Goose Green , Wigan , WN3 6SB
01942 243068

Year 3

13th September

Y3 have made a good start to formal Maths and English lessons this week. They are really trying hard with their presentation, writing and underlining their own dates and titles and joining their letters. We have talked about practise makes perfect so if they want beautiful handwriting, they need to practise it in their books. We have started Stone Age as our history topic and will begin our science, Animals including Humans tomorrow. These are interesting topics to start the year off with so hopefully the children will enjoy them.

New School Year

6th September 2024

It was lovely to see all the children this week and find out about all the exciting things they have done over the holidays. They have settled in well so far. They have made excellent choices and come up with a set of classroom rules that hopefully will help the year run smoothly. They have also been trying their best with the work we have done. A great start to the year.

19th July

It has been a busy week finishing off all the school work and having time to relax a little and spend time with their friends before the summer break.

5th July

We had a great time this morning taking part on the obstacle course and have enjoyed researching about different animals for Uganda day. We are looking forward to visiting Wigan town centre tomorrow to see the Roman ruins and complete the traffic survey, plus hopefully spend a little time at the park.

28th June 

The children have been enjoying sowing this week. They have been extremely helpful to each other. Threading each others needles, tying knots and showing each other how to stitch. It has been a lovely calm room with great concentration.  They have also worked very hard in the morning completing the and of year assessment.

21st June

We conducted a traffic survey outside of school yesterday. The children got so excited when the different types of vehicles went past. We have started a new reading journal book called the Tear Thief. The children came up with interesting predictions as to what might happen in the story. We will begin sowing next week. If possible please practise threading and tying knots as well as actually sowing.

14th June

We have being looking at volume and capacity in maths this week. The children have enjoyed the practical activities, working with the water. In English we have been preparing to write a diary entry in the style of Emily Sands, an Egyptologist. The children have shared great ideas, now they need to turn it into super writing.

7th June 

There are lots of exciting things being planned for this half term. Such as sports day (Thursday), Wakes week trip and Uganda day. I will keep you informed through Dojo and some parent mails will be set out. The children have been enjoying are measures topic in maths were they have been measure lengths and finding the mass of various objects. Shortly we will move onto measuring liquids. In English we are looking at an Egyptian book that has created lots of descriptive writing. We will also be local at our local area in geography, the environment in science and people who have been called by God in RE.  

24th May

The children have had their final swimming lesson this week. They have all made progress over the year and have also had fun along the way. Hopefully they are all a little more confident in the water now. They have enjoyed learning about the Tudors over the last few weeks, especially the bit about Henry VIII.

17th May

The children achieved their blessings (Class reward) this week so we decorated delicious biscuits. They had a great time. We have started the topic of length in maths. The children have really enjoyed measuring different objects around the room. The children have been writing stories, including a trap that they have invented. They are coming along really well. I can’t wait to read their final pieces.

10th May

We are looking at one of my favourite books for our reading journal activities, Leon and the Place Between. It has an interesting text and amazing illustrations. In maths we have been looking at perimeter. The children have now got to grips with it after finding pretty tricky to start with. Our science topic this half term is forces. They enjoyed working with magnets last week. We are also looking at Tudors in History. Y3 have shown great interest in Henry VIII and his wives.

28th March

Thank you very much for helping your children put together an Easter Tree. They were very creative. Several children also took part in the Easter service in school on Tuesday morning. They spoke loud and clear, representing year 3 very well. I hope the weather is kind over the Easter break and that you all manage to get out and about a little as well as having a well- earned rest.

22nd March

We have been looking at different types of farming in geography. The children enjoyed watching the process of how food gets from the farms to our plates. In RE we are investigating the different emotions felt during Holy Week. The children are becoming more aware of different emotions that people can feel.

8th March

The children have tried very hard with this week’s assessments. They have enjoyed building castles and we will try to complete them next week. I am looking forward to seeing all the different outfits for World Book Day.

1st March

We have started a new class book called Jemmy Button. The children appear to be enjoying it so far. In geography we are looking at different types of farming and comparing British farming to Kenyon. In science lessons we will be investigating light and shadows. Also we will be looking at changing font sizes and shapes in order to make our documents look different. As you can see, it will be a busy half term.


16th February

The children have enjoyed both a Blessings and a Valentine’s disco over the last few days. Thank you to everyone who helped to make Roman artifacts. They were fantastic.

9th February

The children enjoyed their trip to the synagogue this morning. They got to see real versions of the things that we have talked about. The children made good choices and represented ST Paul's very well.

2nd February

For science we have now set up another experiment to see if we can change the colour of a petal by using food colouring in water. The children are watching it closely. In maths we are staring the topic of money. Perhaps you could set up a little shop with your child and get them to pay and give change for things. It would be an enjoyable way of helping your child.

26th January

We had a close look at the plants we grow under different condition. The children were most surprised by the one in the cupboard with no light which had grown very leggy with small yellow leaves. They continued to be surprised several days later when having been kept out of the cupboard its leaves began to turn green. This experiment helped with their understanding of a plants needs for growth.

19th January

The children had a fantastic time yesterday afternoon playing in the snow. Many children worked hard and as part of a team to build amazing snowmen. We are learning a lot about water in English as we continue to work from our book, The Rhythm of the Rain. We have some seeds growing in science to find out what a plant needs in order to grow well.

12th January 2024

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. The children told interesting story of some of the gifts they got and the activities they did. We are starting new topics this week. In Maths will be looking at fractions. Our class book in English is The Rhythm of the Rain. We will be investigating plants in Science and Romans in History. It will be a busy half term with lots of interesting learning to be done.

