Marie Curie Fundraiser
Over the past few weeks our School Council Representatives have been organising and running a Marie Curie fundraiser.
School Council introduced the fundraiser through a whole school assembly. During their assembly they explained what Marie Curie is and how they help people. Children were invited to buy a Marie Curie daffodil and then on Friday 16th June children had the opprtunity to play a game of children vs. teacher's dodgeball.
The fundraiser was a huge success and fun was had by all. In total we rasied £212.50 for Marie Curie. Thank you to everyone that donated and took part. Well done School Council!
Safer Internet Day
This year Safer Internet Day is being celebrated on 7th February and the theme is 'Want to talk about it? - Making space for conversations about life online.' Our School Council representatives from Year 5 and 6 worked with the Head Boy and Girl to promote Safer Internet Day. They spoke to the whole school in an assembly and shared their understanding of how to stay safe on the Internet.
Read Write Inc. Poster
One of our projects this half term was to make a poster that promotes the Read Write Inc. signals which we use in class. Our Year 4 and Year 6 school Council representatives worked together to produce a fantastic poster for Key Stage 1 to display in their classrooms.
Cloakroom Monitors
One of School Council's tasks this year is to make sure everyone's cloakrooms are tidy at all times. This is to promote a safe and tidy environment. In order to do this 2 children from each class are voted in to become cloakroom monitors. It is their responsibility to keep their cloakroom tidy throughout the day. So far the cloakrooms are looking much tidier - well done!
Our School Council have helped to redesign our celebration certificates to reflect our Curriculum of GRACE.
School Council Representatives 2022/2023
Children in Need
School Council have worked hard this year to promote Children in Need day 2022. During their meetings they took time to create posters to remind everybody to wear something yellow. Thank you to everyone who took part!
Autumn Newsletter 2018
School Council Representatives 2018/2019
Road Safety Awareness
Bikeability Training
School Council Representatives 2017/2018
Our aim for this year is to promote online safety and active travel
New members introduction
Plan Walk to School Week with Mrs Wadsworth
Choose Class Walk to School Week Winners
eSafety class poster competition with Mrs Wadsworth
Class Notices / Update Web Page
Friendship Stop / Playbags & playground equipment / Bike and Scooter review
Start to create our new School Travel Plan towards a Bronze Award with Andy Allen & Rachel from Wigan Council
Plan an eSafety Week / Assembly with Mrs Wadsworth/Miss Corless
Walk to School Surveys and Maps
Our Local Environment - Outdoor planting updates with Mrs Pennington
Clapgate Lane Survey to complete - do we need a speed barrier outside of school?
Walk to School Shoes Day Tuesday 17th May 2016 - we raised £82.50 towards the Butterfly Project Charity
Bike/Scooter Day arranged with Wigan Council
Sainsbury voucher count and active playground storage equipment ordered with Mrs Wadsworth
(Summer Project / School Talent Show with Miss Fletcher / Mr Rigby) TBC
One of our latest outdoor projects was to help in the design of our new outdoor 'prayer space' with Mr Cooke.
We have also planted a Jubilee Oak and a copse of trees in the far corner of the school field as part of our outdoor environment plans courtesy of Woodlands Trust/Sainsburys
WOW Badges - Walk Once a Week Project
Anti-Bullying Assemblies
Isaac in year 5 was our school council eSafety poster competition winner
eSafety assembly - Let's Create a Better Internet - Monday 10th February 2014
Mrs Jackson, our Headteacher, introduced our new School Council on her arrival at St Paul's.
Over the past 5 years there have been many school council initiatives.....
Our last one was to raise funds for the Ruiru Orphange in Kenya by collecting Sainsbury vouchers within our school community and using skipping as a way to involve our school and Kenya.!
you can contact your school council member using messaging on our learnanywhere VLE
Above is Dr Clare Garnsey, who came to tell us all about the RUIRU development fund, during one of our fund raising assemblies. Further details are available within school about our current fund raising.
If you would like to enter any of our skipping challenges, buy a skipping rope or collect Sainsbury vouchers then please see your class school council member.
School Council at Hawkley High