we have been learning about Wigan and exploring where Wigan is located on a map. In R.E., we have been learning about St Nicholas. We have been very busy practising our songs for the nativity.

1st December

This week we have been working really hard to improve our handwriting and presentation. In English, we have been learning about instructions in preparation to write our own next week. In Maths, we have been learning about ordinal numbers and in Science, we have been identifying things that you can hear. In Geography, we have been matching famous landmarks to capital cities of the UK and in R.E., we have been sequencing the story of the wise men’s journey to meet Jesus.

24th November

This week in Maths, we have been revising our work on place value, addition and subtraction using a range of strategies. In English, we have been learning about instructions and have been exploring imperative (bossy) verbs. In Science, we have been learning about the different parts of the eye and in Geography we have been looking at the landscapes of the UK. In R.E. we have been learning about Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem.

17th November

This week in English,  we have been working very hard writing our own version of Rapunzel. In Maths, we have been solving subtraction problems using pictures and in Science, we have been matching our senses to our body parts. In Geography, we have been learning about the four countries and four capital cities of the UK.

10th November

This week we have learning about Remembrance Day and learning about why we wear poppies. In English, we have been continuing our work on fairytale narratives and preparing to write our own version of Rapunzel. In Maths, we have been learning to subtract by crossing out and using the part part whole model. In Geography, we have been locating the UK on a world map and exploring the globe using google earth. In R.E., we have been talking about gifts that money cannot buy and remembering that Jesus is the greatest gift.

3rd November

This week, we have been exploring our new topics in Science, Geography and R.E.. We are starting to learn about the Senses in Science, The UK in Geography and Christmas in R.E.. In Maths, we have been using pictures to write number sentences. In English, we have been sharing our new class text 'Rapunzel' by Bethan Woollvin and we have been working hard to write sentences with full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.

20th October

This week in English, we have been writing messages to the toys in the story of Old Bear. In Maths, we have been using the part part whole model to add single digit numbers. We have been completing our end of unit assessments in History, R.E. and Science. We hope you have a lovely half-term break. See you on Monday 30th October.


13th October

This week we have been continuing our work on Old Bear in English. In Maths, we have been using the whole part part model in addition and in Science, we have been learning to identify the three different types of clouds - cirrus, cumulus and stratus. In History, we have been sorting information about the moon and space into fact and fiction and in R.E. we have been learning about Christian Aid and the charitable works they do around the world. 

6th October

We have had another great week in Year 1. On Wednesday, we celebrated harvest festival in the school hall and sang our harvest song ‘The famer plants the seed’. In English, we have been retelling the story of Old Bear and learning about the structure of a finding narrative. In Maths, we have been working on number bonds within 10. In Science, we have been plotting the amount of rainfall on a bar chart. In History, we have been finding information about the moon landing from historical sources. In R.E. we have been learning about the Jewish celebration of Sukkot.  

22nd September

We have had a great week in Year 1 this week. In History, we have been learning about the 1969 Moon Landing and we have been writing questions to Neil Armstrong. In English, we have been looking at grammar and language choice in our class text Old Bear in preparation to write our own finding story. In Maths, we have been learning to compare and order numbers to 10. On Thursday, we marked the International Day of Peace with a special assembly and wrote prayers.


15th September

We have had a very busy week in Year 1. In English, we have been sharing our class story – Old Bear by Jane Hissey and exploring how the characters were feeling when their friend was missing. In Maths, we are continuing to count forwards and backward from 0-10 and we are learning how write numbers in words. In History, we have discussed our new topic of the 1969 moon landing and sequenced pictures of flying inventions in chronological order, from hot air balloons to commercial aeroplanes of today. In R.E., we have learned about harvest festivals around the world and in Science, we have been talking about the seasons and the changing weather.

New School Year

8th September

Welcome to Year 1! We have had a lovely time seeing our friends again and meeting our new teachers. We have talked about the rules and routines in Year 1 and the children are settling in well. This week the children have started place value in Maths and have been finding missing numbers in number sequences. We have explored our new class Christian value – Thankfulness and we have said what we are thankful for. This year P.E. is on Monday and homework, spellings and reading books are given and collected in every Friday.

14th July

In English this week we have been busy completing our comics! I am amazed at the creativity of the children’s illustrations and the amazing stories they have written about the antics the villains and superheroes get up to at ‘St Paul’s Perfect Pupilsville’! In Maths we have been learning about time and telling the time to the hour and to half past the hour. In R.E. we have been writing a letter about forgiveness and describing a time when we forgave someone. In Geography we have been labelling a compass and used this to give directions on a map. This week we have also been to visit Year 2 which was very exciting! We also watched the Year 6 production and thoroughly enjoyed that! The best time was had during our end of term disco too where we had a lot of fun, danced and played games!

Please talk to your children about moving up into Year 2 as they may be feeling anxious or frightened about moving on, and as always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulker

7th July

In English the children have been getting creative with their comic strip stories and they have started to construct them by writing the beginning, middle and end as well the illustrations.  In Maths the children have begun learning about time, o’clock and half past the hour and have been working hard on remember the different parts of an analogue clock, such as hour hand and minute hand. Geography this week was linked with our Science topic on keeping God’s world safe and the children had the opportunity to create a Countryside Code poster, with Shaun the Sheep as the mascot, and enter into a competition! This week we also had our trip to St Paul’s Church and the children had a wonderful time learning all about the church and even had a scavenger hunt! We also took a walk outside the church and learnt so many interesting facts about the Cenotaph, the grave yard and the first St Paul’s Reverend’s tomb, thankfully the weather held up for us to enjoy this day!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulker

30th June

In English the children have been very busy planning the information needed to write their own comic strips. They have been creating the plot, the main characters, the villains, and the superheroes!  In Maths the children have been looking at fractions of halves and quarters and in Science the children have been sorting out rubbish into what can be recycled and what cannot and then reading a report on pollution and answering questions about the report. In RE the children have been busy designing a new coat for Joseph, thinking about the climate he lived in, how to keep him safe and what would have looked special at the time! In music we have been identifying and categorising musical instruments into the 4 areas of an orchestra; percussion, strings, woodwind and brass.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulker

23rd June 

In English we have been writing information texts during Drowning Awareness Week, to show awareness of water safety and to explain to others how to stay safe. We used capital letters, punctuation, expanded noun phrases and a lot of connectives! In Maths we have continued learning about multiplication and division by grouping and halving. In Science we have continued our topic on the environment and created posters about how to save the environment. In RE we wrote about how Joseph would have felt during different stages of his life, and how the children would have felt. In Geography we have been using a compass and drawing maps to show the directions from school to church.

