Goose Green , Wigan , WN3 6SB
01942 243068

Eco Guardians

Earth Day 2023

On the 21st of April we had a non uniform day to celebrate Earth Day. The children were encouraged to come to school wearing blue or green. Blue represents the ocean and green represents the environment.

Our Eco Guardians planned a whole school assembly that was dedicated to the awareness of how we should be looking after God's wonderful world. We spoke about enviromental changes and how we can make a pledge to save our planet. Reduce. Re-use. Recycle. Every little action helps.

"Go green don't be mean just look at what you've seen." Eco Guardians 2023

Congratulations to the winners of the Christmas Crafty Bag 2022 prize draw. 


Christmas Crafty Bags 2022

As part of our Eco initiative, we used up left over materials from the art cupboard and old displays. We decided to make crafty bags and sell them throughout the school and at our Christmas Fair.

We made posters to promote our Eco project and had a  Crafty Bag production line running at dinnertimes.

The children brought in some of their crafty bag creations  that they had made and were entered into a prize draw. What fun !


Thank you to all those who supported  our project!

We raised £80.80 of which we will purchase more litter pickers and bulbs for the garden.

Eco Guardians 2022/2023

Upcycled Altar

As part of our recycling initiative we have created an altar for our worship assemblies. Our Eco Guardians worked together to upcycle a piece of old furniture which would have been on its way to the skip! They recovered the damaged front and  made a cross for the centre and decorated the rest of it. Our school Chaplain made a lectern cover from some unused material. Rev. Mark very kindly blessed our upcycled altar with the children.

Eco Guardians 2018/2019

Eco Super Hero Competition November 2018

 Eco Guardians Representatives 2017/2018

Spring 2018

Recycling - We enjoyed learning about how to correctly recycle!

Autumn 2017


Biodiversity - Exploring God's wonderful creatures in the garden

School Grounds - We brought in bulbs to plant in our garden area.


 Eco Guardians  

The Eco Guardians meet with Mrs Atherton


Our new fish tank

Gardening  Projects

All children within school now regularly go outside to help with our gardening projects 

Our recycled materials competition

Tigers Aren't Rubbish -

St Pancras Station Saturday 16th March 2013

Eco Conference certificates from Hawkley Hall 2013


 Go Green Week 4 Feb 2013


Eco Assembly with Eco Warriors and Scoop the dog


Autumn Schools Eco Conference

Eco Schools 2012

 Planting Woodlands Trust trees with School Council (courtesy of Sainsburys) 

ECO Conference 2011

Eco 2010/2011

Eco Week

April 2011

Design a bug using recycled items competition

February 2011



Green Your Grounds

The Arndale Centre, Manchester

St Paul's were in the top 3 chosen to display their work at the Arndale Centre.

We now have funding to 'green our grounds' at the front of school after the building work has been completed during 2010. 

Eco Awards 


Display Board

Fair Trade Competition Winner




Recycling Competition 

Outdoor Sculptor

ECO 2008/9

We have now achieved our first Green Flag Award


                                                                                              Eco Badge Competition                                         Litter Picking School Council/Eco

Our Eco and school council members recently entered a 'Fair Trade' competition

see some of the entries below. 


See more ECO information on our noticeboard in school as well as in the school newsletters 

Our Eco-guardians hold regular meetings with Mrs Atherton and pass ideas on to the rest of the school.

Our Eco Code: 

As Global Citizens we aim to make the world a better place

Initiatives have included: paper recycling bins in each office and classroom; litter picks in and around the school and community. We discuss new initiatives at our meetings. 

We now have a recycling bin for left over food hall in order to create compost.  We also have a recycling box to recycle items brought in from home. 

We are also using recycled goods for art work within school with Mrs Atherton. 

We will be holding a competition to create a recycling 'rap' song. 


                                                                                                                            Recycling Box                                  Art Work with Mrs Atherton


Eco and School Council Shared Initiatives - Awards for All

We were granted 'Awards for All' funding after work done by the school council and staff concerned with our School Travel Plan.  Our school grounds are also coming along really well, with new areas for everyone to enjoy.  Play areas as well as seating areas are all well used.  Our Willow Arbour is growing well now.  We have lots of new plants chosen from Pimbo Nurseries as well as a vegetable patch to take care of.  Our scarecrow is also coming along well and a maze is being planned with the school council.  