22nd December

Thank you for your help putting together the volcanoes. The children have enjoyed looking at each others and finding out how they were made. Several of them even erupted. Charlie’s was spectacular. Roman’s was made out of completely different materials from everyone elses. Several staff members voted and the overall winner was Layton. Well done everyone for taking part.

15th December

The children were all excited this week when they came back from Breakfast with Santa. They enjoyed it very much. They are also looking forward to the panto tomorrow and singing in church next week. Most are also trying really hard to achieve blessing so that the class can decorate biscuits before we finish for Christmas. If your child has made a volcano, please can they bring it in on Monday, when we will spend time looking at each other and admiring everyone hard work.

8th December

We have moved on to division in maths. The children are getting to grips with it however more times table practise would help. We have been finding out all about foxes in English. See how much your child can remember  as it will help them with their extended write shortly.

1st December

Congratulations to Y3 who have managed to gain their Blessings reward this week. They will be coming to school in their slippers on Thursday to celebrate. For the next Blessings reward they have chosen to decorate a biscuit. The children have been working hard at swimming and it is beginning to show in their progress. They are all improving. Well done everyone.

24th November

The children really enjoyed the visit from the science man at the end of last week. They  discovered lots about solids, liquids and gasses through simple practical experiments. Y3’s cricketing skills are now beginning to come along, as they learn new things each week.

17th November

I am really pleased with the work the children have been producing on multiplication and division. It has blown my socks off how quickly they have picked it up. Most children are finding our rocks topic very interesting. I have lots of different rocks on my desk that they have brought in. They are getting to know all the tricky words and can use them in their answers. Vocabulary like igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.

10th November

We enjoyed making poppies. We have made a wreath for the window and each child has made one to hopefully wear on Friday then take home. We will have a service in school and take part in a 2 minutes silence. In maths we have been concentrating on the 3 and 4 times table. They children are getting much better recalling the facts.

3rd November

Our class book this half term is Fox by Margaret Wild. It is full of wonderful illustrations and the children are finding it very interesting. We have started multiplication in maths lessons. Please try to get you child to use TT Rockstars at home to help them with this.

20th October

We have made it to the end of term. The children have worked hard. Now they need a well earned rest so they are ready to start again next term when we will be reading a book called Fox for English, starting multiplication and division in maths, Geography is all about volcanoes and science will be rocks. We will also be busy with Christmas activities. It will be another busy half term. Enjoy your holiday.

13th October

The children have made an excellent start to the year in terms of reading at home, learning spellings and times tables. Thank you very much for your help, it is much appreciated. We have been working on subtraction this week in maths. We are now up to the tricky part of decomposition. We are slowly making progress and I am confident by the end of the week we will all understand and be able to complete the process.

6th October

Thank you very much for your Harvest donations. They are very much appreciated. We have been looking at addition with renaming in maths. I am pleasantly surprised just how quick the children have picked the methods up. It has been lovely to see. In English, we have been doing extended writes. This requires the children to put together several skills into one piece of writing. The children are all trying really hard and have produced good pieces.

29th September 

The children have been given a TT Rockstars login this week. Please allow them to log in when possible. It is a fun enjoyable way to help them learn their times tables. We are enjoying The Iron Man story in English. The children are producing some super word showing off their great choices in vocabulary.

22nd September

The children did some super shading and toning in their art lesson. The fish they produced looked really good. They asked some interesting questions about stone age people, that we will be trying to answer over the next half term. Everyone is working hard which is lovely to see.

15th September

The children have made a good start in both maths and English. We are reading the Iron Man and producing lots of work connected to it. In maths, we are starting the year with place value. The children will be working with numbers up to 1000. Thank you for your help in supporting reading at home.

New School Year

8th September

The children all appear to be happy to be back. They have told stories of their adventures over the summer holidays. It sounds like everybody has had a great time. I look forward to getting to know them all over the next weeks.

14 July

In maths we have started our final topic of the year. We are looking at how to measure the perimeter of a shape. Today, we have enjoyed watching Y6’s performance. Y3 really enjoyed it and came out singing the catchy songs. The children have had an opportunity this week, to meet their next teacher and familiarise themselves with the new surroundings.

23rd June

The children have worked hard during assessment week, which has been reflected in their score. They really enjoyed making their castles. They came together very well. I was proud of the resilience shown to make everything stick together. The painting helped to improve the overall look.

16th June

The children have enjoyed reading the Tear Thief over the last couple of weeks. They are working hard to write their own extended sentence using both conjunctions and ideas from the story. We have also design our castles, having looked at castle features such as turrets and battlements. We will start to construct our own next week.

9th June 

The children were excited to learn they will be building castles in DT this half term. Please could you start to collect clean empty boxes for us to use. We are coming to the end of our maths topic on time, however it is something that still needs practise so please keep working on it at home and we will keep returning to it at school.

26th May

We have finally completed our rail engineering project. The children have really enjoyed, measuring, sawing, hole punching, gluing everything together, plus painting the top. It has been really interesting to see their resilience as it has been quite difficult but in the end everyone had success. Well done Y3 for keeping going.

19th May

We have continued to work on time this week. The class are finding it tricky but improving. Please keep practising at home. In history, the children have been learning about life during Tudor times. They have enjoyed finding out just how different it was.

12th May

The swimming teachers have commented that the children are showing great resilience during swimming lessons. Our maths topic over the next few weeks is time. The children need to practise telling the time at home if possible, to help cement their learning from school. Our new English class book is, How to live forever. A book has been lost in the library, with important information inside. Will it be found?