We have had a very busy week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulker

16th June

In English this week we have been leaning about expanded noun phrases and how using these in our sentences makes our writing so much more interesting. In Maths we have been learning about doubles, how to calculate doubles and the language of doubles, for example double 5 equals 10. In Geography we have been learning about direction by using a compass and following maps to locate different landmarks. In RE we have continued our learning on Joseph and what it was like for him as a prisoner! We have been writing letters as if we were Joseph.

This week Year 1 have all been ‘Fabulous Phonics Superheroes’ as they completed their Phonics Screening Checks – I am so proud of everyone’s efforts and the confidence each child displayed going into, and during, the checks. Well done everyone!!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

9th June

In English this week we have been learning all about the prefix – un and how this changes the root word to make it the opposite, for example, happy goes to unhappy. In Maths we have begun our unit on multiplication, and we have been learning how to make equal groups to calculate the total, for example 4 groups of 5 equals 20. In Science this week we have started to look at the impact litter has on the environment and looking at ways in which we can make changes to this impact, such as recycling our rubbish. In RE, Year 1 have been learning all about Joseph, and focused on Joseph, the dreamer; we have been sequencing the story and talking about right from wrong. What a wonderful start to the term!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

19th May

In English this week we have been creating our own questions and looking at adding suffixes to root words. In Science this week we have been categorising animals by their diet and seeing if they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. In Maths this week we have been continuing our work on writing equations to show word problems. In RE we have looked at the scene of a Baptism and enjoyed having Revd Mark visiting! He baptised Alan, our class puppet. In Art this week we have been designing repetitive patterns and creating environmental sculptures. In Computing we have been looking at programmable robots and investigating the buttons on the beebots and beginning to learn about  


Have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

12th May

In Science this week we have been observing animals and describing their features, linking to English by using a lot of adjectives and then we were categorising animals into mammals, birds, amphibians, fish and reptile. In English this week we have been working on punctuation such as full stops, exclamation marks and question marks and we have been seeing how sentences are changed when different punctuation is used and creating our own questions. In Maths this week we have been working on how to add and subtract when working with word problems and we have been looking at ways to understand the relevant information. In RE we have continued to learn about Baptisms in preparation for our visitor, Revd Mark, next week who will demonstrate a baptism in our classroom! In History we have been looking at why The Wright Brothers are so famous and how they impacted on history. We discussed what made them so special and what it means to us today to be able to fly. In PSHCEE we have been working on being a good friend, using kind words and how to work together as a team.


Have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

5th May

In English this week we have been working hard on writing a non-chronological report all about lions! We have really worked hard on our research about lions so that we can write interesting facts about them, using adjectives to describe what they look like and what they do. In Maths this week we have been revising number bonds and we have been making number stories from pictures we looked at. In RE we have been looking at how different religions celebrate the birth of a child, and how those traditions are the same or different to how Christians celebrate the birth of a child through baptising them. In History we have been learning about the timeline of aviation and been creating our own timelines, looking at the first flight of a hot air balloon in 1783 to the first flight to space in 1961. In PE we have carried on with our ordinance skills and working as a team.

We have also been talking a lot about the King’s Coronation this weekend and how excited we all are to be a part of this historical event! We hope you all enjoy watching the King’s Coronation and I look forward to hearing what the children thought about it next week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

28th April

In English this week we have been changing verbs in a sentence to make them past tense and then writing our own sentences using the past tense, for example, ‘Today I am cleaning, yesterday I washed the dishes’. In Maths this week we have explored number patterns and identified what the next number is by counting up in 1s, 2s, 3s or more. In History, we learnt more about the Wright Brothers and looked at a timeline for aviation. We then had a go at drawing our own plane! In RE began to learn about what a baptism is and what they are for, this is a theme we will be continuing with this term! In PE this week we learn some ordinance skills outside and had a lot of fun working as a team to find things in the school grounds!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

21st April

In Year 1, we have been learning more about the Great Fire of London.  We have been developing our understanding of what happened and when as we prepare to write fact files about the events of the disaster.  In Maths, we have explore money and have found the differences between different amounts.  In Science, we are now learning more about materials and their everyday uses. 



31st March

This week we have had a lot of fun finishing off our Easter baskets ready for the gallery on Thursday! We have also enjoyed trying to win an Easter Egg in the tombola! In English this week we have finished our poetry topic and have been learning about imperative verbs! They are so bossy! In Maths this week we have continued with our numbers to 40 and have been learning how to write the numbers, for example 21 is twenty-one, 22 is twenty-two and recapping on how many tens and ones are in each number.

In Science this week we finished our topic on plants and we have really enjoyed learning all about different flowers that are in our gardens, school and in the wild as well as the different types of trees and how we can identify them! In Geography we have finished our topic on our local area, Wigan. We have really enjoyed learning about Geographical features and how to read a map using a key. In RE this week, we have finished our Easter story topic and we thoroughly enjoyed the school’s Easter Service at St Pauls Church!