Pimbo Nurseries and Planting with Mrs Dumican



More Planting done by the children


More Initiatives....... 

Our Art group have decorated the garage with our own school design.   

Year 2, as part of Science lessons, visited Worthington Lakes who are Eco-friendly and learned all about recycling and looking after the environment. 

Below we are creating an ECO global display for the garage with Mrs Atherton and her art club.




   More litter picking   Eco Presentation Assembly  New Willow Arbour  

Our Eco Guardians made recycled paper in the afternoon with Mrs Atherton and he was very impressed. is a website which will tell you all about ECO projects along with some games to play. 

See our new ECO Hall Displays in Our School this Summer Term

Below is Year 6 Carbon Footprint display.

Mrs Atherton also created an ECO global themed display for the WOWS Art Exhibition


"We want to look after our environment in and around our school"  

Some of the things we do regularly and have discussed at meetings are:

* Each class have Eco-Guardians to look after their classroom and meet every 2 weeks to discuss plans.
* Litter and electricity wastage is looked after by all pupils - but checked by the Eco-Guardians
* The teaching staff also meet to discuss plans for the school.
* After an audit of the school last year we found water wastage could be improved - new pressure taps were installed along with a new mains supply to the school.
* A quiet area behind the garage is planned 
* An Eco display board is in the entrance.
* A poster and rap competition was arranged.

We have big plans for our outdoor school environment.

Details of environmental activities being carried out can be seen on our noticeboard.
The school lets parents know of action being undertaken by regular newsletters and on our web site.
The wider school community learns of the environmental activity going on in the school and we keep in touch with the Winstanley Community Team, who recently arranged tree planting as part of 'a brighter borough' - see below 



We now have some gardening equipment using our Tesco school vouchers that we collected.

Volunteers are requested in keeping our school looking GREAT

Scarecrow Making with Mrs Atherton 


Some of the lettuce that the children grew with Mrs Atherton 

During the last week of term Mrs Hitchen helped KS1 to pick the last batch of vegetables that had grown. 




Karen then went on to cook the cauliflower and broccoli that the children had grown in our school garden.


A mixed group of pupils and adults meet to discuss environmental action for the school.

Our ECO news is is displayed on our ECO/School Council board in the school entrance.
Notes are kept of meetings.
Results of group discussions and action to be taken are communicated to the rest of the school.

An informal environmental review of the school was carried out.
Results of the review were discussed by the group and some activities were planned that will change and improve the environmental performance of our school.  This is detailed in our School Action Plan.
Responsibility for taking forward the action was agreed.

The environment group also makes notes of progress towards targets,

The group discusses success or otherwise and agreements of the action being undertaken.  We also decided on our main target of action.
Mr Duncan took on the responsibility of data collection and graphs.

We have applied for our energy certificate.
Environmental issues are covered as part of curriculum work in most year groups across a range of subjects.

Goose Green , Wigan , WN3 6SB
01942 243068

Eco Guardians

Earth Day 2023

On the 21st of April we had a non uniform day to celebrate Earth Day. The children were encouraged to come to school wearing blue or green. Blue represents the ocean and green represents the environment.

Our Eco Guardians planned a whole school assembly that was dedicated to the awareness of how we should be looking after God's wonderful world. We spoke about enviromental changes and how we can make a pledge to save our planet. Reduce. Re-use. Recycle. Every little action helps.

"Go green don't be mean just look at what you've seen." Eco Guardians 2023

Congratulations to the winners of the Christmas Crafty Bag 2022 prize draw. 


Christmas Crafty Bags 2022

As part of our Eco initiative, we used up left over materials from the art cupboard and old displays. We decided to make crafty bags and sell them throughout the school and at our Christmas Fair.

We made posters to promote our Eco project and had a  Crafty Bag production line running at dinnertimes.

The children brought in some of their crafty bag creations  that they had made and were entered into a prize draw. What fun !