5th May

We painted the tops to our moving vehicles this week. They are looking great. Now all we need to do is put them altogether and make sure they are working. The children have been enjoying adding and subtracting fractions this week. Y3 have been learning a little about King Charles and the coronation and are now looking forward to celebrating this weekend.

28th April

We have continued to investigate fractions for our maths topic. We are getting good at finding equivalents and comparing them. In science, we are studying forces. Then children are very good at identifying if a force is a push, pull or twist. They children are looking at Tudors in history, which they are enjoying.

21st April

We have started our new class book in English, The Mysteries of Harris Burdick. So far it is definitely sparking the children’s imaginations.  Fractions is our maths topic for the next few weeks. We will also attempt to put tops are our trains over this term and hopefully keep the moving at the same time.

31st March

The engineer, Paul visited school on Monday and was impressed by the number of trains that we have been able to complete and get moving. I am going to put some pictures and hopefully videos on Dojo for you to view. The children were very excited when theirs moved. It was great to see.

24th March

Building the moving trains has been very challenging. We are hopeful that we can get everyone of them to move next week when we have a visit from our engineer (Paul). The children are excited to see if they work.

10 March

Our Engineer visited on Tuesday and was delighted with the progress we have made in putting together our moving trains. A few more sessions are needed to complete them. Our new class book is Cinderella of the Nile. If you have Cinderella to home, read it together and ask your child what is the same and different about the books.

3rd March

The children appear to have come back refreshed and ready to learn. They have enjoyed working on their trains this week. In maths we are looking at money. If you could play shop at home over the next few weeks it would help the children with the understanding of the different coins and how they can make different amounts and give change.

17th February

We have started a special project this week. It is all to do with rail engineering. We are going to design and build a moving vehicle. There is lots of measuring and cutting to be done. The children really enjoyed using the saws, to cut the wood. We are looking forward to starting to put the vehicles together after half term.

10th February

We have been learning about volume and capacity this week. The children have enjoyed being in the sink filling different containers and finding out how much water they hold. If you could do some more of this at home it would be much appreciated. The children are enjoying swimming lessons and the coaches report that everyone is improving. Keep trying everyone.

3rd February

The children have enjoyed using the weighing scales, to record the weights of various objects. In science we have been learning lots of new vocabulary relating the photosynthesis. They are tricky words but we are slowly getting the hang of using them.

27th January

The children have enjoyed the topic of measurement over the last few weeks. We are now moving onto mass. If you could do a few weighing activities with your children at home it would help with their understanding. Our new class book is Leon and the place between, which is a magical story the children are loving so far.

20th January

The children seem to be enjoying our length topic in maths. There is great excitement using the tape measures. In science, the children have been learning and using lots of new vocabulary to describe the life cycle of plants.

13th January 2023

The children have settled back in after the Christmas break nicely. They have been using some wonderful vocabulary to describe the tin forest, which is in our class story. Maths has been particularly tricky this week as we have tried to solve word problems using multiplication and division. We need to show resilience and continue to practise these skills throughout the year.

16th December

The children have had a great week full of Christmas activities. From the puppet show to the panto, making cards and boxes, decorating biscuits and also a party. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!

9th December

The children have enjoyed practising their part in the Christmas production, ready for Church on Thursday evening. The volcanoes topic is almost over. If your child has made a volcano at home, please bring them in next week, so we can all look at them. I look forward to seeing your wonderful creations.

2nd December

The children really enjoyed baking their vegetables tarts on Tuesday afternoon. I have put a few pictures on dojo. Most thought it was delicious and many tried vegetables they had never eaten before.

25th November

Today, we have been learning about the advantages and disadvantages of living near a volcano. Don’t forget about making your own volcanoes, bringing them in on 9th December. Have fun making them.

18th November

The children were very excited yesterday to design a seasonal vegetable tart which they will be making in a few weeks time. They have enjoyed the story book, Escape to Pompeii, over the last few weeks and have produced really good stories based on a volcano erupting. Keep working hard everyone.

11th November

Year 3 really enjoyed learning about sound and light from the Travelling Science Man who visited school on Tuesday. Our new maths topic is multiplication. Their knowledge of the 3 times table has really improved over the last few days. Fours are next. Keep working hard Y3.

4th November

The children were really excited about our new science topic on Monday when they discovered they would be learning all about rocks. This will tie in nicely as in Geography they will be finding out about volcanos.

21st October

As a class we have been finding the concept of column subtraction tricky. However, they have shown resilience and most children are now there. We just need to keep practising. Thank you for all your harvest donations. They helped to make our service extra special this morning.

14th October

The children have experienced lots of success this week with out maths work, subtracting numbers using several different methods and deciding for themselves which method they prefer. They really enjoyed cricket, as they practised their batting technique. They all managed to hit the ball. Well done everyone.

7th October 

They children are really enjoying the new class book, Black Dog. They are very excited to find out what happens next everyday. They showed a good understanding of sportsmanship during cricket, impressing Stuart the cricket coach.

30th September

The children have impressed me this week with their first piece of extended writing. They have written excellent letters from Tashi. (The character in our book.) In science, we tried to invent a healthy meal for an astronaut. There were lots of healthy options chosen but in some rather strange combinations. I am not sure I could eat pasta and brown rice in the same meal!

23rd September

It was lovely to meet so many of you on Thursday evening. Thank you very much for your support. The children have had another good week, continuing to work hard in all the different subjects. They also enjoyed the first of 6 cricket sessions with a sports coach.