We hope you have a love Spring Break and look forward to seeing you all next term!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

24th March

This week in English we have begun reading Iggy Peck Architect and identifying rhyming words, which has linked to our previous learning in maths with measuring. We have been working hard on identifying rhyming words and been making lists of rhyming words such as dog, frog, log, fog. In maths we have begun to look at numbers to 40 using our tens and ones to add numbers. We have used a range of resources, such as tens frames and number lines to help us add and looked at patterns in numbers, such as counting in 5s and 10s.

In Science this week we have been learning about trees and how to identify different trees by their leaves using our tree identifier sheets! Then we had a walk outside to see what trees we could find in school. In RE we have been continuing our learning on the Easter Story and retold The Ascension.  We have had a lot of fun making our Easter Baskets in school and we are excited about displaying them for all the parents to see.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

17th March

In Science this week, we have been observing and drawing different types of flowers, for example wild flowers and garden flowers, and labelling the different parts that we can see, and that we can’t see, such as the roots under the soil. I was very impressed with the drawings that were produced, the knowledge the children have about flowers and how much they remembered about the parts of a flower! In English we have been retelling the story of Farmer Duck through drama and then annotating the story to create our own story about Farmer Dog! We have also been continuing with our poetry and learning about rhyming words in preparation of creating our own rhyming poems. In Maths we have been recapping on number bonds to 20, addition, subtraction and measuring.

In RE this week we have reflecting on feelings and considering the way that Jesus’ disciples and followers felt when he died on the cross and how they felt when he was resurrected! In Geography we have been learning all about geographical features and sorting out features into physical features or human features. In PE the children have been learning all about team building and engaging in fun games that encourage and support team building skills.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulkner

10th March

This week in English we have continued our learning on poetry, and we have been writing acrostic poems about spring and about ourselves. I have been amazed at how wonderful the poems, that the children have written, are! In Maths we continued our learning on measurements and begun to measure in centimetres, using rulers. The children have really enjoyed measuring objects around the classroom and seeing which are longer and which are shorter! In Science we have continued to learn about plants and this week we have been learning all about trees!

In RE this week we have been learning all about the Story of Easter. As well as sequencing the story, we have re-enacted the story through the medium of drama, which the children thoroughly enjoyed!  We have also been preparing for our phonics screening and engaging in fun activities to support our phonics knowledge!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulkner

3rd March

This week in English we have started our topic on poetry and we have been learning all about alliteration. We went on an alliteration walk to see the black bin, green gates, gorgeous grass and the clumsy clouds!

In Maths we have been learning about length, height and width and we began measuring using a range of tools, including measuring objects with paperclips! In Science we are learning about plants, flowers and trees and we labelled the parts of a strawberry plant! This linked to our RE topic on Easter, where we looked at new life. During RE we went on a ‘new life’ hunt around the school and found new flowers blooming, new grass growing and new leaves starting to come on the trees. We also took some seeds and planted them so they can grow in the garden.

In PSHEE we looked at routines and went through our bedtime routine and sequenced our own routines; some people liked to put their pyjamas on before they had a wash, some afterwards! The children also had fun playing games in PE this week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulker

17th February

This week in English we have been completing our fact files on the life cycle of the egg and practising our sentences by using capital letters, finger spaces and punctuation as well as handwriting practise. In Maths we have continued to learn about shape and pattern by looking at the properties of 2D shapes and recognising and continuing repeated patterns. In Science we had a lot of fun predicting what would happen to the houses we built out of everyday materials, then observing what happened and explaining why.

In History we compared clothing from the past to the clothes we wear in the present day, we all agreed we liked the clothes from the 1800s and they remind us of the dressing up clothes we can wear today! In RE we continued to learn about the miracles Jesus did, such as turning water into wine (John 2:1-11), and why we think Jesus is special. We wrote our thoughts and feelings down about how we know Jesus is the Son of God.

This week was our Interim Open Day, and it was lovely to see you all and discuss how fabulous your children are. We hope you enjoyed looking at all their hard work!

We hope you all have a lovely half term, and we look forward to seeing you all again in a week!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton, and Mr Faulkner

10th February

This week in English we have been predicting what happens at the end of the story for The Odd Egg where the children created their own versions, we have also begun to write our fact file on the life cycle of an egg. In Maths we have begun our learning on 3D shapes, and we have been looking around our environment to see what 3D shapes we can find. In Science we have been planning our experiments, which we will carry out next week, on which material would be the best to build a house, based on the story The Three Little Pigs.

This week we have had Internet Safety Day and we looked through our ‘virtual’ windows and talked about ways we can keep safe on the internet, for example do not give out our names, addresses and which school we go to on the internet. It has also been Mental Health and Wellbeing Week and we have enjoyed planting bulbs and engaging in wellbeing activities such as yoga.

In RE we looked at all the miracles Jesus has created in the stories we have studied from the Bible, such as Jesus chooses the twelve disciples, Jesus calms the storm and Jesus feeds the 5000. We thought about all the miracles Jesus has done for us and the children shared their own miracles, for example God creating their brothers and sisters is a miracle.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

3rd February

This week in English we have consolidating our learning on capital letters, punctuation, and conjunctions by reading a text a and highlighting the features, when we find them! In maths we have been learning how to use number lines and part-whole models to subtract numbers to 20. In Science we have continued to learn about materials and been categorising a range of everyday objects.

In History, we have continued to learn about the past and looked at what schools in the past had that we do not have in the present, what schools in the present have that schools in the past did not and what both the past and present schools both have. In PE we have been continuing with dance skills and the children have been engaging in the moon landing by putting on their helmets, oxygen tanks and shooting off in their rockets!

We look forward to seeing you all again next week, have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

27th January 

This week in English we have started a new and exciting book called ‘The Odd Egg’. We have been predicting what happens next in the story and created our own endings and we have been learning about conjunctions, such as ‘and’, to make extend our sentences and connect ideas. In maths we have been learning how to use part-whole models and tens frames to help us add numbers to 20, by grouping and counting on. In Science we have been learning about different everyday materials and describing how they feel, we all drew our own favourite toys then discussed what material they are made from and described how they felt.