Thank you to all those who supported  our project!

We raised £80.80 of which we will purchase more litter pickers and bulbs for the garden.

Eco Guardians 2022/2023

Upcycled Altar

As part of our recycling initiative we have created an altar for our worship assemblies. Our Eco Guardians worked together to upcycle a piece of old furniture which would have been on its way to the skip! They recovered the damaged front and  made a cross for the centre and decorated the rest of it. Our school Chaplain made a lectern cover from some unused material. Rev. Mark very kindly blessed our upcycled altar with the children.

Eco Guardians 2018/2019

Eco Super Hero Competition November 2018

 Eco Guardians Representatives 2017/2018

Spring 2018

Recycling - We enjoyed learning about how to correctly recycle!

Autumn 2017


Biodiversity - Exploring God's wonderful creatures in the garden

School Grounds - We brought in bulbs to plant in our garden area.


 Eco Guardians  

The Eco Guardians meet with Mrs Atherton


Our new fish tank

Gardening  Projects

All children within school now regularly go outside to help with our gardening projects 

Our recycled materials competition

Tigers Aren't Rubbish -

St Pancras Station Saturday 16th March 2013

Eco Conference certificates from Hawkley Hall 2013


 Go Green Week 4 Feb 2013


Eco Assembly with Eco Warriors and Scoop the dog


Autumn Schools Eco Conference

Eco Schools 2012

 Planting Woodlands Trust trees with School Council (courtesy of Sainsburys) 

ECO Conference 2011

Eco 2010/2011

Eco Week

April 2011

Design a bug using recycled items competition

February 2011



Green Your Grounds

The Arndale Centre, Manchester

St Paul's were in the top 3 chosen to display their work at the Arndale Centre.

We now have funding to 'green our grounds' at the front of school after the building work has been completed during 2010. 

Eco Awards 


Display Board

Fair Trade Competition Winner




Recycling Competition 

Outdoor Sculptor

ECO 2008/9

We have now achieved our first Green Flag Award


                                                                                              Eco Badge Competition                                         Litter Picking School Council/Eco

Our Eco and school council members recently entered a 'Fair Trade' competition

see some of the entries below. 


See more ECO information on our noticeboard in school as well as in the school newsletters 

Our Eco-guardians hold regular meetings with Mrs Atherton and pass ideas on to the rest of the school.

Our Eco Code: 

As Global Citizens we aim to make the world a better place

Initiatives have included: paper recycling bins in each office and classroom; litter picks in and around the school and community. We discuss new initiatives at our meetings. 

We now have a recycling bin for left over food hall in order to create compost.  We also have a recycling box to recycle items brought in from home. 

We are also using recycled goods for art work within school with Mrs Atherton. 

We will be holding a competition to create a recycling 'rap' song. 


                                                                                                                            Recycling Box                                  Art Work with Mrs Atherton


Eco and School Council Shared Initiatives - Awards for All

We were granted 'Awards for All' funding after work done by the school council and staff concerned with our School Travel Plan.  Our school grounds are also coming along really well, with new areas for everyone to enjoy.  Play areas as well as seating areas are all well used.  Our Willow Arbour is growing well now.  We have lots of new plants chosen from Pimbo Nurseries as well as a vegetable patch to take care of.  Our scarecrow is also coming along well and a maze is being planned with the school council.  

Pimbo Nurseries and Planting with Mrs Dumican



More Planting done by the children


More Initiatives....... 

Our Art group have decorated the garage with our own school design.   

Year 2, as part of Science lessons, visited Worthington Lakes who are Eco-friendly and learned all about recycling and looking after the environment. 

Below we are creating an ECO global display for the garage with Mrs Atherton and her art club.




   More litter picking   Eco Presentation Assembly  New Willow Arbour  

Our Eco Guardians made recycled paper in the afternoon with Mrs Atherton and he was very impressed. is a website which will tell you all about ECO projects along with some games to play. 

See our new ECO Hall Displays in Our School this Summer Term

Below is Year 6 Carbon Footprint display.