16th September

The children are getting to grips with the larger numbers we use in Y3, while exploring the place value topic in maths. In English we are looking at informal letter writing, connecting it with our class book, Cloud Tea Monkeys.

9th September

What a brilliant first week in Year 3! This week, the class have been settling into their new routine and roles as KS2 pupils. We have done some settling in work and discussed expectations for Year 3. The class went swimming for the first time this week and are looking forward to their lessons this year. 

In English, we have revised some Y2 skills and completed some descriptive writing pieces with Mrs Fletcher. In Maths, we have been working in place value. A super first week everyone, well done! 


15th July

The children have enjoyed finding out about and spending time with their new teachers. They have made a good impression on Mr Carty and Nero.


8th July

The children are enjoying our new class book, The Pied Piper of Hamelin. They are improving at telling at time and solving problems. Please keep practising at home.


1st J uly

The children have shown resilience this week and completed assessments for both maths and English. There results reflect their efforts. Well done.


10th June

The children enjoyed their egg and spoon racing on Monday. There decorated eggs were fantastic. The medals they received were a great keep sake. I think the enjoyed the Queen’s celebrations both at home and school.


27th May

The children have enjoyed the class book over the last few weeks. They have been trying to persuade each other whether it would be a good idea to read the book about how to live forever or not. They enjoyed the life -saving skills lesson at swimming yesterday.


13th May

The children have created some super fish pictures this week using paper weaving. Fractions, is proving to be a tricky topic, but with resilience the children are now getting to grips with finding equivalents and simplest form. Keep going everyone!


29th April

It was wonderful to see so many colourful 3D shapes arrive this morning. Thank you for making them. We have now started to look at fractions in maths. Our class English book, The Mysteries of Harris Burdick is certainly firing the children’s imaginations. They have thought up many fantastic ideas.


22nd April

The children are looking forward to learning about the Tudors and forces this half term, alongside our maths and English. Their cushions are almost complete so keep an eye for photographs at the end of next week.


1st April

Our maths topic this week is all about identifying different types of lines. The children have enjoyed learning all the new vocabulary, making the lines with their arms and searching for them around the classroom.


25th March

The children have worked very hard this week to answer all the tricky questions as it has been assessment week. Keep going everyone, only one more to go. Keep being superstars.


18th March

In geography lessons, we have been learning the difference between pastoral and arable farming and how some foods get from the farm and to our plates.


11th March

The children are enjoying our science topic of light. We have been investigating how shadows are formed and what different light sources there are.


4th March

We have started new topics in science and geography this week. We will be learning about light and farming and the economy. The children have enjoyed looking at bar charts in maths.


18th February

The children are now half way through Y3. They have all made progress through their hard work and are on their way to achieving year 3 expectations. They need to continue this during the second half of the year, plus build a little more resilience to keep going at the trickier work. They can all do it if they keep trying. Thank you everyone for your continued support.


11th February

The children have wrote some excellent stories this week about Leon and Little Mo visiting a strange world in the place between. They are putting more year 3 objectives in their independent writing, which is lovely to see.


4th February

We have been investigating volume and capacity in maths this week. The children are getting really good at reading the different scales. They have created many wonderful sentences using time adverbials and expanded noun phrases to do with our class book, Leon and the place between.


28th January 

The children are really enjoying our history topic on Romans this half term. They found the lesson on Boudicca very inspiring. They are also learning a song about the Romans, bringing lots of smiles to their faces.


21st January

The children have enjoyed the art activities over the last few weeks and have produced some fantastic drawing of birds using different materials. I look forward to seeing what they can produce in the rest of the topic.


14th January 2022

The children have really enjoyed their new English book, The Tin Forest. They have been intrigued by the clever old man who built a forest of tin. In art, we have been drawing a bird using different materials. The children’s drawings are amazing. They have really tried hard to add lots of detail.


17th December

The children had a great time playing in the swimming pool, on Wednesday. They have also enjoyed several Christmas activities. They have earned a rest after working hard over the term and are now ready for a break. Have a fabulous Christmas everyone.


10th December

Everyone’s volcanoes are fantastic. I can tell there has been a lot of time and effort gone into them. Thank you all. I will send some photo’s over the next few days.


3rd December

We have started work on a new book this week, The Polar Express.  The children appear to be enjoying it. We will watch the film in the final week of term. I am looking forward to seeing all the amazing volcanoes next week.


26th November

The children have concentrated really well this week. They have shown resilience when completing this terms assessments. Which has resulted in positive outcomes. Keep up the hard work both at school and home.


19th November

The children have wrote super stories this week. There descriptions of the volcano exploding were amazing. In maths are new topic is multiplication and division. They have been proving that they can see patterns  and relationships between the them.


12th November

The swimming teacher has informed me this week that he is really pleased with the children in lessons. They are now in routines that lets the lessons flow well, they are making great progress and improving their technique. Keep it up everyone.


5th November

The children are very excited to start new topics in science and geography this week, looking at volcanoes and rocks. We have been working on word problems with addition and subtraction using bar modelling. The children are finding it challenging but with practise are getting better at deciding which operation to use. Keep up the hard work.


21st October

The children have worked hard this half term and deserve a weeks rest, to recharge their batteries ready to start again. Lets hope we all stay safe and restrictions don’t interrupt Christmas activities to much.


15th October

The children have very much enjoyed reading Black Dog over the last two weeks. It has been full of suspense. They have also been getting to grips with column addition and subtraction recently. I am very pleased with the progress they are making as it is getting more difficult.


8th October

The children did very well in their spellings and times table tests this week. Well done everyone, keep up the home learning.