In RE we have been learning about how Jesus fed the five thousand and we did some drama to re-tell the story from a different perspective, by pretending we were one of the disciples. We definitely have some budding actors in our class! In PE we have been learning about different games from the past, such as corners and continuing to learn dancing skills. In History, we have been comparing the past with the present and using different sources, such as old photographs, to determine what has changed with our school.

I look forward to seeing you all again next week, have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

20th January

Hello everyone, what a wonderful first week we have had together in Year 1! Parents, staff and children have made me feel very welcome, thank you! This week in English we have been continuing to work on our sentence structure, looking at capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and questions marks. We have also been writing our letters to Tom the Yeti; the children have shared some wonderful ideas, such as ‘where do you go on holiday?’. In maths we have been learning how to add on from a specific number to 20, from 2 groups. We have also been recapping on more and fewer, greatest and smallest and one more than, one less than using a range of methods, such as a number line.

In RE we have been learning about how Jesus calmed the sea and we have been sequencing the story and reflecting on times we also felt calm and times we also felt scared! In PE we have been continuing with learning our dancing skills, which has been a lot of fun. In History, we have been learning about the history of St Paul’s school and looking at timelines.

I look forward to seeing you all again next week, have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Stones, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

13th January 2023

This week in English, we have been sharing our class text - Yeti and the Bird and practising how to write letter using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We have been learning to use capital letters for names of people and places and question marks when asking a question. In Maths, we have been continuing our work on place value and using the language of more, fewer, greatest and smallest. In R.E., we have been continuing to learn about Jesus' disciples. In P.E., we have started our new topic - dance.

16th December

We have had a very exciting week this week. On Monday we all saw the puppet show, on Tuesday we enjoyed the pantomime and on Thursday, we had our class party. In class we have been finishing our end of unit assessments, writing our sequel to the story - Lost and Found, making Christmas cards and doing lots of fun Christmas activities.

Thank you to all the children for their hard work this year and thank you for all your kind wishes and gifts, they are very much appreciated.

Ms Stones will join us in the New Year and will be teaching Year 1 from mid-January.

See you next year!

Mrs Pullar, Mrs Atherton and Mr Faulkner

2nd December

This week in English, we have been sharing our new class text 'Lost and Found' and learning to use story openers and endings. In Maths, we have been describing position using ordinal numbers and directional language. In Science, we have been learning about the sense of touch and describing materials. In R.E. we have been learning about St Nicholas and practising our nativity songs in preparation for the advent service. 

25th November

This week in English we have been planning and writing our own version of our class story - I Want My Hat Back. In Maths, we have been using number lines, part, part, whole models and counting back to subtract. In R.E. we have been learning about the journey of the  wise men and have been practising our nativity songs. In Science, we have been learning about how we hear.

11th November

This week in Maths, we have been learning how to subtract within 10 using methods of crossing out, part, part, whole and using a number line. In English, we have been learning how to write questions using a question mark, finger spaces and a capital letter. In Geography, we have been learning how to locate the UK on a world map. In R.E., we have been discussing the gifts that we can give that money cannot buy and how being a good friend is so important. On Tuesday, we really enjoyed watching the Science show.

4th November

We have had a lovely week back after the half-term holidays. In English, we have been learning about features of a narrative and sharing our new class text 'I want my hat back'. In Maths, we have been using pictures to help us to solve addition problems. In Science, we have be learning about the five senses. In Geography, we have been learning about the UK and in R.E. we have been talking about gifts we have received and why they are special to us. 

21st October

We have had a busy week in Year 1. In English, we have been writing our own wanted posters in hope to find the naughty bus. In Maths, we have been continuing use number bonds in addition. In Science, we have been learning about extreme weather conditions. I History, we have been learning the difference between fact and fiction. In R.E, we have been sharing ideas of how we can look after God's wonderful world. In Music, we have been looking at Gustav Holst's The Planet Suite and identifying instruments within the orchestra.

On Wednesday, we really enjoyed our visit to church and performing our harvest song.

14th October

We have had a busy week in Year 1, In the morning, we have been learning our harvest song - A Farmer Plants a Seed ready for the Harvest service. In English, we have been learning about wanted posters and identifying past and present tense verbs. In Maths, we have been learning about the addition of number bonds using the part, part, whole model. In Science, we have been recording our own weather forecast. In History, we have been using sources to find information about the 1969 moon landing and In R.E., we have been learning about the creation story.

9th September

We have had a fantastic first week back after the Summer holidays. This week we have been sharing the text 'You choose' by Pippa Goodhart and talking about what we would choose and why. We have been writing all about ourselves in English and ordering numbers to 10 and 20 in Maths. In R.E., we have been sharing ideas about our class Christian value - Thankfulness, and discussed all the people and things that we are thankful for.  This week, we have started our new History topic on the 1969 moon landing and started our new Science topic all about the seasons and weather patterns.


15th July

We have had an exciting week as we have spent our mornings in Y2 with our new class teacher – Miss Fletcher. In Year 2, we have been talking about classroom routines and how we feel about moving up. In the afternoons, we have been completing our end of unit assessments for Science, R.E. and Geography. We have been learning our class song ready to perform at our Celebration of Learning which will take place in church next week.


8th July

This week we have been busy completing our summer assessments. We have been on our school trip to church and had a lovely time. On the trip, we decided which route we should take using language of left, right and straight ahead. When we arrived at church, Miss Wilkinson told us all about the different parts of the church and told us about the history of St Paul's. We completed a checklist activity and an orienteering activity to find the different features of the church using a map. In Science, we have been learning about how we can reuse, reduce and recycle and in class we have been practising our class song.