Mrs Atherton also created an ECO global themed display for the WOWS Art Exhibition


"We want to look after our environment in and around our school"  

Some of the things we do regularly and have discussed at meetings are:

* Each class have Eco-Guardians to look after their classroom and meet every 2 weeks to discuss plans.
* Litter and electricity wastage is looked after by all pupils - but checked by the Eco-Guardians
* The teaching staff also meet to discuss plans for the school.
* After an audit of the school last year we found water wastage could be improved - new pressure taps were installed along with a new mains supply to the school.
* A quiet area behind the garage is planned 
* An Eco display board is in the entrance.
* A poster and rap competition was arranged.

We have big plans for our outdoor school environment.

Details of environmental activities being carried out can be seen on our noticeboard.
The school lets parents know of action being undertaken by regular newsletters and on our web site.
The wider school community learns of the environmental activity going on in the school and we keep in touch with the Winstanley Community Team, who recently arranged tree planting as part of 'a brighter borough' - see below 



We now have some gardening equipment using our Tesco school vouchers that we collected.

Volunteers are requested in keeping our school looking GREAT

Scarecrow Making with Mrs Atherton 


Some of the lettuce that the children grew with Mrs Atherton 

During the last week of term Mrs Hitchen helped KS1 to pick the last batch of vegetables that had grown. 




Karen then went on to cook the cauliflower and broccoli that the children had grown in our school garden.


A mixed group of pupils and adults meet to discuss environmental action for the school.

Our ECO news is is displayed on our ECO/School Council board in the school entrance.
Notes are kept of meetings.
Results of group discussions and action to be taken are communicated to the rest of the school.

An informal environmental review of the school was carried out.
Results of the review were discussed by the group and some activities were planned that will change and improve the environmental performance of our school.  This is detailed in our School Action Plan.
Responsibility for taking forward the action was agreed.

The environment group also makes notes of progress towards targets,

The group discusses success or otherwise and agreements of the action being undertaken.  We also decided on our main target of action.
Mr Duncan took on the responsibility of data collection and graphs.

We have applied for our energy certificate.
Environmental issues are covered as part of curriculum work in most year groups across a range of subjects.

Goose Green , Wigan , WN3 6SB
01942 243068

Eco Guardians

Earth Day 2023

On the 21st of April we had a non uniform day to celebrate Earth Day. The children were encouraged to come to school wearing blue or green. Blue represents the ocean and green represents the environment.

Our Eco Guardians planned a whole school assembly that was dedicated to the awareness of how we should be looking after God's wonderful world. We spoke about enviromental changes and how we can make a pledge to save our planet. Reduce. Re-use. Recycle. Every little action helps.

"Go green don't be mean just look at what you've seen." Eco Guardians 2023

Congratulations to the winners of the Christmas Crafty Bag 2022 prize draw. 


Christmas Crafty Bags 2022

As part of our Eco initiative, we used up left over materials from the art cupboard and old displays. We decided to make crafty bags and sell them throughout the school and at our Christmas Fair.

We made posters to promote our Eco project and had a  Crafty Bag production line running at dinnertimes.

The children brought in some of their crafty bag creations  that they had made and were entered into a prize draw. What fun !


Thank you to all those who supported  our project!

We raised £80.80 of which we will purchase more litter pickers and bulbs for the garden.

Eco Guardians 2022/2023

Upcycled Altar

As part of our recycling initiative we have created an altar for our worship assemblies. Our Eco Guardians worked together to upcycle a piece of old furniture which would have been on its way to the skip! They recovered the damaged front and  made a cross for the centre and decorated the rest of it. Our school Chaplain made a lectern cover from some unused material. Rev. Mark very kindly blessed our upcycled altar with the children.

Eco Guardians 2018/2019

Eco Super Hero Competition November 2018

 Eco Guardians Representatives 2017/2018

Spring 2018

Recycling - We enjoyed learning about how to correctly recycle!

Autumn 2017


Biodiversity - Exploring God's wonderful creatures in the garden

School Grounds - We brought in bulbs to plant in our garden area.