1st October

The children have really enjoyed our first class book, Cloud Tea Monkeys. They can recall the story very well. They have used ideas from the story to write a letter. We have finished our first topic in maths, place value. They showed great understanding. Hopefully this will help them to use the larger numbers needed during year 3.

24th September

Thank you for all the completed homework I have received this morning and the amount of home reading that has been going on over the last few weeks as we all get back into school routines. It will really help you child attempt the new challenges that Y3 brings. Your support is very much appreciated.

17th September

The children have enjoyed the start of their English book this week, Cloud Tea Monkeys. They are getting to grips with larger numbers during are place value maths topic.

10th September

It was lovely to meet all the children this week. They have all settled into the routines and I am looking forward to getting to know them better as the term goes on.


16th July

The children enjoyed meeting Mr Carty this week. They are looking forward to moving on to Year 4 in September.


9th July

We have a wonderful day on Tuesday. It was great to see all the children putting on a play while learning lots about Romans too.


2nd July

Year 3 have worked very hard this week and completed their assessments to the best of their ability. We are looking forward to classroom kitchen this afternoon and continuing to build are 3D castles on Friday.


25th June

Year 3 really enjoyed their geography field trip yesterday. They found out about the traffic in the town centre which we will compare to the local area. They behaviour was great and represented school very well. You should be very proud of them

18th June

The children have really enjoyed reading our class book the Tear Thief. They have produced super sentences around ideas from the story. 

11th June 

We have been looking at the perimeter this week in maths. The children have really enjoyed making their own shapes with set perimeters. They also enjoyed receiving their first reward for blessing in a jar when they got to play with their fidget toys.

28th May

The children have enjoyed writing persuasive letter about our book, How to live forever. After many weeks we are coming to an end of our fractions topic in maths. The children have worked very hard on some tricky concepts. There times table knowledge has definitely helped them. They have also enjoyed doing some paper weaving for art.


21st May

Y3 have been working hard in maths with the topic of fractions. We have been adding, subtracting, finding equivalents, simplifying  and this week finding fractions of an amount. Their times table knowledge has really come in useful. We have also started some paper weaving in art lessons.


14th  May

The small group of children really enjoyed taking part in Classroom Kitchen Cook Off this week. They made a delicious pizza. Unfortunately we didn’t progress to the next round. It was a good experience and lots of fun. Everyone is cooking this afternoon. I hope our mushroom risotto is as good as the pizza.

7th May

Well done to all the children and parents who complete home learning on Thursday.


30th April

Year 3 have really enjoyed the book we are reading in English this week. It has certainly set their imaginations going.


23rd April

Year 3 have settled back in quickly this week. They are really enjoying our new English book.


26th March

Year 3 have had another great week. They have been working hard each morning on this terms assessments. Then have a more relaxed afternoon while learning some sewing skills. The cushions are coming along really well. Keep up the hard work and fantastic behaviour everyone.


19th March

Congratulations Year 3! You have had 100% attendance since we returned to school. Keep it up!


12th March 2021

The children in Y3 have settled back into school very well this week. Everyone has had smiley faces and enjoyed being able to play with friends again.


18th December

We have had a great term here in Year 3. Everyone has worked very hard. Hope you all have a happy, safe and relaxing Christmas.

11th December

The volcanoes that the children made at home and brought to school have been fantastic. We still have another group to look at this afternoon but the creations so far have been amazing. They are an imaginative group. We have really enjoyed the ones that erupted, some of them were spectacular.


4th December

We had a great time cooking last Thursday afternoon. The children all seemed to enjoy the salmon fish fingers. They were all delighted to return to swimming yesterday. Hopefully this will continue now till the end of the year.

27th November

The children have completed several assessments this week. The marks achieved reflect how hard they have worked in year 3. Keep up the hard work everyone.

20th November

We have been working hard on our extended writes this week. The children have planned and produced good stories with lots of description. We have also edited them and will redraft some parts so that on Friday we will have produced our best stories.

13th November

The children have been really excited about rocks this week. We did some investigating to find out if they are permeable, durable and have high or low density.

6th November

Year 3 have returned refreshed and ready to learn. We have started work on the book Escape from Pompeii to tie in with are Geography topic of volcanoes. Everyone enjoyed swimming on Wednesday, however due to restrictions, unfortunately there will be no lessons for 4 weeks.

23rd October

We have had a great first half term. The children have been fabulous. They have adapted to all the changes around school and worked very hard at their academic lessons. You should be very proud of them. I know I am. Enjoy your half term holiday.


16th October

The children have been working very hard this week on the tricky concept of column addition. They have also been using a thesaurus to enable to find alternative vocabulary, which they can then use in their English tasks.


9th October

We had a fantastic time cutting all the ingredients for classroom kitchen. The children thought it tasted delicious. They have taken the recipe home in case you would like to try it.

2nd October

The children have all worked very hard to complete a number of assessments this week.

They are enjoying the individual athletics activities that they are doing with Mr Saunders.


25th September

The children have continued to work hard this week. They have enjoyed writing a letter from Tashi telling her friend all about the tea plantation. They also enjoyed learning the names of the different bones in their bodies as part of our science topic.


18th September

Y3 have settled back into school life very well. In English we have been studying the book Cloud Tea Monkeys. The children are really interested in the story. During Maths lessons we have been looking at place value as in Y3 our number range goes up to 1000. The children have all been really excited about swimming lessons which have turned out to be great fun.

13th March 2020

 The children have all focused very hard during assessment week. This has reflected in the scores they have achieved.