1st July

This week we have been retelling the story of ‘Dinosaurs and all that rubbish’ in English and learning how to recycle responsibly in Science. In Maths, we have been learning how to describe position and directions. In Geography we have been learning about the points on a compass and using these to navigate around a map. In R.E., we have been continuing to learn about the story of Joseph and reflect upon how Jacob and Joseph’s brothers felt when they were reunited.


24th June 

This week we have been continuing to share our class text ‘Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish’. We have been exploring how the character might have been feeling and making predictions of what the characters might say to each other. In Maths, we have been continuing our work on measures as we have been learning about mass. We have been using balance scales and cubes to help us to find the total mass of items. In Science, we have been sorting items into recyclable and non-recyclable and learning about what happens to our plastic, metal, glass, and paper when we recycle. In Geography, we have been learning to use positional language of left and right. In R.E. we have been learning about the story of Joseph and his ability to interpret dreams.


17th June

This week In English, we have been sharing our story ‘Dinosaurs and all that rubbish’ and have been continuing to learn how to add prefixes and suffixes. In Maths, we have been learning about and comparing capacities of different containers. In Geography, we have been learning about the seasons and weather patterns and in Science, we have been learning about the dangers or littering.


10th June

Our first week has been very exciting. On Monday, we participated in the egg and spoon race and had a picnic with our friends. On Tuesday in Science, we started our new topic on littering and the environment. On Wednesday in Geography, we started our new topic as we discussed directions and points on a compass. On Thursday, we took part in Sports Day and had a fantastic time. All week in Maths, we have been learning about money and counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s. In English, we have been learning how to add the suffixes of er and est to root words.


27th May

This week in Maths we have been continuing to learn about time and we have started our new topic on money. We have been learning about different coins and grouping coins by size, shape, and colour. In English, we have been continuing to learn about letter writing and have written a letter in the role of a character in the story. We have been learning about statements, questions, and exclamation sentences and when to use full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. In Science, we have continued to learn about different animals and what they eat. In History, we looked at photographs of the Wright Brothers and their aircraft and talked about similarities and differences compared to life today. We have been working hard in phonics in preparation for the Phonics Screening Check which will take place when we return to school after the holidays.


20th May

This week in Year 1. We have been practising our phonics in preparation for the phonic screening test in June. In English, we have been writing different types of sentences. In Maths, we have been learning about time and comparing time using language of later and earlier. In Science, we have been identifying carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and in R.E. we have been continuing to learn about Baptism.


13th May

This week in English, we have been sharing our new class text ‘Yeti and the Bird’ by Nadia Shireen. We have been learning about letters, reading letters from the Yeti, and writing a reply. In Maths, we have started our new unit on time. We are beginning to read o’clock times. In Science, we have been continuing to learn about animals and how to identity and sort animals into groups. In History, we are continuing to learn about the success of the Wright Brothers and why they became successful.

We are continuing to learn all our phonic sounds in preparation for the Year 1 phonics screening check. Please continue to practise the phonic sounds at home by watching the Read Write Inc videos on class dojo.


29th April

This week we have been continuing to share our story – Lost and Found by Oliver Jefferies and learning how to use regular and irregular past tense verbs. In Maths, we have been learning about and comparing numbers to 100 using tens and ones. In Science, we have been learning about pets and how to look after a pet. In History, we have been learning about the Wright Brothers and their invention of the Wright flyer. In RE, we have been learning about baptism and the story of Jesus’ baptism performed by John the Baptist.


22nd April

We have had a great week back after the Easter holidays. It has been lovely to share of all the things we have been doing in the holidays. This week we have been learning about sequel stories in English as we share our new class text – Lost and Found by Oliver Jefferies. In Maths, we have been learning how to count in tens and ones to 100. In Science, we have been talking about animals as we start our brand-new animal world topic. In History, we have been discussing aeroplanes as we introduce our new topic about the flight of the Wright Brothers.

Enter text...

1st April

This week we have been busy getting ready for Easter. We have been decorating our Easter baskets, learning and performing our song at the Easter church service, and learning that Easter isn't all about chocolate.In English, we have been writing our own number rhyme poems. In science, we have been continuing our work on plants. In Geography, we have been learning the difference between human and physical geography and sorting local places into categories. In R.E. we have been learning about the Easter story and the ascension.Thank you for all your support. We hope you have a lovely Easter break.Happy Easter !

18th March

This week we have been writing setting descriptions of places the magic bed will take Georgie on another adventure. In Maths, we have been learning how to share totals into equal groups and in Science, we have been learning the names of different trees and identifying them from their leaves. In Geography, we have been finding out how we know that Wigan is a town not a city, village, or hamlet. In R.E., we have been reflecting upon how the disciples might have felt on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. 


11th March

This week in English we have been continuing to read our new class text 'The Magic Bed' by Jon Burningham and have been learning how to write expanded noun phrases. In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication and finding equal groups. In Science, we went on a spring walk and learned the names of different plants. In Geography, we have been learning about different settlements -  hamlet, village, town, city.  In R.E., we have shared the story of Easter and sequenced the events of Holy Week.


4th March

This week in English we have been sharing our new class text 'The Magic Bed' by Jon Burningham and learning about descriptions and adjectives. In Maths, we have been continuing to learn how to solve word problems. In Science, we have been learning about the parts of a plant and in Geography, we have been learning about local landmarks. In R.E., we have been learning about Easter and the symbols of new life. We enjoyed going to church on Wednesday for the Ash Wednesday service. We enjoyed dressing up on World Book Day.


11th February

This week we have been planning and writing our explanation text in English. In Maths, we have been counting in tens and ones and making number patterns using numbers up to 40. In Science, we have been talking about which materials are best for different purposes. In R.E. we have been comparing life at the time of Jesus to life today.