 Eco Guardians  

The Eco Guardians meet with Mrs Atherton


Our new fish tank

Gardening  Projects

All children within school now regularly go outside to help with our gardening projects 

Our recycled materials competition

Tigers Aren't Rubbish -

St Pancras Station Saturday 16th March 2013

Eco Conference certificates from Hawkley Hall 2013


 Go Green Week 4 Feb 2013


Eco Assembly with Eco Warriors and Scoop the dog


Autumn Schools Eco Conference

Eco Schools 2012

 Planting Woodlands Trust trees with School Council (courtesy of Sainsburys) 

ECO Conference 2011

Eco 2010/2011

Eco Week

April 2011

Design a bug using recycled items competition

February 2011



Green Your Grounds

The Arndale Centre, Manchester

St Paul's were in the top 3 chosen to display their work at the Arndale Centre.

We now have funding to 'green our grounds' at the front of school after the building work has been completed during 2010. 

Eco Awards 


Display Board

Fair Trade Competition Winner




Recycling Competition 

Outdoor Sculptor

ECO 2008/9

We have now achieved our first Green Flag Award


                                                                                              Eco Badge Competition                                         Litter Picking School Council/Eco

Our Eco and school council members recently entered a 'Fair Trade' competition

see some of the entries below. 


See more ECO information on our noticeboard in school as well as in the school newsletters 

Our Eco-guardians hold regular meetings with Mrs Atherton and pass ideas on to the rest of the school.

Our Eco Code: 

As Global Citizens we aim to make the world a better place

Initiatives have included: paper recycling bins in each office and classroom; litter picks in and around the school and community. We discuss new initiatives at our meetings. 

We now have a recycling bin for left over food hall in order to create compost.  We also have a recycling box to recycle items brought in from home. 

We are also using recycled goods for art work within school with Mrs Atherton. 

We will be holding a competition to create a recycling 'rap' song. 


                                                                                                                            Recycling Box                                  Art Work with Mrs Atherton


Eco and School Council Shared Initiatives - Awards for All

We were granted 'Awards for All' funding after work done by the school council and staff concerned with our School Travel Plan.  Our school grounds are also coming along really well, with new areas for everyone to enjoy.  Play areas as well as seating areas are all well used.  Our Willow Arbour is growing well now.  We have lots of new plants chosen from Pimbo Nurseries as well as a vegetable patch to take care of.  Our scarecrow is also coming along well and a maze is being planned with the school council.  

Pimbo Nurseries and Planting with Mrs Dumican



More Planting done by the children


More Initiatives....... 

Our Art group have decorated the garage with our own school design.   

Year 2, as part of Science lessons, visited Worthington Lakes who are Eco-friendly and learned all about recycling and looking after the environment. 

Below we are creating an ECO global display for the garage with Mrs Atherton and her art club.




   More litter picking   Eco Presentation Assembly  New Willow Arbour  

Our Eco Guardians made recycled paper in the afternoon with Mrs Atherton and he was very impressed. is a website which will tell you all about ECO projects along with some games to play. 

See our new ECO Hall Displays in Our School this Summer Term

Below is Year 6 Carbon Footprint display.

Mrs Atherton also created an ECO global themed display for the WOWS Art Exhibition


"We want to look after our environment in and around our school"  

Some of the things we do regularly and have discussed at meetings are:

* Each class have Eco-Guardians to look after their classroom and meet every 2 weeks to discuss plans.
* Litter and electricity wastage is looked after by all pupils - but checked by the Eco-Guardians
* The teaching staff also meet to discuss plans for the school.
* After an audit of the school last year we found water wastage could be improved - new pressure taps were installed along with a new mains supply to the school.
* A quiet area behind the garage is planned 
* An Eco display board is in the entrance.
* A poster and rap competition was arranged.

We have big plans for our outdoor school environment.

Details of environmental activities being carried out can be seen on our noticeboard.
The school lets parents know of action being undertaken by regular newsletters and on our web site.
The wider school community learns of the environmental activity going on in the school and we keep in touch with the Winstanley Community Team, who recently arranged tree planting as part of 'a brighter borough' - see below 



We now have some gardening equipment using our Tesco school vouchers that we collected.