Swimming lessons are going well with all children being able to get along without any type of buoyancy aid. They all need to keep working hard on their technique to allow their strokes to become more efficient.

6th March 2020

Year 3 were dressed in a large variety of fantastic costumes for world book day. They all looked spectacular! There are several pictures from the day on the school twitter.

We are starting a new science topic this week, entitled light and shadow. If you have the opportunity could you try to make some hand shadow puppets with your children. I am sure they would find them very interesting.

28th February 2020

We have started a new book of ‘Jim, a Cautionary Tale’. The children have enjoyed it even though it has a miserable end.

The children were fantastically well behaved in church on Wednesday.

14th February 2020

We have continued our measurement topic, by finding the volume and capacity of different containers.

The children have really enjoyed PE sessions recently, putting together dances using cannons and different levels to enhance their performances.


7th February 2020

Year 3 have continued to read scales in order to work out the mass of different object, plus we have been solving problems involving mass.

In science the children have been learning about the important jobs that different parts of a flower do.


31st January 2020

Year 3 have been using scales to find the mass of various objects this week.

The children have also enjoying working on a new book called Leon and the place between.


24th January 2020

This week Year 3 have had a busy week. The children have enjoyed listening to and working from 'The Tin Forest' story.In Maths we have been using tape measures and metric sticks. Everyone is continuing to make good progress in their swimming lessons.


13th December 2019

The children in Year 3 have had a lovely week with some nice activities included for Christmas. They watched the Coverdale Puppets which retold the story of Jesus’ birth and took part in the Church service on Thursday night. The class created a shape poem in English that was based on a magical journey of a star, snowman or train and the children watched The Polar Express as a treat which was this terms English topic. We completed our Stone Age cave pictures in Art and used different techniques such as collage, layering and blending pastels and charcoal.


6th December 2019

This week, the children have been writing their own kennings poems and editing them. They have been chanting their 3, 4 and 8 times tables and counting in 8’s and multiplying by 8.They have been watching DVD on how Bronze age man learned how to make bronze from mixing copper and tin. They learned how the Europeans came across in boats and showed Stone age man how to make bronze and weapons such as swords. Homework is to practice the new spellings and the 3 and 4 times tables off by heart. The class continued their research on Rocks in Science and investigated their different properties (density/permeable etc). We continued our Cave painting inspired collage in Art.


22nd November 2019

Year 3 have started their new topic in English based on the book The Polar Express this week. We are looking at poems and started off the week analysing shape poems, concrete poems and rhyming poems. We have also looked at similes and alliterations to add detail. In Maths, we have started the topic Multiplication by looking at x3, x4 and x8 and using the language ‘product’ which simply means to multiply. We discussed The Rock Cycle in Science which linked to our Stone Age subject in Topic lessons. The children will be undertaking NFER testing next week and will be supported through this in class by their class teachers and teaching assistants. These simply inform class teachers of next steps for support. We hope you have a restful weekend.


15th November 2019

This week, Year 3 have been practising writing using similes and learning about the possessive apostrophe. They have planned and written their instructions on how to get rid of the giants in the book  ‘The BFG’ 


In Maths, they are continuing with subtraction with ‘renaming’ and now using the bar model method to solve word problems. This week’s homework is subtraction with renaming. On-going homework is spelling, reading and times tables practice. Please ensure that all homework is written in your child’s diary and signed by yourself.  


In Topic we have learned more about tools made and used in the Stone age and as part of Anti- Bullying week, we have looked at our class British Value of ‘Mutual Tolerance.’  We have discussed what this means and talked about examples in our everyday lives. In Science, we discussed our new topic ‘Rocks’ and continued to look at Van Gogh in Art and in particular portrait drawing.




8th November 2019

This week Year 3 have been continuing with subtraction of 3 digit numbers with renaming. They have created dream scenarios and they have been writing with adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions. They have enjoyed imperative commands looking at Bonfire Night safety rules. In Topic, we have been introduced to the prehistoric times and created a time line to place Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age on. In RE we looked at God Is with Us and discussed God and Jesus and the spirit. Homework was to rehearse the chanting of the 3 times tables. We have continued looking at our muscles in Science and PE and have worked on coding in Computing.


1st November 2019

Year 3 have had another busy week. In English, they had to write a letter and remember all the features of a letter. This was an extended independent piece of writing. In Maths, we are continuing to understand mental subtraction skills relying heavily on our place value of 3 - digit numbers. We have now begun the standard column method of subtraction, and with the help of maths equipment we are beginning to consolidate these calculations. In Topic, we have been finishing off our volcano topic looking at stages of an eruption and internet researching active, dormant and extinct ones. In RE, we have finished the work about the prophet ‘Moses’. In science, we have been looking at how our muscles work and which muscles we use to do different activities. In Art, we are looking at Van Gogh’s Starry Night scene and making our own volcano scene in the same style.


18th October 2019

This week in Year 3 we have been practising our Harvest hymn for the service on Wednesday in church. In Maths we are trying hard to add 3 digit numbers with carrying and we need to draw upon place value to understand this addition calculation concept. We have started the subtraction unit now and will continue with this for quite a few lessons. In English we have been focusing on our story book ‘Cloud Tea Monkeys’ and we have written letters and postcards, thinking about how to set out an address. In RE we are looking at the prophet Moses. The class showed their fantastic 3D volcanoes that they made for their homework to the rest of the class and discussed how they made them. Well done Year 3!