4th February

This week in Year 1, we have been discussing our class text of The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett as we prepare to write our own explanation of how eggs hatch. In Maths, we have been learning to read and write numbers to 40 and how to count in tens and ones. In History, we have been comparing the clothes children wore in the past to the school uniforms we wear today. In R.E. we have been learning and comparing life at the time of Jesus to life today. In Science, we performed a Three Little Pigs experiment to find out which material is the best to use to build a house. We had great fun as we built model houses in teams out of paper straws, matchsticks and wooden blocks and used a hairdryer to test their strength against the Big Bad Wolf.


28th January

This week we have been learning how to measure using a ruler in Maths. In English, we have been sharing our new class text The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett as we have been exploring explanation texts and their features. In Science, we have been learning about everyday materials and grouping them by their properties. In R.E. we have been learning about Jesus' miracles and talking about how we know that Jesus truly is the son of God


14th January 2022

This week we have been learning to add and subtract number up to 20 in Maths. We have been sharing our new class book of Beegu by Alexis Deacon and learning all about diary entries. We have been learning how to write in role and how to write in the past tense. In Science, we have been naming everyday materials around the classroom. In History, we have been learning about the history of St Paul's school. In R.E. we have been retelling the story of Jesus calming the storm.


10th December

We started the week with our fantastic pupils making us very proud at the Advent Service with their beautiful singing. In English, we have been writing about how the naughty bus has been making a mess in the Year 1 classroom. In Maths, we have been learning about place value of numbers to 20. In science, we have been learning about Helen Keller and how people use braille to read. In Geography, we have been learning about the human and physical features in Wigan. We have loved wearing our Christmas jumpers as we countdown to Christmas day!


3rd December

This week we have been busy learning the songs for the Advent Service next Monday. In R.E. we have been looking at paintings and artworks of the wise men. We talked about how they would have travelled to see Jesus and how they knew to follow the star. In Maths, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes, how to group and sort shapes and how to find and continue patterns. In English, we have been learning how to write captions and headlines as we continue to learn about Newspaper reports. In Science, we have been making observations as we learn about our sense of smell. On Friday, we had our very first trip to church. We were very sensible on the walk there and back and we were very excited to see Reception in their nativity costumes.


26th November

This week, we have been sharing our new class text ‘Naughty Bus’ by Jan and Jerry Oke and learning about newspaper reports in English lessons. In Maths, we have been learning how to describe a position of an object using ordinal numbers and vocabulary of left, right, front, back, etc. In R.E., we have been learning about the journey of the wise men and their visit to King Herod. In Science, we are continuing to learn about the five senses and in Geography, we have been learning about landmarks in the UK.


19th November

We have been working super hard in Year 1 this week. We have been busy writing our own version of ‘I Want My Hat Back’ by Jon Klassen using full stops, capital letters, finger spaces and question marks. In R.E. we have been learning about the birth of Jesus, the greatest gift of all. In Geography, we have been learning about the four countries in the UK and identifying physical features of each country. In Maths, we have been learning about ordinal numbers and positions. We are learning new vocabulary of first, second, third, fourth, etc. and how to write these term using numbers and letters.  


12th November

We have had a good week in Year 1. We have been continuing to share our class text 'I want my hat back' by Jon Klassen and we have been learning how to write statements and questions. In Maths, we have been learning about addition and subtraction families using the part-part whole model. In R.E., we have been talking about precious gifts that money can't buy. In Geography, we have been learning name of the four countries that make up the UK. 


5th November

We have had a great week in Year 1. We have been learning all about the UK in Geography and even found it on a map of the world. In English, we have been learning about the features of a narrative as we continue to share our class text ‘I Want My Hat Back’ by Jon Klassen. In Maths, we have been learning how to subtract numbers within 10 by crossing out, counting back, and using pictorial representations. In R.E., we have been talking about special gifts we have received and how receiving and giving gifts makes us feel.


21st October

This week we have been very busy. In English, we have been writing our wanted posters to find the evil villain – Vacuum and have bee learning how to use conjunctions to join our ideas. In R.E. we have been learning about the creation story and our class Christian Value of Thankfulness. In Maths, we have been adding numbers together using a range of methods. In Science, we have been learning about extreme weathers which happen around the world.


15th October

This week we have been sharing our class text 'Send for a Superhero' by Michael Rosen. We have been learning how to use adjectives in preparation for writing our own wanted poster. Have you seen the evil villains Filth and Vacuum? In Maths, we have been learning how to add two numbers together by counting on and using the par part whole model. In Science, we have been recording the weather in a weekly weather forecast and in History, we have been sorting fact and fiction statements about the moon.


1st October

We have had a busy week in Year 1. We have been learning about Harvest and the Jewish festival of sukkot in R.E.. We have been writing our own fact files about the moon in English and we have been learning about number bonds in Maths. In History, we have been sequencing the events of the moon landing. In Music, we have been practising our harvest song with Mr Carty and learning how to use different dynamics.

24th September

We have had a fantastic week in Year 1. In English, we have been learning how to write in full sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. In Maths, we have been ordering and comparing numbers using blocks and numicon to help us. In Music, we have been learning how to keep a steady pulse and how to sing to different tempos. In Science, we have been learning about the seasons and the weather forecasts.


17th September

We have had a wonderful week in Year 2. In English, we have been learning about fact files and non-chronological reports and have written our own fact file all about ourselves. We have been sharing the story of Sidney, Stella and the moon by Emma Yarlett and have been making predictions of what might happen next and sequencing events of the story so far. In phonics, we have been practising the ‘air’ and ‘qu’ sounds and using these sounds to practise writing sentences with capital letters and full stops. In Maths, we have been learning about numbers up to 10 and following sequences by counting on and back. In History, we have been learning about flying machines through history and about the 1969 moon landing. Well done Year 1!