Volunteers are requested in keeping our school looking GREAT

Scarecrow Making with Mrs Atherton 


Some of the lettuce that the children grew with Mrs Atherton 

During the last week of term Mrs Hitchen helped KS1 to pick the last batch of vegetables that had grown. 




Karen then went on to cook the cauliflower and broccoli that the children had grown in our school garden.


A mixed group of pupils and adults meet to discuss environmental action for the school.

Our ECO news is is displayed on our ECO/School Council board in the school entrance.
Notes are kept of meetings.
Results of group discussions and action to be taken are communicated to the rest of the school.

An informal environmental review of the school was carried out.
Results of the review were discussed by the group and some activities were planned that will change and improve the environmental performance of our school.  This is detailed in our School Action Plan.
Responsibility for taking forward the action was agreed.

The environment group also makes notes of progress towards targets,

The group discusses success or otherwise and agreements of the action being undertaken.  We also decided on our main target of action.
Mr Duncan took on the responsibility of data collection and graphs.

We have applied for our energy certificate.
Environmental issues are covered as part of curriculum work in most year groups across a range of subjects.

Goose Green , Wigan , WN3 6SB
01942 243068

Eco Guardians

Earth Day 2023

On the 21st of April we had a non uniform day to celebrate Earth Day. The children were encouraged to come to school wearing blue or green. Blue represents the ocean and green represents the environment.

Our Eco Guardians planned a whole school assembly that was dedicated to the awareness of how we should be looking after God's wonderful world. We spoke about enviromental changes and how we can make a pledge to save our planet. Reduce. Re-use. Recycle. Every little action helps.

"Go green don't be mean just look at what you've seen." Eco Guardians 2023

Congratulations to the winners of the Christmas Crafty Bag 2022 prize draw. 


Christmas Crafty Bags 2022

As part of our Eco initiative, we used up left over materials from the art cupboard and old displays. We decided to make crafty bags and sell them throughout the school and at our Christmas Fair.

We made posters to promote our Eco project and had a  Crafty Bag production line running at dinnertimes.

The children brought in some of their crafty bag creations  that they had made and were entered into a prize draw. What fun !


Thank you to all those who supported  our project!

We raised £80.80 of which we will purchase more litter pickers and bulbs for the garden.

Eco Guardians 2022/2023

Upcycled Altar

As part of our recycling initiative we have created an altar for our worship assemblies. Our Eco Guardians worked together to upcycle a piece of old furniture which would have been on its way to the skip! They recovered the damaged front and  made a cross for the centre and decorated the rest of it. Our school Chaplain made a lectern cover from some unused material. Rev. Mark very kindly blessed our upcycled altar with the children.

Eco Guardians 2018/2019

Eco Super Hero Competition November 2018

 Eco Guardians Representatives 2017/2018

Spring 2018

Recycling - We enjoyed learning about how to correctly recycle!

Autumn 2017


Biodiversity - Exploring God's wonderful creatures in the garden

School Grounds - We brought in bulbs to plant in our garden area.


 Eco Guardians  

The Eco Guardians meet with Mrs Atherton


Our new fish tank

Gardening  Projects

All children within school now regularly go outside to help with our gardening projects 

Our recycled materials competition

Tigers Aren't Rubbish -

St Pancras Station Saturday 16th March 2013

Eco Conference certificates from Hawkley Hall 2013


 Go Green Week 4 Feb 2013


Eco Assembly with Eco Warriors and Scoop the dog


Autumn Schools Eco Conference

Eco Schools 2012

 Planting Woodlands Trust trees with School Council (courtesy of Sainsburys) 

ECO Conference 2011

Eco 2010/2011

Eco Week

April 2011

Design a bug using recycled items competition

February 2011



Green Your Grounds

The Arndale Centre, Manchester

St Paul's were in the top 3 chosen to display their work at the Arndale Centre.

We now have funding to 'green our grounds' at the front of school after the building work has been completed during 2010. 

Eco Awards 


Display Board

Fair Trade Competition Winner




Recycling Competition 

Outdoor Sculptor

ECO 2008/9

We have now achieved our first Green Flag Award


                                                                                              Eco Badge Competition                                         Litter Picking School Council/Eco

Our Eco and school council members recently entered a 'Fair Trade' competition

see some of the entries below. 