10th October 2019

This week, Year 3 have been working hard on column addition with carrying. They have been looking at letters and features of letters and postcards, and creating expanded noun phrases to add detail to our work. In Topic we have been learning to write a glossary about volcanoes. In RE we have learned about prophets. In Science we have looked at naming bones within the body. For our class assembly we discussed the word ‘tolerance’ and all being a part of God’s world. The children know there is no homework this week because some children are needing some extra time to make a model volcano.


4th October 2019

This week, Year 3 have been planning and writing a story about an erupting volcano. They have tried to use fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and inverted commas in their stories.

They have been learning to add 1’s or 10s to a 3 -digit number. Homework is 3 -digit place value and it is due in on Monday/Tuesday.

In Topic, they have located the Ring Of Fire on a world map which is the area where most volcanoes and earthquakes are located and they have learnt about Vulcan the Roman God of fire.

In Science, they looked at types of skeletons and learnt about vertebrates and invertebrates which are made up of exoskeletons and hydro-static skeletons.



27th September 2019

This week Year 3 have been identifying and creating their own expanded noun phrases and putting inverted commas into spoken sentences. They have written their own opening paragraph to a story using these grammatical/ punctuation features. Homework this week is identifying speech within a given text and using correct punctuation for it.

In Maths, they are still getting to grips with 3-digit place value and learning not to mis-count when faced with groups of 4’s and 8’s

In Topic, we have explained/described a labelled diagram of a volcano so that we understand the words: magma, lava, crater, ash clouds, bombs.

In Music we are continuing to practise singing in unison and in rounds identifying the beat and the rhythm of the songs (Frere Jacques, I can sing a rainbow).

In RE we watched a clip of the Lost Son which Jesus spoke about to teach the importance of forgiveness and what forgiveness involves.

In Science we looked at the amounts of nutrition that animals and humans need to survive.

We are still working on improving the presentation of handwriting and making sure finger spaces are present.



20th September 2019

In Year 3 the children have settled well and are working extremely hard.

The children have been learning how to use inverted commas to show the spoken word in our English lessons.

In mathematics we have been counting in 50s! The children are getting rather good at this skill too. This week’s homework is based on place value and counting in 50s.

In geography we have been identifying where in the world volcanoes are found. We have also been listening to the story of “Jonah and The Whale”

In science, we discussed and designed a ‘Healthy Eating lunchbox.’ 

Well done Year 3, keep up the good work.



28th June 2019

Year 2 have had a great week. They met Harold the giraffe who talked to them all about feelings and they hunted down several troublesome dragons.

We are working hard in Maths on our place value topic. Some of our number pattern work has been quite tricky but the children are showing resilience. 


21st June 2019

This week the children have been busy learning about healthy living. Some of the children got to ride a smoothie bike as part of the work our visitors did on keeping healthy.

Going on a dragon tail hunt around school was a really exciting way to start our new English topic!


14th June 2019

Year 2 really enjoyed the visit from the travelling Science Roadshow. They learned lots about how experiments are carried out.

In English we continued our work on the Great Fire of London. The children produced some excellent pieces of writing.

Well done Year 2!


7th June 2019

This week in Year 2 we have started a new topic in English all about London's Burning. The children really enjoyed interviewing Thomas Farriner.

In Maths Year 2 have been counting in halves, quarters and thirds this week. It has been very tricky but with perseverance we have all improved.

Well done Year 2!


24th May 2019

Well done Year 2, you have all tried very hard over the last few weeks while completing your SATS.

Everyone really enjoys learning through Maths Whizz. Don't forget to do some over the holidays to earn some progressions!



17th May 2019

This week the children have been very busy planning out  and writing their own Harry and His Bucketful of Dinosaurs adventure story. I am very excited to read the finished stories.

In Art the children have been looking at the work Henri Matisse. Year 2 have been comparing how he used colour in his different pieces of art work and talked about what they could see in his pictures. They have enjoyed drawing pictures in the style of Matisse and created some brilliant pieces of art.


10th May 2019

This week the children have enjoyed finding out all about different types of dinosaurs. We are continuing to enjoy our class story 'Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs.'

In Maths we are looking at halves, quarters and thirds.

If you could talk to your child about these when perhaps sharing things, apples, pizza etc. this would help them with their understanding.


3rd May 2019

This week Year 2 have enjoyed the start of the 'Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs' topic in English.

Year 2 have continued to work hard in Maths. They have started some new work on Fractions and they have been fantastic so far with all the children making good progress.

Well done Year 2!


5th April 2019

This week Year 2 have had lots of fun making their Easter cards for the competition. 

On Wednesday we all went to church to celebrate our Easter service. The service went well with the children really enjoying their songs.

I hope everyone enjoys their Easter break and comes back refreshed and ready to work hard.


29th March 2019

Year 2 have been working hard, practising for their SATS.

They really enjoyed the water safety assembly learning all about how to stay safe around water.

Extra playtime on Friday for fantastic attendance was made even better with the super sunshine! Lets hope we win again soon.


22nd March 2019

This week have continued to read our class novel ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’. We have been using the story to write instructions of how to catch chickens. We have been learning how to tell the time in Maths and have been practising how to tell the time to five minute intervals. We have been retelling the story of Palm Sunday in R.E. We are continuing to practise our cursive handwriting and have been making steady progress.


15th March 2019

This week have continued to work on joining our letters. Although this was tricky at first, we know we will be able to do it with daily practise. In English, we have started our new class novel – Fantastic Mr Fox. We have been retelling the story and using the story as a starting point for our very own narrative. In Maths, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. We can identify the number of sides and vertices of 2D shapes and the number of faces, edges and vertices of 3D shapes.