10th September

We have had a brilliant first week in Year 1. We have been getting to know each other, sharing news, sharing stories, and learning lots of new rhymes and songs to sing together. This week we read Jake’s First Day and talked about pirates. On Thursday, we found lots of coins around our classroom and a letter from a pirate called Sam asking us to help him find his parrot. We wrote letters back, counted the coins and ordered the numerals on the coins and even drew some treasure maps. After dinner we found some feathers and decide to make lost posters to help find Sam’s parrot. On Friday, we found another letter from Sam. We read the letter together. It told us what Pat looks like. We made pictures of Pat the parrot and wrote letters asking him to come home. We found Pat and have told him that he needs to fly home to Sam.


16th July

It has been quite a year for Year 1!  They have shown great resilience and have developed a growth mindset which has helped them to overcome a number of obstacles as they get through this year.  They should be very proud of themselves, the grown ups certainly are.  We have been using our imaginations to build our own stories this week so that we can stretch our skills as we move on to Year 2.  Thank you all for your support this year, we hope you all have a lovely summer break.

9th July

In Year 1, we have been deepening our understanding of the story of Joseph.  We have been able to share and discuss our thoughts and feelings as well as sharing our own dreams.  This helped us in our English work too as we read The Magic Bed by John Burningham.  We are using these thoughts to help us to build our imaginative ideas.


2nd July

In Year 1, we have worked very hard to show off our skills in Maths and Reading.  We have also been working hard on our skills in phonics and aim to show what we know next week.  We have all grown so much since the start of the year and that’s an amazing achievement seeing as it has been quite an unusual year.  Keep it up Year 1!


25th June

Year 1 enjoyed their trip to church this week. They created maps of the route that we took, completed traffic surveys and had the opportunity to be shown around the church building. They used their geography skills further back at school and guided each other around the playground using compass points to give directions.


18th June

In Year 1 we have been dividing groups of numbers by sharing them between groups.  We have been learning more about the architect Giles Gilbert Scott as we prepare to write a biography.  We have been exploring the story of Joseph and sequencing the story so that we can share our feelings on it.  In Geography we have been developing our skills with maps and compasses to help us with our trip to church next week..

11th June

In Year 1, we had our super Sport’s Day this week.  We loved to get outside and show off our skills.  We hope you get to see for yourself next year.  We are learning about plurals and the way in which we can build words, this is helping us to be aware of how words come together and how we can apply those rules for newer words.  We have been working incredibly hard on multiples and using arrays to help us.


28th May

In Year 1 we have been deepening our skills in phonics and making sure that we are using our skills to impact on our writing.  We have written a review of our class book and edited it so that we have created a super final piece of writing.  In Maths we have used our skills in addition and subtraction to solve word problems.  We have been very lucky to have Classroom Kitchen this week.  We used our bridge and claw method of cutting to create a yummy salad.


21st May

In Year 1, we have been building our understanding on suffixes.  We have been exploring the way in which adding suffixes can change a word and what it means.  In Maths, we have continued to have a go at some word problems.  We are using part-whole, number bonds and number families to help us.  We have been building our ideas for our cooking competition with Classroom Kitchen.  In class we have been supporting each other and working on our snack creations when making fruit and vegetable snacks.


14th May

In Year 1, we have been exploring the story of Yeti and the Bird.  This is helping us to explore the styles that the author uses so that we can see which skills will help us in our own writing.  In Maths, we have been bringing all of our understanding together to solve word problems.  This includes having a go at addition, subtraction, multiplication and division sums to try and answer the questions.

7th May

In Year 1, we have been bringing together our stories about the boy and the penguin.  We have created an interesting opening, a middle with a problem and solution and an ending that warms our hearts.  In Maths, we have been finding the missing numbers by following clues and using number lines and grids.  We have explored animal groups further and have been placing the animals that we know into categories.


30th April

In Year 1 we have been building towards writing our own story for the boy and the penguin.  We have been planning our ideas using a story mountain and a story map – this will help us to bring our ideas together as we edit and write our own adventure.  In Maths we have been continuing to build our counting skills by grouping in tens and counting on.  We have been learning more about different groups of animals and have some super facts to share.


23rd April 

Year 1 have settled back into the school routine very quickly.  We have been immersing ourselves in our new story Lost and Found.  We have been exploring the characters in the story and deciding how they might think or feel using adjectives to help us.  In Maths we have been counting by grouping into 2s, 5s and 10s.  This is helping us to count on using numbers up to 100.  We are beginning our work on The Wright Brothers and have been hearing about some of the inventions that they worked on, this will be a good starting point to help us to learn more in History.


26th March

It has been a difficult week in Y4, with our termly test papers due for completion. We have coped admirably however, despite the challenges set in front of us and have maybe even surprised ourselves with how well we have managed. May I just take this opportunity to thank all the children for their efforts this week and congratulate them on their hard work, resilience and growth mindsets, they have been a pleasure to teach. Elsewhere, we have continued to learn about human anatomy in our Science lessons, mountainous regions across the globe in Geography and all about Easter in RE.


26th March

In Year 1 we have been exploring the themes of our literacy book and learning more about the different ways that we can help to look after the environment. We have been creating our own fact files to encourage others to recycle. We have been developing our understanding of the Easter story and learning more about the events of Holy Week.


19th March

Year 1 are settling back into the school routine well although they have been missing everyone at home.  We have been discussing our feelings and have reminded ourselves of our skills in resilience.  This is helping the class to work as a team to support each other.  We have introduced our new story 'Dinosaurs - and all that rubbish'.  This is helping us to appreciate the world around us and is creating lots of discussion about the choices that we make.  We continue to learn more about the season of Lent and have been thinking deeply about the events of Holy Week.

Year 1 are settling back into the school routine well although they have been missing everyone at home.  We have been discussing our feelings and have reminded ourselves of our skills in resilience.  This is helping the class to work as a team to support each other.  We have introduced our new story 'Dinosaurs - and all that rubbish'.  This is helping us to appreciate the world around us and is creating lots of discussion about the choices that we make.  We continue to learn more about the season of Lent and have been thinking deeply about the events of Holy Week.