See more ECO information on our noticeboard in school as well as in the school newsletters 

Our Eco-guardians hold regular meetings with Mrs Atherton and pass ideas on to the rest of the school.

Our Eco Code: 

As Global Citizens we aim to make the world a better place

Initiatives have included: paper recycling bins in each office and classroom; litter picks in and around the school and community. We discuss new initiatives at our meetings. 

We now have a recycling bin for left over food hall in order to create compost.  We also have a recycling box to recycle items brought in from home. 

We are also using recycled goods for art work within school with Mrs Atherton. 

We will be holding a competition to create a recycling 'rap' song. 


                                                                                                                            Recycling Box                                  Art Work with Mrs Atherton


Eco and School Council Shared Initiatives - Awards for All

We were granted 'Awards for All' funding after work done by the school council and staff concerned with our School Travel Plan.  Our school grounds are also coming along really well, with new areas for everyone to enjoy.  Play areas as well as seating areas are all well used.  Our Willow Arbour is growing well now.  We have lots of new plants chosen from Pimbo Nurseries as well as a vegetable patch to take care of.  Our scarecrow is also coming along well and a maze is being planned with the school council.  

Pimbo Nurseries and Planting with Mrs Dumican



More Planting done by the children


More Initiatives....... 

Our Art group have decorated the garage with our own school design.   

Year 2, as part of Science lessons, visited Worthington Lakes who are Eco-friendly and learned all about recycling and looking after the environment. 

Below we are creating an ECO global display for the garage with Mrs Atherton and her art club.




   More litter picking   Eco Presentation Assembly  New Willow Arbour  

Our Eco Guardians made recycled paper in the afternoon with Mrs Atherton and he was very impressed. is a website which will tell you all about ECO projects along with some games to play. 

See our new ECO Hall Displays in Our School this Summer Term

Below is Year 6 Carbon Footprint display.

Mrs Atherton also created an ECO global themed display for the WOWS Art Exhibition


"We want to look after our environment in and around our school"  

Some of the things we do regularly and have discussed at meetings are:

* Each class have Eco-Guardians to look after their classroom and meet every 2 weeks to discuss plans.
* Litter and electricity wastage is looked after by all pupils - but checked by the Eco-Guardians
* The teaching staff also meet to discuss plans for the school.
* After an audit of the school last year we found water wastage could be improved - new pressure taps were installed along with a new mains supply to the school.
* A quiet area behind the garage is planned 
* An Eco display board is in the entrance.
* A poster and rap competition was arranged.

We have big plans for our outdoor school environment.

Details of environmental activities being carried out can be seen on our noticeboard.
The school lets parents know of action being undertaken by regular newsletters and on our web site.
The wider school community learns of the environmental activity going on in the school and we keep in touch with the Winstanley Community Team, who recently arranged tree planting as part of 'a brighter borough' - see below 



We now have some gardening equipment using our Tesco school vouchers that we collected.

Volunteers are requested in keeping our school looking GREAT

Scarecrow Making with Mrs Atherton 


Some of the lettuce that the children grew with Mrs Atherton 

During the last week of term Mrs Hitchen helped KS1 to pick the last batch of vegetables that had grown. 




Karen then went on to cook the cauliflower and broccoli that the children had grown in our school garden.


A mixed group of pupils and adults meet to discuss environmental action for the school.

Our ECO news is is displayed on our ECO/School Council board in the school entrance.
Notes are kept of meetings.
Results of group discussions and action to be taken are communicated to the rest of the school.

An informal environmental review of the school was carried out.
Results of the review were discussed by the group and some activities were planned that will change and improve the environmental performance of our school.  This is detailed in our School Action Plan.
Responsibility for taking forward the action was agreed.

The environment group also makes notes of progress towards targets,

The group discusses success or otherwise and agreements of the action being undertaken.  We also decided on our main target of action.
Mr Duncan took on the responsibility of data collection and graphs.

We have applied for our energy certificate.
Environmental issues are covered as part of curriculum work in most year groups across a range of subjects.