8th March 2019

This week in English we have been learning how to write in the past and present tense. We have been continuing to learn about fractions in Maths. On Tuesday, we enjoyed pretending to be robots as we learned how to give directions using half and quarter turns clockwise and anti-clockwise.


1st March 2019

This week we have been learning about fractions of shapes and amounts ready for the upcoming SATs tests. We have looked at halves, quarters and thirds and how to calculate these to solve problems. In R.E. we have been learning Easter, Easter symbols and what they mean. In Science we have been making predictions and talking about what plants need to grow. We have been working very hard to improve our handwriting as we have started to join our letters.


15th February 2019

This week in Year 2 we have been learning all about Jesus healing the paralysed man. We discussed how everybody wanted to see Jesus so the paralysed man had to be lowered down through the roof. We retold the story and explored the range of emotions from the crowd, Jesus and the man. In English, we have been using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to retell the story of Little Red Riding Hood and have been mixing up our traditional tales to write a tale with a twist. 

Have a lovely half-term break.


8th February 2019

We have had a very busy week in Year 2 this week. We have been planting our own seeds and watching them as they grow. We have been continuing to practise our 2,3,5, and 10 times tables and we have been using our multiplication knowledge to divide. We have been learning all about adverbs in Phonics and English sessions.


1st February 2019

This week we have been very busy learning how to divide. We are beginning to write division number sentences and use the maths equipment and jottings to work these out on our own. In English, we have been learning about nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs and how to us them to make a super sentence.  We have been practising our times tables during 5 a day and we have been practising our handwriting and spellings through our weekly dictation sessions.


25th January 2019

This week we have been looking at a range of traditional tales and exploring the features of the text. In topic, we have enjoyed learning about transport though the years. We found out that in 1895, there were only 14 or 15 cars in the UK. We went outside and used tally charts to record how many cars, buses, motorbikes, lorries and bicycles passed school in 10 minutes. We used our data to make comparisons.

Well done to everyone who has started the 100 day challenge! Keep it up!


18th January 2019

This week we have been working very hard in Maths to learn and recall our 2 and 10 times tables. Don’t forget to practice at home.  In science, we have been looking at the life cycle of a plant and what plants need to grow and survive and in English, we have been learning how to write using co-ordinating conjunctions of ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’ and have been working hard to put these in our writing. We have also been looking at how life has changed in Wigan over the past 100 years and we have plotted some key dates on a timeline.


11th January 2019

This week in Maths we have been learning about multiplication. We have started to practice our 2 times table every day and soon we will be learning the 3, 5 and 10 times tables in preparation for SATs. In English, we have started our traditional tales topic and this week we have been focusing on ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. We had to decide who was the real villain in the story and why to write a character description using adjectives.


21st December 2018

This week we have been very busy preparing and performing in the Advent Service and the Afternoon Concert. On Wednesday, we enjoyed the pantomime and enjoyed becoming news readers to report on the naughty elf’s actions. On Friday, we had our Christmas party and golden time. We all enjoyed coming to school in our own clothes, playing games and eating treats.   

On behalf of the Year 2 staff, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


14th December 2018

We have had a very exciting week in Year 2. On Monday, we found flour all around the classroom. In the flour we saw small footprints and a snow angel. We set up an Ipod to record the classroom at night and every day we have been checking to see what has happened. We have identified the suspect as an elf/gnome. We have written wanted posters and we have presented news reports. What will they do next?  


7th December 2018

This week we have been very busy practising for the Advent Service in church and the Afternoon Concert in school. We have been learning all of the songs for the nativity and we are nearly word perfect. We have talked about the importance of each character and remembered that Christmas is not all about presents and treats, but the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ. We were visited by Hawkley Hall High School’s Brass Band, who helped us get into the festive spirit by performing some well-loved carols. Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer was our favourite.


30th November 2018

This week in Year 2 we have been learning how to subtract a two-digit number from another two-digit number (E.G. 42 – 19 =_). We wrote instructions of how to work these calculations out together. We have learned that we take away the ones first, then the tens. If there are not enough ones, we need to exchange one ten for ten ones. Then we can work it out. We enjoyed the science show on Tuesday and a few of us joined in the with demonstrations. In science lessons, we have been learning about reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds, invertebrates (including insects) and fish and we have been sorting animals into the different groups.

23rd November 2018

In Year 2 we have enjoyed learning how to count different amounts of money and how to count in 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s and 20s. On Monday, we made paper aeroplanes in our reading lesson. We read the instructions independently. It was very tricky! We have been practising our spellings EVERY DAY during our spelling challenge.


16th November 2018

This week we have been talking about bullying and what to do if you think you or your friend is being bullied. We talked about how we could choose respect and kindness when we are in the classroom, outside at play-time or at home. The children enjoyed learning the ‘Choose Respect’ song by CBeebies’ Andy and the Odd Socks and enjoyed wearing their odd socks and yellow for Children in Need. The children have also been working extra hard to form letters correctly when completing this week’s spelling challenge.


9th November 2018

Year 2 have had lots of fun investigating how polar bears keep warm in the artic. We discussed the adaptations of the polar bears to their environment and most of us predicted that it was their lovely thick fur that kept them warm.  We tested this by wearing a woolly glove and dipping our hands in ice water. When we all agreed that the gloves did not keep our hands warm, we talked about the extra fat that polar bears have. We then put on a plastic glove and put our hands inside a plastic bag filled with vegetable fat and dipped our hands in the water again. We concluded that it is the extra fat which keeps the polar bear warm.


2nd November 2018

This week in Year 2 we have been working hard adding 2 digit numbers together.

We have been busy writing instructions to make a sandwich.