12th March 2021

Welcome back Year 1!  The class have settled back into school really well, I am so proud of how they have overcome these changes to their routine.  They are facing challenges and changes with a growth mindset and they should be very pleased.  We have been focusing on social skills and our class value this week.  This has helped us to learn big new vocabulary and concepts such as ‘respect’ and ‘gratitude’.


18th December

In Year 1, we have had a fantastic week celebrating the birth of Jesus.  We have had a special presentation from the Coverdale Puppets, we have had a virtual Nativity from the Open the Book team and very special assemblies from Vicar Mark, Vicar Dawn and Mr Heyes.  We were lucky enough to be able to end it all with a party in our class bubble.  Thank you so much for your support during these times.  Thank you so much for the kind thoughts, cards and gifts.  I hope that you and your families have a blessed Christmas.  See you all in 2021.

11th December

In Year 1 we have been working hard at learning our lines for the Nativity.  It will look at little different this year but please keep an eye on the school website to be able to see what we have put together for you.  We have built our understanding of question marks so that we can use them in our story writing.  We have used our senses to explore what our bodies can do and have investigated how these work by conducting an experiment.  We made fruit salads in D&T this week with Classroom Kitchen and discussed how the fruits that we were using are good for us.

4th December

In Year 1, we have started to focus on our new book ‘I Want My Hat Back’.  We are exploring how to write like the author by looking at the style that is used.  In Maths, we continue to look at positions and are now learning which way is left and right to help us to explain the position of a person or object. We have been learning more about the Nativity and the reason that we celebrate Christmas.  We will be learning lines to put together our own Nativity story and to share the Christmas spirit as much as we possibly can this year.

27th November

In Year 1, we have worked very hard on our writing.  We are developing our handwriting by including capital letters and full stops to our sentences.  This has helped us to bring our newspaper report writing to a close.  Next, we will move on to our new story ‘I Want My Hat Back’.  In Maths, we have thought about our work on number stories and positions and have been able to show off what we know.  We have been learning more about Christmas and the true meaning of the gifts that we have to offer to those around us.  We are going to build on this as we reflect on the Christmas Story.

20th November

In Year 1 we have been learning how to proofread and edit.  We have used purple pens to make our writing even better than it was before.  This has helped us to develop our newspaper reports.  We have finished our class story and were very surprised who managed to save the day.  In Maths, we have worked on fact families using addition and subtraction.  We are learning more about the world around us and focusing on the UK.  We have looked at Wigan and where it sits in our wonderful world.

13th November

In Year 1 we have developed our newspaper report writing.  We are now proof-reading and editing our ideas to make them even better.  We have been exploring addition and subtraction families in Maths.  On Wednesday, we explored Remembrance Day.  We learnt more on why we have this day and discussed how we were feeling.  We wrote some beautiful, considerate prayers to God.

6th November

In Year 1 we have been exploring our new book ‘Send for a Superhero’.  We have been hearing more about Filth and Vacuum and are building our ideas to help us to create our own newspaper reports.  In Maths, we have been subtracting by crossing out, by using number bonds and by using number lines.  We have explored the fives senses as part of Science and have been tasting fruit to see which words we can use to describe the taste.  We had a fantastic time learning about repeating rhythms and clapping out a beat in music and challenged ourselves by creating our own music.

23rd October

It has been a busy week in Year 1.  We have worked on the way in which sounds can support our writing and have been continuing to build our experience with addition.  We planned and hosted our own weather forecasts to show what we know about the seasons and the weather.  We were very lucky to have some Classroom Kitchen time this week.  We chopped up fruits and vegetables to make snacks and even got to try them.  We have also learnt about Barack Obama as part of our celebrations of Black History Month which has also helped us with our class British Value of Democracy.  The class have been brilliant.  It has been such a busy half term full of changes and new routines and they have shown a great deal of resilience and perseverance.  They should all be very proud of themselves, thank you for your support and have a lovely break.


16th October

In Year 1 we have had a very busy week.  We have been helping Mojo to develop a growth mindset by challenging ourselves using Dojo in class.  Maths has been challenging this week as we use our counting skills to create number sentences.  Naughty Bus has been very challenging too, he is making some terrible choices!  It has helped us to build brilliant new stories for him though and to make our writing even better.

9th October

In Year 1 we have been very disappointed by Naughty Bus.  He has been making some terrible choices.  This has helped us with our adjectives though and we are now preparing to write a new adventure for him.  In maths we have completed our work on number bonds so that we can now use our ideas to support us with addition.  In Science, we are exploring the seasons and the changes in the weather.  As you will have seen, we have experienced many different types of weather this week and are using adjectives to describe what this looks and feels like.


Thank you for your response to Class Dojo, the children are really enjoying using it at school.

2nd October

In Year 1 we have been reading a story called Naughty Bus.  We have been looking for adjectives in the story to see if we can write like the author.  In Maths we have been moving on to working with number bonds and securing our skills with numbers up to 10.  We continue to learn more about the moon landing and are also bringing in some super facts that we have found out at home.  There have been some excellent efforts in reading this week as we look forward to finding out who will win the raffle this week.

25th September

In Year 1 we have completed our story Sidney, Stella and the Moon.  We were really keen to hear how the characters solved the problem.  We are using the new facts that we learnt to help us to write a fact file about the moon landing.  We have continued to build our skills in counting and comparing numbers and know how important it is to build on our number facts when working with numbers up to 10.  We have learnt more about the moon landing this week and would love to share this with everyone at home.

18th September

In Year 1 we have been settling in to our new rules and routines.  The class are doing so well adjusting to these changes and the children should all be very proud of themselves.  We have been focusing on our phonics and using sounds to support us with our reading and writing.  We have been working on numbers up to ten by counting and comparing them.  We are really enjoying our new History subject – The Moon Landing.  We have been learning lots of knew facts at home and at school.  The class are settling in very well, thank you for all of your support during such an unusual time.